This is a website, that has over 130 free online calculators. Free for personal or commercial use.

MAGAVOTESMATTER.COM Refutes the lie that joe biden won the 2020 election.   

GOODNEWSPOST.COM contains an online KJV Bible. KJV audio amd sermons are included. Hope in a time of evil.

Battle Ground America Podcast

Listen To The Tara Show M-F 6AM-10AM     (Live Audio Stream

The TARA SHOW Live Stream on     (Live Video Stream   (M-F 6AM-10AM)



Exercise and Covid plus additional information


Credit      Captain Convey Research



Exercise and Covid (Rumble Link)

Exercise Makes C*19 Infections Mild: New Study in 191,000 People.

The latest study involved 191,000 people and found physically inactive people had a 291% higher odds of death from C*19 compared to physically active people.

Ivermectin works with Zinc if you get covid.

Is COVID-19 Really A Respiratory Disease? No, It Is A Vascular Illness, Claims New Study

Aug 31, 2021

Soon after the emergence of the COVID-19 disease almost 2 years ago and since then, experts have believed that this is a respiratory ailment that primarily affects the respiratory system of the human body.

This virus attacks the lungs, but it can also affect other organs of the body like the kidneys and liver. But then some of the symptoms of this disease and complications were perplexing and very unlike what is usually seen in respiratory illnesses.

So, despite the universally held belief that this is a respiratory disease some researchers tried to figure out the many mysteries of the virus and exactly what kind of disease it causes.

Striving to solve the mystery, researchers from the University of California-San Diego conducted a study and the results show that this viral disease is indeed not a respiratory illness.

Instead, researchers claim that this is more of a vascular ailment and the respiratory symptoms are a result of inflammation of lung tissues.

This study is published in the journal Circulation Research.

Studying the dangerous S protein

During the course of the study, researchers saw how the deadly virus affects the vascular or circulatory system of the human body. They zeroed in on the S protein of the virus.

According to them, the S protein of the virus, the spike that forms the crown, attacks the receptor ACE2, damaging the mitocondrias, which generate the energy of the cells. This damages the endothelium, which lines the blood vessel.

This characteristic of the S protein is known to scientists. What was not known for sure till now is the exact mechanism and role of the S protein. This protein is replicated by all the currently available vaccines.

For the purpose of the study, the researchers created a pseudovirus, which had the S protein but not the rest of the virus. They proved that this protein alone is enough to cause disease.

Vascular symptoms of COVID-19

In many cases, people infected with the COVID-19 virus exhibit blood clots. Some patients also experience what is termed as "Covid feet" and skin conditions.

Stroke has also emerged as a complication of this disease. These are unlike what is seen in patients of respiratory illnesses and are actually indications of vascular irregularities.

Preventing stroke damage. Take this immediately after a stroke. (Dr Eric Berg DC) (Tocotrienols - Vitamin E.)

E Annatto Tocotrienols Deltagold 125mg, Vitamin E Tocotrienols Supplements (Amazon)

Is covid-19 really a virus?
How does it spread if its not a virus?

Remember covid-19 "virus" is a man made bio weapon.

The covid-19 "virus" has never been isolated and tested.

Only samples from a covid virus from 1 person were taken and tested.

These samples were not from a covid-19 virus but were dna sequences.

The actual covid-19 "virus" has never been identified or tested.

Only some dna samples from 1 person who was thought to have a covid-19 virus.

So is the covid-19 "virus" a real virus or something else.

Read the article at the above link and get another opinion about the bio weapon called covid-19.

PROOF COVID Is A Nano-weapon PARASITE; Biotech Analyst Has PROOF COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites


Ask questions.

Don't believe the govment propaganda and drug companys lies about the covid-19 "virus" or the covid-19 "vaccine".

The Stew Peters Show


Captain Convey Note

Its a fact the government and drug companies are in the business to make money.

No only are they in the business to make money your health is not what matters to the govment and drug companies.

The two bio weapons released on the public are examples.

The covid-19 "virus" is a known man made bio weapon.

The covid-19 "vaccines" are also man made bio weapons.

There is an easy way to prevent getting the covid-19 "vaccine" bio weapon. Don't get the jab.

The covid-19 "virus" bio weapon is not actually a virus that has ever been identified and tested.

Only dna samples from 1 person who we are told had covid-19 symptoms was used to start the pandemic stampede.

During the covid pandemic stampede we we told to isolate ourselves with one another.

This is how the bio weapon was spread during the lockdowns.

If you have done your research on the covid-19 "virus" you will find it has never been isolated or tested as a virus to be validated as a virus.

So if it can't be proven to be a virus what is it?

Stew Peters on OAN: COVID-19 is a AI Biosynthetic Parasitic Technology, IT’S NOT A VIRUS

PROOF COVID Is A Nano-weapon PARASITE; Biotech Analyst Has PROOF COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites

Karen Kingston,

Insights Into Pfizer's Lipid Nanotechnologies

Intended Consequences: mRNA Vaccines were Designed to Cause Severe Disease and Be Resistant to Antibodies

The COVID-19 ‘public health’ vaccine campaign was never about ‘preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection’, it was about getting a needle in every arm of every American; from adult seniors to teenage adults and even pregnant women and six-month old babies, in order to force their bodies to produce the pathogenic spike proteins, not SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.

The above documented information is what the "govment" and the drug companies DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW!

Infact the covid and covid "vaccines" are truly about depopulation.

It sounds unreal but if you take the time to know the truth, research, I think you will come to this conclusion also a I have done.

The evidence points to the truth.

You can accept it or continue to live in denial about your "govment" and drug compaines.

In my opinion with all the documented facts listed above it should be obvious what the covid and covid "vaccines" contain and the purpose of both.

FDA Documents Confirm Pfizer's 2021 mRNA Vaccine Lots Had Different Formulations Based on Lot#

Pfizer’s and the FDA’s (CBER) own admissionthat Pfizer’s EUA mRNA vaccines vary in formulations.

When the emergency use (EUA) COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were first rolled out in the United States, many Americans questioned if different formulations were being distributed. Why? Because some people became severely injured or died after vaccination, while others seemed completely fine. Furthermore, some vaccine lots had higher incidences of severe injuries and deaths, while other lots and little to no adverse events per the VAERS database.

People draw straws, lots, to see who wins or to see who looses.

The covid-19 mRNA "vaccines" had different batches containing different ingredients and amounts of the ingredients.

If you got the jab you didn't know it but you picked a Jab from a lot of jabs that contained different ingredients and amounts of those ingredients.

You could call it the luck of the draw.

Since I don't believe in luck I should say the lot you drew was by the grace of God.

If you got a bad batch lot you could become severely injured or die after "vaccination".

If you got a less toxic batch lot your chances or survival from the jab were better after you got the "vaccination".

Do you still think the Jab is safe after reading the documented facts that the Jab was administered in lots that varied the amount of the jab contents you received.

You know Vaxxed To The Maxx got several jabs and promoted the jabs but Vaxxed To The Maxx suddenly dropped over while speaking at a hearing and hasn't been seen in public since.

Watch the video below.


To see the collapse of Vaxx To The Maxx go to - Vaxxed To The Maxx Drops.





Be sure to watch the videos above about what the covid and vaxx contain.

Double check what your are being told.

You need to be aware of what the govment and drug companies are trying to do to you.

They are really trying to kill you using a nano weapon parasite contained in the covid and the 'vaccine".

Shocking. I do think this is true.


Because I have done my research and come to this conclusion.

Covid and covid "vaccines" are Bio weapons that are used to kill and make people sick.

A BIG reason many people don't know the truth about covid and the covid "vaccine" is the truth has been and is being suppressed.

Another BIG problem is millions of people have been injected with the bio weapon or have been infected with the covid bio weapon.

If I had got the jab and the booster jabs believing the "govment" it would be much harder for me to accept the fact the "govment" was trying to kill me or make me sick.

Since I didn't get the Jab I don't have that handicap keeping me from seeing the truth about the covid and covid "vaccine"

I do believe its true the covid bio weapon is not a virus but is a lab created bio weapon that is spread mainly direct contact or some other means but its not spread like a virus.

Thats because the covid is NOT a virus but a lab created bio weapon.

I also believe the covid "vaccine" is what is killing people along with the covid bio weapon.

I am not a doctor.

I just do my own research and come to my own conclusions after getting a third or fourth opinion that I can verify.

You of course may not come to the same conclusion that I have.

You may continue to get the jab.

You may continue to believe the covid-19 "virus" is a virus and not a bio weapon.

Thats OK with me.

I'm not like the "govment" that forces you to get the covid "vaccine" and suppresses the truth about the vaccine including forcing your doctor to only speak in glowing terms of the jab because he or she could loose their license to practice.

You won't allow the jab to be given to your children if you know the truth about the jab and don't want them to be harmed.

There are now no excuses for you.


Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)






america under attack


Credit      Gerald Flurry     America Under Attack (BOOK PDF)

Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk) 12/29/2022

Chapter 6       Chapter 6 America Has No Helper


Excerpt from chapter 6

No Helper


The late conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh knew Donald Trump. He said he asked him if he was guilty of the accusations that the Mueller investigation was using as a pretext. Mr. Trump said no. He asked if he was sure. He said he was absolutely innocent. Mr. Limbaugh then said, If you know it’s false, then they know it too.

Mueller’s special counsel was not a legitimate investigation, Mr. Limbaugh said, and Donald Trump may have been the only one in Washington who didn’t realize it! He said he tried as hard as he could to convince the president that the whole operation was a political attack on his presidency.

President Trump knew he wasn’t guilty of the accusations, but he could not believe that the Department of Justice and the rest of the government were so massively corrupt.

But it was that corrupt!

Especially after eight years of Obama forcibly shaping the government. Special Counsel Mueller knew no collusion with Russia ever occurred—and almost everybody else knew it, too. The leaders at the Justice Department knew it. The leaders at the fbi knew it. The directors of the intelligence agencies knew it.

Members of the congressional committees, both Republican and Democrat, knew it. They all wanted to create the illusion that Mueller’s team was looking for the truth, but it never was. They were simply covering up their attempted coup—their treason against this nation!

How could radicals keep all their corruption quiet? Why did some Republicans let them? Well, they all live by an understanding in “the swamp,” as Washington’s political class is often called.

The understanding is this: If you don’t go along with the way things are done, the established powers will ensure you lose everything! That is why, for example, a Republican congressman characterized Trump supporters as part of a “cult.” He accused 75 million Americans of being in a cult—yet he views the way people in the swamp conduct business as good and normal. That is how sick and warped even some Republicans have become.

These people were literally trying to overthrow the government of the land!

To see the full picture, Mr. Trump would have had to realize that their goal was to cover up the truth about what they were doing.
He would have had to realize that even some of his own lawyers were in on it.

Mr. Limbaugh said lawyers like John Dowd were telling the president that the fastest way to make the investigation go away was to cooperate with it. So he did, knowing they would find no Russian collusion. But this made the investigation seem legitimate.

In America, “innocent until proven guilty” is a foundational principle of justice. The burden of proof is on the accuser. If someone accused you of colluding with Russia, you wouldn’t have to prove that you didn’t; the accuser would have to prove that you did. Yet the Justice Department and the government tried to make Donald Trump out to be guilty unless he proved his innocence, in a blatant attempt to dethrone him.

This is what the 2 Kings 14 prophecy is all about. There was no helper for Israel!

Do you see any help?

Now even Rush Limbaugh, a very influential man who was unafraid of exposing the radical-left agenda, has died.

There is nobody, especially in Washington, who is a helper for Israel!

God was using President Trump, but leftists stole the election and he has been politically exiled!

And none of these terribly guilty elites are being prosecuted, much less convicted or imprisoned—because even many of the prosecutors and the judges are corrupt!

We now know that the Justice Department and fbi lied to the fisa court, yet that court never said anything about it. Why is that? Because they are in on it! This shows you the power of the radical-left deep state.

(UPDATE - Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk) 12/29/2022

Mr. Limbaugh said Trump had trouble accepting how deep the corruption truly goes.

But consider it: The radicals control everything—education, the news media, entertainment, social media, spy agencies—and now, much of the federal government!

They can protect lawless rioters and steal an election at the same time they block your free speech for saying that the election was stolen.

They impeached President Trump even after he left the White House in an attempt to block him from ever holding office again. Meanwhile, they are rewarding people at the very center of the corruption, like Peter Strzok, with high-paying jobs and back pay.

That is the way things work in the swamp. They have the power and the control.
How can you win against that?
How can you win if they rig the election itself?

Rush Limbaugh, a very influential man who was unafraid of exposing the radical-left agenda is gone but America still has a "helper".

The helper is Mark Bradman of

The Conservative Tree House Blog has become the new EIB.

To guard against abuse of power, intelligence agencies’ “information is purposefully put into containment silos; essentially a formal process to block the flow of information between agencies and between the original branches” of government, Bradman wrote (July 4, 2021). These intelligence bureaucrats can keep their information locked away from elected officials if they choose, and there is virtually no oversight! They decide which “silo” you have access to so you see only the intelligence they want you to see.

The intelligence branch has full control over what is considered classified information. That is why this “fourth branch” has control over the three actual, constitutional branches: executive, legislative and judicial. When other branches ask for intelligence information, often the agencies will provide it with key parts redacted to hide what is really going on. They control that, without oversight. The only ones who see the whole picture are Barack Obama and his top men.

This gives these people unparalleled control! They had such power that they could keep President Trump out of crucial information and decisions! Over and again, Trump tried to get people into key positions, and these bureaucrats would deny them. They had unchecked control and could stop him.

This is unconstitutional, illegal, lawless and treasonous! It is unbelievable they can do this and get away with it, yet that is exactly what they are doing.

One article by Bradman is titled “The Surveillance and Political Spying Operations Highlighted by John Durham Are the Tip of the Iceberg.” He is right about that: What we are seeing is only a fraction of this monstrous amount of corruption!

“Barack Obama and [Attorney General] Eric Holder did not create a weaponized doj and fbi,” Bradman wrote; “instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum.

Together they recalibrated the domestic surveillance capabilities, the internal spying systems, so that only their political opposition would be targeted” (Feb. 12, 2022).

By doing this, they gained control of the whole system, and the fruits prove that.

Instead of aiming these powerful tools at terrorists and other enemies outside the country, they aimed it at their political opponents.

These people consider Donald Trump’s Republican followers extremists who must be scrutinized and investigated. And this new security system they can use against them is extraordinarily powerful.

To ensure legislative oversight of the intelligence community, a “Gang of Eight” was created to include top House and Senate leaders, both Republican and Democrat.

The intelligence community is not to carry out intelligence-gathering operations without the majority and minority parties knowing about them—that is against the law.

The legislature is authorized to scrutinize the intelligence operations of this “fourth branch.” “The modern design of this oversight system was done to keep rogue and/or corrupt intelligence operations from happening,”

Bradman wrote. “However … the process was usurped during the Obama era” (ibid).

Comey and his team were investigating Donald Trump for over a year, and these eight members of Congress never knew it.

When Comey testified before Congress on March 20, 2017, why they kept this secret, he arrogantly said it was “because of the sensitivity of the matter.”

Essentially he said, We in agencies like the fbi know how to handle it. We don’t need oversight! James Comey was never elected by anybody, and he isn’t accountable to the people. Yet Congress never pressed him on this point.

That is madness. That is inviting Satan the devil to conquer you!

Regarding Comey’s comment, Bradman wrote, “The arrogance was astounding, and the acceptance by Congress was infuriating.

However, that specific example highlighted just how politically corrupt the system had become.

In essence, Team Obama usurped the entire design of congressional oversight, and Congress just brushed it off.”

This represented “the total usurpation of the entire reason the Gang of Eight exists: to eliminate the potential for political weaponization of the intelligence community by the executive branch. The Gang of Eight notifications to the majority and minority of the legislative branch are specifically designed to make sure what James Comey admitted to doing was never supposed to happen” (ibid).

This means this “fourth branch of government” can do whatever it wants.

How could this happen? Clearly, the Democrats liked what these intel agencies were doing—and some Republicans did as well.

Many of them were themselves corrupt!

(This is the Uniparty. Democrates and Republicans. One Party, not two.) (This is Govment not government.)

How alarming that America has no leaders willing to stand up for the truth. Everybody fears Barack Obama—and they dislike Donald Trump, including most Republicans.

It is bitter to see elected representatives in Congress allow some unelected, arrogant, satanic cabal to take over our country.

It is infuriating to have a tyrant ruling the intelligence agencies and the three constitutional branches.

Now these people are working hard to stop all state-level election reform efforts and to remove constitutional protections so they can steal elections!

This compliant Congress apparently will bend to anything or anyone that has real power.

With precious few exceptions, they will not stand up because they fear retribution.

“Not a single person in power will say openly what has taken place,” Bradman wrote. “They are scared of the fourth branch. The evidence of what has taken place is right there in front of our face” (ibid).

These federal agencies were spying on Americans en masse.

That included everyday Americans, journalists, conservatives, members of the Trump campaign and even sitting members of Congress!

In 2016, there was a 350 percent increase in official requests to unmask the identities of Americans whose communications and other details the government was tracking.

You know they found a lot of incriminating information and used it to blackmail people.

Is that why so many people have remained silent about all this criminal activity? That is the kind of world we live in.

A democracy that is run like this cannot last long.

If Americans do not love law and love government, and cling to them, they will be stripped of them.

A treasonous leader can use that powerful apparatus to rule like an autocrat! That is exactly what Barack Obama did. He said he was going to “fundamentally transform America”—and that is what he has done.

He didn’t explain what he meant by that, but now you can see by the fruits what he meant.

Rush Limbaugh, a very influential man who was unafraid of exposing the radical-left agenda is gone

but America still has a "helper".

The helper is Mark Bradman of

Gerald Flurry     America Under Attack (BOOK PDF)

Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk) 12/29/2022


Captain Convey Note

I listen and read other "conservative" commentators.

I enjoy listening to Mark Levin but know he is dead wrong about a few things.

(1) He ignores the fact the Ukraine "war" is a manufactured war of the deepstate and biden regime.

Mark Levin supports it anyway?

(2) He is dead wrong about Mark Bradman of the

Levin ignores the fact Bradman tells the truth and documents what he says.

I ask myself this question:

How could Mark Levin be so wrong about the manufactured ukraine "war" and ?

My conclusion is he must be compromised someway possible blackmailed by the biden regime?

Mark Levin is not uninformed and must know the truth yet he still supports the manufactured ukrain "war".

The fact Mark Levin also chooses to refute the truth posted on the also makes me think he has been blackmailed possibly.

Mark Levin is in bussiness to make money and that also is a factor I am sure.

Is Mark Levin compromised?

I think he is for the reasons stated above.

It makes no sense for him to hide the truth about the manufactured "war" or the truth that is published on

There are a few other conservative commentators I listen to and double check what they are saying.

I don't agree 100% of the time with these conservative commentators because sometimes they are dead wrong, just like Levin is sometimes.

I agree at lease 95% of the time with sundance, mark bradman, of the blog.

To me the most accurate commentary is on

This website is the closest thing to the EIB network I know of.

Rush's voice on the EIB network is gone but commentary that mirrors his type of deep thinking is found on

EIB - Excellance In Broadcasting Commentary

Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)





Sunglasses and facial recognation



Face Recognition Tech Gets Girl Scout Mom Booted From Rockettes Show — Due to Where She Works

Mom Blocked from Taking Daughter to Radio City Music Hall Event as Result of Facial Recognition and Blacklist


Obviously, New York City contains one of the most widespread surveillance networks as a result of DHS funding and security ‘threats’.  However, the use of facial recognition software as a security feature is not as well known in the U.S. as it has been described in China.

A mom was taking her daughter to a show at Radio City Music Hall when she was pulled aside by security and told she would not be permitted admission.

The lady works for a law firm currently in litigation with the venue’s parent company, Madison Square Garden Entertainment.  All employees of the law firm are blacklisted.

Comrade citizens, what I find interesting about the story is the use of facial recognition to identify the woman and block her entry.  It doesn’t take a deep thinker to see where this type of targeting mechanism can be deployed along ideological lines.

NEW YORK – A recent incident at Radio City Music Hall involving the mother of a Girl Scout is shedding light on the growing controversy of facial recognition, as critics claim it is being used to target perceived enemies — by one of the most famous companies in the country.

Kelly Conlon and her daughter came to New York City the weekend after Thanksgiving as part of a Girl Scout field trip to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Spectacular show. But while her daughter, other members of the Girl Scout troop and their mothers got to go enjoy the show, Conlon wasn’t allowed to do so.

That’s because to Madison Square Garden Entertainment, Conlon isn’t just any mom. They had identified and zeroed in on her, as security guards approached her right as he got into the lobby.

"It was pretty simultaneous, I think, to me, going through the metal detector, that I heard over an intercom or loudspeaker," she told NBC New York. "I heard them say woman with long dark hair and a grey scarf."

She said she was asked her name and to produce identification.

"I believe they said that our recognition picked you up," Conlon said.

A sign says facial recognition is used as a security measure to ensure safety for guests and employees. Conlon says she posed no threat, but the guards still kicked her out with the explanation that they knew she was an attorney.

"They knew my name before I told them. They knew the firm I was associated with before I told them. And they told me I was not allowed to be there," said Conlon.

Conlon is an associate with the New Jersey based law firm, Davis, Saperstein and Solomon, which for years has been involved in personal injury litigation against a restaurant venue now under the umbrella of MSG Entertainment.

"I don’t practice in New York. I’m not an attorney that works on any cases against MSG," said Conlon.

But MSG said she was banned nonetheless — along with fellow attorneys in that firm and others.

"MSG instituted a straightforward policy that precludes attorneys pursuing active litigation against the Company from attending events at our venues until that litigation has been resolved. While we understand this policy is disappointing to some, we cannot ignore the fact that litigation creates an inherently adverse environment. All impacted attorneys were notified of the policy, including Davis, Saperstein and Salomon, which was notified twice," a spokesperson for MSG Entertainment said in a statement.


Captain Convey Note

After reading the above story I began investigating ways people can defeat facial recognition.

I found an interesting website that explained how their sunglasses work to defeat 2D and 3D facial recognition systems.

The cost of their sunglasses was high. $48.00 to $188.00 a pair.

Phantom and Ghost models (including Miasma models) reflect infrared light with the special frame-applied material, in low light conditions they will bounce infrared light back to the camera to erase your facial biometrics.


Since both Phantom and Ghost models (including Miasma models) reflect infrared light with the special frame-applied material, in low light conditions they will bounce infrared light back to the camera to erase your facial biometrics.

Note, IR-Pair, IR-Cloak, IR-Shield and the Universal IR-Clip do not reflect like this on infrared security cameras. These models work with the infrared absorbing lenses alone which become black in the presence of infrared to conceal your eye measurements.


My "homemade (IR) sunglasses.


After reading about the "special frame-applied material" on the sunglasses I started looking for my own to apply to some sunglasses that block IR radiation.

First I found some Sunglasses that block Infared that cost much less.

I looked for glasses that were only green or blue.

The sunglasses lens must be green or blue to block infared (IR) radiation from facial recognition cameras.

Instead of costing $48.00 to $188.00 a pair I found some that cost only $9.89 a pair.

They are green in color.

Check out these safety sunglasses.

safety glasses with IR Green Shade lenses for infrared protection.

Next I looked for infared reflective adhesive strips to add to my $9.89 pair of sunglasses that defeats facial recognition cameras.

3M solas infraed reflective adhesive strips.

A four by one inch strip costs $9.99.

You can stick this on glasses, hats or even skin to make the wearer anonymous.

If the cheaper home made IR facial recognition sunglasses don't work for you then try the more expensive kind.

(IR) facial recognition systems not only look at your eyes but also your facial features.

Thats why its important to add the infared reflective strips to your homemade (IR) defeating sunglasses.

The infared reflective strips help hide some of your facial features.

Your can see this in the video above where the guy is wearing the (IR) defeating sunglasses that include the infared reflective strips.

If you are wearing these (IR) safety sunglasses while walking down the street I think they would work to hide your identity from facial recognition systems.

If you wear a pair of these (IR) facial defeating sunglasses into a venu where they set off an alarm because the facial recognition system can't identity you, that would keep you out of the venue just like you were not wearing the (IR) sunglasses.

You won't know until you try.

If you wear the (IR) sunglasses and the facial recognition system lets you in then the (IR) glasses will have done the job.

The point is if you don't want a facial recognition system to identify you the (IR) glasses are a must along with the infrared reflective adhesive strips on the sunglasses also.

Maybe if the lady in the above story had known about a couple of things she could have entered the venue she was denied from entering because the facial recognition system instantly told the security gurards who she was.

(1) Be aware facial recognition systems can identity you if you don't take precautions.

(2) Get a pair of facial recognition defeating sunglasses.

I will be getting me a pair for sure.

Read All The Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)






Gen. Flynn: Digital vax card and digital currency are coming soon


Credit     Vaccines.News      Digital vaccine ID and the digital currency.

Gen. Michael Flynn, former advisor to former President Donald Trump, warned that the digital vaccine ID and the digital currency are coming soon.

He issued this warning during a recent appearance on the “Flyover Conservatives” podcast with David and Stacy Whited.

General Flynn: "Americans have to understand there is a strategic effort going on to take over the country".

Given this, he urged the people to pay attention to the New World Order, the World Economic Forum and the digital currency because they are very real.

According to the former Trump advisor, all the member countries of the Group of 20 (G20) gave a stamp of approval to the U.S. to become the lead country for the digital vaccine ID.

This is in line with Executive Order 14067 signed by incumbent President Joe Biden in March, which the U.S. government implemented starting Dec. 13.

(Related: Federal Reserve set to introduce privacy-crushing digital currency that can be ‘controlled’ and ‘programmed’ by government bureaucrats.)

“They will implement that in a series of phases.

Principally it will be inside of the government at first to run departments, agencies, activities and commissions to use digital form of digital currency. But I think it’s probably a year to a year and a half away from where we’re going to have sort of an element of control over our lives through the way that we spend our money or the type of money that we’re able to spend,” Flynn said.

China shining example for digital currency implementation

According to Flynn, the digital currency planned by the U.S. would be similar to China’s model – with Stacy agreeing with his sentiment.

He elaborated that the government will use carbon footprint and environmental-social-governance (ESG) scores, which they will force the American people to have. Corporations will be forced to adopt them, and most individuals are going to end up with some type of digital fingerprint.

Flynn said people are going to find that this is the kind of conversation that they are going to have to find themselves in.

“It’s not going to happen within the next 30 days. But it’s going to happen over the next probably two years, certainly the next couple of years here. The [digital vaccine] card is real. This digital currency is very real. You can go and read about them online,” he said.

The former U.S. Army general mentioned that the national security strategy, national military strategy and national economic strategy will also tell people the direction that America is heading under the current administration.

With the topic turning to politics, Flynn noted the American people now have a lack of confidence in the country’s election system. While stressing that he is not an election denier, Flynn refused to acknowledge that the American election system and election processes are fair.

“America is going through a repeat of the 2020 election where a lot has happened and there’s a lot of evidence that shows a stolen election,” he said.

Follow for more news about digital currencies.

Watch Gen. Michael Flynn commenting about the digital currency and vaccine card

How the Left/CIA/FBI controls business using ESG.   (ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.)

  RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.)

Digital Currency And What You Need To Know

Twitter has been the central node of censorship

DEPARTMENT. Nov 4, 2022

Take the time to read this report by the republicans on the house judiciary. Report came out on Nov 4. 2022

The biggest threat to the biden regime cia/fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.



Captain Convey Note

The biggest threat to the biden regime cia/fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.

The above report goes into detail about documented "govment" control of what you see and hear everyday.

The CIA/FBI has direct links and control of social media. (What you see, hear and think.)

This information has recently been allowed to be published about twitter by Elon Musk.

Even these documents have been manipulated to reduce the impact of these revelations about "govment" control of twitter and all of social media.


Twitter File Release #11 – The Government Censorship Campaign to Control COVID-19 Information 12/26/22


Twitter Files Release #10 – A Whole of Govt Approach to Control American Speech 12/25/22


Twitter Files Release #9 - Shows CIA, Other Security State Involvement in Censorship 12/25/22

Twitter File Release #8 – Evidence Showing Pentagon/State Dept using Twitter for Propaganda, Release Curated to Protect Barack Obama 12/20/22


Part 2 – Why Curation of Twitter File Release #8 Was So Important – The 2011 BETA Test Went Live in 2020 12/21/22


Twitter Files Part 7 – The DHS/FBI Teleporter One-Way Telecommunications Channel into Twitter, How the FBI Used and Paid Twitter for Censorship 12/19/22


twitter files part #6 – DHS and FBI Content Removal Requests to Twitter 12/16/22


Twitter Files part #5 – The Banning of President Trump 12/12/22


Twitter Files part #4 - Rules Changed to Target Trump 12/11/22


Twitter Files part #3 – The Pre-Election Monitoring, Filtering and Control of Public Discussion Including Donald Trump 12/10/22


twitter files part #1&2 - Elon Musk Releases Documents Showing U.S. Government Instructed Twitter Platform to Remove Political Content, a Clear First Amendment Violation 12/2/22


A Common Misconception in Elections, The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations


The biggest threat to the biden regime cia/fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.

At the time the republican judiciary report was released the elon musk twitter files had not been released.

Even so the republican judiciary report in Nov, 2022 alone is documented proof the cia/fbi/justice dept are corrupted agencies of "govment" that manipulate and totally control social media.

This changed in December 2022 when Elon Musk started to release the twitter files that detail and document the control and manipulation of not only twitter but all of social media and media in general.

The Twitter Files Released totally corroborated what the republican house judiciary report exposed. The CIA/FBI is corrupt and controls social media to hide the truth.

The above report goes into detail about documented "govment" control of what you see and hear everyday.

The CIA/FBI has direct links and control of social media. (What you see, hear and think.)

The biggest threat to the biden regime cia/fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the govment lies and propaganda.)

"govment" is CIA/FBI controlled congress/biden regime/judicial system.

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



In George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, the Ministry of  Truth produced lying propaganda.


Refusing to Live by Lies      

In George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, the Ministry of  Truth produced lying propaganda and the Ministry of Love dispensed torture.

In Orwell’s farsighted story, reality was totally inverted through the government’s highly coordinated actions to manipulate its citizens’ thinking.

What’s remarkable in the book is that almost all citizens eventually became willing promoters of government lies themselves.

The combined power of government, academia, and the media work to bring about a 1984-like adoption of total nonsense.

God denounces the government-sanctioned corruption of truth: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”(Isaiah 5:20).

Moral perversion goes hand in hand with governments acting in perverted ways.

Today’s "govment" often oppress—if not outright persecute—people doing good and exult in the evil behavior they promote, which they mischaracterize as good.

The destruction of the moral fiber of its citizens through lying and coercive tactics is a perversion of government’s mandate and authority.

Citizens of the United States face increased institutional deception.

"govment" - sanctioned violence alone can never enslave an entire population.

Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.

Read the above sentence again and realize what the CIA/FBI biden regime are doing to us.

The road to freedom is to refuse to live by lies.

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies!...For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist.

"Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”


Recognizing How Lies Are Built into Terminology

Evolutionists invent terms all the time that simultaneously express evolutionary concepts and are used as more evidence for evolution. For instance, the literature is full of terms like convergent evolution, vestigial organs, pseudogenes, and highly conserved sequences.

These terms have a built-in presupposition of evolution that makes them inherently misleading.

Thus, just by speaking the jargon, a person is assisting the deceitful evolutionary indoctrination of society.

The same type of built-in lying occurs when we talk about people as being transgender—as if that’s a real state of being—just because the world imagines more than two human sexes.

Evolutionary theory is full of imaginary, misleading scenarios.

The most egregious is when nature is personified, presented as exercising agency, and then invoked as a substitute god to explain the origin and diversity of life.

Selectionists project onto the environment abilities to “select,” “favor,” “act,” “send information,” and similar verbs indicating the work of an intelligent agent.

The terminology they use therefore embeds a potent lie—that nature has some type of innate volition.

The constant personification of nature as exercising creative agency transfers credit from the Lord Jesus as Creator to the creation itself…the principal lie described in Romans 1:25.

Romans 1: 25

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

The denial of two biological sexes shows how serious the scope of these institutional lies and the coercion to conform is.

The challenge facing Christians is whether we will cast aside clear biblical teaching and embrace the world’s so-called science.

We belong to the Lord Jesus, who promised, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Christians need to be a sanctuary of truth; we must refuse to live by the world’s lies.



Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.


FBI malfeasance, wrongdoing especially (US) by a public officials, revealed by FBI WHISTLEBLOWERS

Credit (Comment.) (Article)


DEPARTMENT. Nov 4, 2022

Take the time to read this report by the republicans on the house judiciary. Report came out on Nov 4. 2022

DEPARTMENT. is a 1050 pages long PDF.

Whistleblowers describe the FBI’s Washington hierarchy as “rotted at its core,” maintaining a “systemic culture of
unaccountability,” and full of “rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.”

Whistleblowers describe how the FBI has abused its law-enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how actions by FBI leadership show a political bias against conservatives.

Yes the FBI is rotten to the core and so is the US justice dept.

The fbi is acting like the state police in communist russia.

Rotten to the core.

A tool used by the biden regime under the control of obama and his corrupt group.


The biggest threat to the biden regime fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.




Copy the above links and publish them on websites were they won't be edited, hidden, suppressed or removed.

The fbi/justice dept fears the truth about their corrupt operations.

One such website is: )

The above report documents:

Real enslaving power wielded through institutional lying.


Every hour of every day we are being enslaved through institutional lying manipulated by the CIA/FBI through social media and the national media.

Read and understand the words:

Enslaved through corrupt institutional lying manipulated by the CIA/FBI through social media, national and local media.

This is how the biden regime is trying to control people.

Using constant corrupt institutional lying and corrupt business and social media.

How the left controls business using ESG.   (ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.)

Your perception of reality is under assault.

Twitter is the central node of censorship


Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.

Read the above sentence again and realize what the CIA/FBI biden regime are doing to us.

The road to freedom is to refuse to live by lies.

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies!...For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist.

Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”

Terms that have a built-in presupposition, assumed context surrounding an utterance, makes them inherently misleading.

Presupposition: an assumed-to-be-true fact upon which an utterance is delivered

A presupposition is taken for granted.

More pragmatically interesting presuppositions are those things “taken for granted” that might be false.

Presupposition Examples

Language is easily manipulated.


RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.) (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



miracle on 1600 ave. an original story by captain convey.


Credit       FBI/CIA



Before the 2020 campaign for President the demented actor playing joe biden is discovered to be deranged by Donald Trump and his supporters.

Trump's wife persuades him to run for President along with others.

Trump proves to be a sensation and is quickly nominated as candidate for president in 2020.

After Trump's nomination the FBI/CIA work in the background to derail Trump's campaign.

The FBI/CIA are confident their social media manipulation will render Trump harmless.

Despite the FBI/CIA fake polls that reassurre the deep state that Trump is harmless, the deepstate has misgivings, especially when Thousands of people show up at Trump rally's.

The FBI/CIA all the while have cynically been training the American public to reject all notiions that Trump can win in 2020.

An yet, the American people, along with operatives in the FBI/CIA begin to notice there is something special about Trump and his determination to advance America and make it great again.

When a cruelly incompetent cabal operative, hillary clinton, contracts to have a fake narrative published, the FBI/CIA go into action and bugs Trump campaign headquarters where Trump suspects he is being bugged by the democrats.

A raucous campaign ensues as the cruelly incompotent hillary clinton erupts and declairs, "This is my country." "I don't know a tweet from a twat".

Trump finds himself being the victim of FBI/CIA social media manipulation and spying on his campaign.

His commitment to make America great again increases under the assult.

Under assult his almost   superhuman    efforts continue.

When after the Nov 2020 election all seems lost Rudy Giuliani agrees to represent Trump to fight the democratic/FBI/CIA onslaught.

Rudy Giuliani arranges several formal hearings in which he argues Trump has been the victim of election fraud perpetrated by theFBI/CIA /Hillary Clinton, democrate cabal.

What ensues are bizarre hearing questions that Rudy Giuliani and his legal team answer with surgical precision.

The stolen 2020 election was refuted including document election fraud examples.

Even so the electorial college vote in several states was sent to congress to be counted in spite of the fact many were not valid electorial votes.

VP mike pence could have made a difference in the electorial counting if he had not already been bought off by the Uniparty in dc.

It was going to take a miracle in 2020 for Trump to win reelection. A miracle didn't happen then.

It could happen in 2024.

Now because of the twitter documentation and FBI malfeasance disclosures hopefully a miracle will occur in 2024.

DEPARTMENT. Nov 4, 2022

Take the time to read this report by the republicans on the house judiciary. Report came out on Nov 4. 2022

DEPARTMENT. is a 1050 pages long PDF.

Its going to take a mircale for President Trump to win reelection in 2024.

It could happen.

I believe in miracles and have seen them happen.

Merry Christmas from Captain Convey. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



FBI malfeasance revealed by FBI WHISTLEBLOWERS



Merry Christmas.


Captain Convey Comment

captain convey
December 23, 2022


FBI malfeasance.

DEPARTMENT. Nov 4, 2022

Take the time to read this report by the republicans on the house judiciary. Report came out on Nov 4. 2022

I only found it today. 12/23/2022

DEPARTMENT. is a 1050 pages long PDF.

It will be included on my my website.

Whistleblowers describe the FBI’s Washington hierarchy as “rotted at its core,” maintaining a “systemic culture of
unaccountability,” and full of “rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.”

Whistleblowers describe how the FBI has abused its law-enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how actions by FBI leadership show a political bias against conservatives.

Yes the FBI is rotten to the core and so is the US justice dept.

The fbi is acting like the state police in communist russia.

Rotten to the core.

A tool used by the biden regime under the control of obama and his corrupt group.


The biggest threat to the biden regime fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.


Copy the above links and publish them on websites were they won't be edited, hidden, suppressed or removed.

The fbi/justice dept fears the truth about their corrupt operations.

One such website is: (This is where I comment on and published )

Another website where the politicization and corruption of the fbi/justice dept report will not be edited or suppressed is my website (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



the knee of the uniparty is on the necks of the american people



President Trump Proposes Criminal Penalties for U.S. Government Officials Engaged in Administrative Noncompliance with Immigration Law



Captain Convey Note

The Conservative Tree House Comment Link

captain convey
December 22, 2022


The knee of the UNIPARTY is on the necks of the American people.

Mitch mcconnell supported and voted with the democrates to fund the US for the next year.

This effectively stops the republican house from defunding or controlling the budget for the next year.

The only reason mitch mcconnel got reelected in 2020 was the endorsement and support of President Trump, remember?

Mcconenell has made sure the uniparty will control congress if the omnibus spending bill becomes law.

In the bill it forbids the border control to stop the illegals from invading our country.

The omnibus spending bill contains 3 billion dollars to turn the border patrol into processing the illegals.

Is President Trump responsible for the uniparty control of congress?


Don’t sweep the fact under the Rug.

I support President Trump but I knew he was making a bigly mistake supporting and promoting mcconnel in 2020.

President Trump has allowed the uniparty to continue to destroy all his efforts to make America great again.

All the talk about stopping the uniparty from doing anything is just empty talk now.


Captain Convey Bonus Note

The Uniparty, democrates and republicans, have taken full control of congress.

There are a few patriots, holdouts if you will, that keep resisting and fighting for the truth and to make America great again.

The problem is there are too few real patriots in congress.

Most people in congress are under the direct control of the deepstate via the intel agencies.

The omnibus spending bill set to be passed that will fund the govment for 1 year contains provisions to insure the American People will continue to be suppressed and freedoms stripped awy.

We don't have a real government, we have a govment.

A govment by the bankers and for the bankers and thos who want to destroy America.

The us senate and us house set their own rules.

Its these uniparty rules that actually can override the US Constitution!

Congress is corrupted by the deepstate and the intel agencies that control congress by blackmail etc.

Jan 6, 2020 is a good example.

The doors of the capitol were opened and held open by the capitol police.

This gave the impression it was OK to sit rite down and stay a spell.

So people were duped into thinking they could enter the capitol buildings while protesting.

They didn't know that was against federal law.

Its like the song:

I read the news today, oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph

He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed

Well the "lights had changed" but the Jan 6, 2020 rally protestors didn't notice.

You can protest but not in a capitol building, unless congress allows it and they have as seen with code pink etc.

The "lights have changed" since the 2020 stolen election by the Uniparty.

People voted for republicans in 2020 and 2022.

The light of the Republic has changed from green to red.

MAGA supporters have not realized this yet and continue to support republicans who are not republicans but 1/2 of the Uniparty.

Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords.

Nobody was really sure who they were voting for in 2020 or 2022 because they didn't notice the lights changed from green to Totitalian Red

The uniparty is totitalian in nature and is in total control.

We are just pawns. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)


George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



House Democrats Vote to Publicly Release Donald Trump Private IRS Tax Filings, Setting New Precedent That Can Target Any American Taxpayer



Credit     Sundance 

Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee used an arcane law, well over 100 years old that permits the Chairman Committee, Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.), to review the personal tax filings of any American, in order to obtain Donald Trump’s personal tax filings from the IRS.

However, even in the hands of the committee, strict privacy laws still applied to the tax filings unless the committee interceded and voted to make them public.  That’s exactly what the Democrats in the committee did today with a party-line vote.

The Democrats have set a new precedent in congress for any party in power to demand the tax filings of any individual American and then release them to the public.  When the Republicans take control of the committee in January 2023, will they demand the Tax returns of Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Chuck Schumer, or Jeffrey Epstein, or Nancy & Paul Pelosi and then make them public?

WASHINGTON DC – House Democrats said they will release several years worth of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns in the coming days after a party-line vote Tuesday night to make the long-hidden filings public.

Lawmakers said it would take some time to first redact sensitive information from the documents, such as Trump’s Social Security number and address.

Neal had sued for the filings under an arcane law allowing the heads of Congress’s tax committees to examine anyone’s returns..


Captain Convey Note

captain convey
December 21, 2022 8:05 am
Reply to  Wvvet


Republicans and Democrates are the Uniparty.
Don’t think of Republicans as just Republicans.
Republicans are connected to the Democrates because of blackmail or just their own greed.

Everyone in Congress is not corrupt. I estimate 85% are.

The 15% that are not corrupt, maybe less, are still in the Uniparty.

As author sundance,, has explained in his documented articles, Republicans and Democrates are political partys under the control of their corporation.

Our country is run by the Uniparty. Not Democrates, Not Republicans.

The Uniparty will NOT allow any Democrate tax returns to be published.

Who knows how many people have had their personal tax returns published by House Ways And Means Committee in SECRET?

The government intel agencies control the Uniparty and therefore control Congress.

Our Govment is corrupt.

Govment is what whe have. Not a Real Government.

Govment of the bankers and for the bankers.

We the people are on a Political Uniparty Train that can go anywhere it wants to.

We have no control of where the Uniparty train will take us.

One solution is to take control of the Uniparty train.

President Trump can do this.

He is on the Uniparty train with us.

Its up to us to help him take control of the Uniparty train before it becomes a train wreck.

Together we can make it to the end of the line.

We are “Under Siege” and must defend ourselves.


Total Eclipse Of The Trump :)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine"

Sundance (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Have you forgotton about the J6 protestors in jail?



Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbitt

January 6 Legal Defense Fundraisers


A conspiracy theorist, which is THE HOT “public suppression label” of the last 50 years since JFK was killed in Dallas.

Since the last Twitter document dump 12/19/2022 we all now know the fbi and other government agencies lie about everything including Jan 6, 2020 in DC.

The 2020 election was stolen as was the 2022 midterm elections.

I started to go to DC myself to peacefully protest the stolen 2020 election at the trump rally.

I was not able to go but watched the Jan 6, 2020 Trump speech/rally and several hours of live video from the rally.

I saw what amounted to be a setup as the day went on.

I saw some people doing things I knew would lead to trouble.

Busting windows or locked doors etc.

I also watched the dc police open doors for people and let them inside the capitol as if it was ok to go in.

I saw dc police actually help people get into the building in DC.

The majority of people I saw on live video on Jan 6, 2020 were peaceful.

A smaller minority was not that included a mixed bag of Jan 6 Trump rally supporters and others.

I watched people go from the Trump rally walking to the capitol building.

I saw some people already at the capitol building in various places including places where they were prepositioned to bust windows.

These people had their faces covered with masks.

I also saw many people in military style garb that I DIDN"T see at the Trump rally.

There were many more people at the capitol building in military garb for a reason.

Antifa was active as was black lives matter and other groups of hate.

These groups mixed with the peaceful Jan 6, protestors and acted out their parts live when people started arriving at the capitol building.

It was a mixture of some duped J6 protestors, antifa, blm etc that became the setup for the Jan 6 narrative called the J6 DC Riots.

The majority of Jan 6 DC Trump rally protestors were peaceful.

I know I watched it live on several different youtube live streaming channels.

People who didn't attend the Jan 6 Trump rally or didn't watch it live on youtube as I did could be persuaded all the Jan 6 trump rally protestors were involved in violent protests.

This is a big lie and has been up to now.

There were some really stupid Jan 6 protestors that went into capitol building offices etc and had selfies taken.

All of these are in the DC gulag without bond or any kind of legal hearing and have been for almost 2 years!

Below is one example I know off that went to pelosi's office and took selfies of himself.

Richard Barnett

Richard Barnett


Richard "Bigo" Barnett Legal Defense Fund

Richards story.

Do some research on him and others before you are willing to believe or support him.



On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously published a pamphlet called “Common Sense.”  Paine published anonymously because the idea of questioning government was considered treason.  Paine famously described government, “. . . even in its best state, as a necessary evil, and in its worst state, an intolerable one.”  Paine also warned that “the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still.”  We argue, this remains just as true today as it did in January 1776.

On January 4, 2021, Richard Barnett set out for Washington, D.C. to make his case for independence from tyranny because like many other Americans he believed the result of the November 2020 Presidential Election was an intolerable one.  On January 6, Richard marched over to the Capitol building after President Trump’s speech ended, not because President Trump asked him to, but because Richard wanted to exercise his First Amendment right to petition his government for redress of grievance and have his voice heard.

Richard arrived at the Capitol Building after it had been breached during President Trump’s speech, and found himself in a second wave of protestors when he was swept inside the open doors.  He admits that he ended up in Speaker Pelosi’s office, put his feet up on one of the desks, smiled for the reporter’s camera, and left her a non-threatening note that the prosecutors purposely misquoted in court papers.

Richard believes that his actions were not criminal, certainly not warranting a 10-year sentence the government is seeking, but rather a constitutionally protected form of political protest.

(Captains note about the above comment by Richard. Political free speech is protect Richard but entering the capitol building to protest is not.)

This is evidenced by the fact that he carried the American flag across the threshold of the Speaker’s office (which the government has yet to return to him), did not assault or injure any officer, nor did he destroy any property while inside the Capitol. Those few who did should be held accountable.

Richard values the free marketplace of ideas and understands that many Americans disagree with his actions. He is not asking for their support. He is instead asking those who disagree with him to reconcile the Federal Government’s all-out prosecution of January-sixers with its failure to prosecute the 200+ Code Pink demonstrators who showed up to disrupt Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court by blocking hallways and occupying offices.

He is asking why organizations like GoFundMe refuse to allow him to raise money, while Black Lives Matter- Los Angeles had $3,112,570 in its GoFundMe account as of May 27, 2021.

He is asking how Susan Rosenberg a pro-Marxist terrorist convicted of bombing the Capitol Building in 1983 had her sentence commuted by Bill Clinton, ended up overseeing the transfer of more than $10 million to Black Lives Matter, an organization that became increasingly violent during Rosenberg’s tenure.

And why the Obama Justice Department dismissed its indictment against her co-conspirator Elizabeth Duke who is still on the FBI’s Most Wanted List as a fugitive!

Richard is asking for the support of America’s Patriots, who love this country and are unafraid to criticize the double standard of prosecution laid out in the abovementioned facts.

Patriots who have the courage to back him as he prepares for the biggest fight of his life.  Men and women who embrace the American values of love of God, country, freedom, family, individualism, privacy, and capitalism. The rights protected by the First and Second Amendments.

The values that our brave soldiers have fought and given their lives to protect.  The kind of America that stands up to the evils of communism and socialism, not bows down to it.

Richard is also asking for the support of persons who object to the narrative that the seventy-five million people who voted for President Trump are uneducated, non-sophisticated, ignorant, voiceless, penniless, and afraid.

He’s asking for the support of those agree with the absolute fact that the vast majority of the people who went to the Capitol on January 6th did so peacefully and did not participate in an insurrection. 

In fact, no one was ever charged with insurrection!  


First in his legal fight. Richard’s lawyers are fearless and will continue to aggressively engage the government at every step in the legal process.  His lawyers recently secured Richard’s pretrial release, and in doing so got the D.C. District Court to disregard its previous decision to detain him. Richard’s lawyers wholeheartedly believe that Richard’s prosecution is political and that they can beat the Government at trial. 

The Department of Justice’s prosecution of January-sixers has now become the biggest in its storied history.  As such, the DOJ’s budget to prosecute Richard’s case is unlimited.  Consequentially, the DOJ will stop at nothing in order to bleed Richard Barnett’s family and defense team dry, because it knows that Barnett will win at trial.  Do not let this happen! 


Richard also needs your help with his family expenses and his bills.  Prior to his arrest, Richard was a top salesman at a company where he worked for over fifteen years.  His employment was terminated because of public pressure to fire him after his arrest.  And as you know, Richard was unable to make ends meet from January 8, 2021 until April 27, 2021, as he was unlawfully detained pretrial during that time.

He was originally arrested in Arkansas and given bail.  Bu then, in the middle of the night, he was taken by US Marshals to Washington, D.C. where the Chief Judge of the Court denied him bail and forced Richard to spend several months in jail, where he was regularly roughed up by prison guards, denied medical treatment, and held in solitary confinement for long periods of time. Thankfully, his attorneys got another judge to overturn that ruling because Richard was not a danger to the community or a flight risk as the prosecutors argued.  


Because of this, Richard’s family is struggling financially and needs your help.  Mark Twain said: “In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned.  When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot” Contribute today to Richard’s family and show the world that poverty should not be the penalty for patriotism.  For this is only the beginning of a long fight with the federal prosecutors!

“I have not yet begun to fight!”  Captain John Paul Jones refusing to surrender to British naval forces in 1799.


Captain Convey Note

Richard Barnett was duped into thinking it was ok for him to go inside the capitol building, especially since the DC police help the doors open and didn't try to stop him or others initially.

Richard headed for pelosi's office and when he got there he parked himself at her desk with his feet up on her desk.

If Richard Barnett had been using his head he wouldn't have gone into pelosi's office nor would he have planted himself at her desk and put his fee up on her desk.

Yes this was illegal but I guess Richard thought it was ok in the heat of the moment.

A big mistake.

I can see why he was arrested for going into pelosi's office but I also can see he thought it was ok because the DC police just didn't do anything to stop him and held the capitol doors open.

Richard took that as an invitation.

Richard Barnett got caught up in a setup for the Jan 6 Trump rally supporters.

Others have done much less than Richard did and were also arrested for entering the capitol buildings.

He and the other didn't know there is a law on the books that makes it illegal for ANYONE protesting to enter the capitol buildings at any time.

The capitol police let pink into the capitol building and let them protest in the house gallery without arresting them then or later.

The capitol police let the Jan 6 Trump rally protestors into the capitol building knowing it was illegal for protestors to be there.

If anybody should be in the dc capitol gulag, it should be the dc police that allowed the Jan 6 protestors to enter the capitol buildings.

The Jan 6, 2020 Trump rally supporters were set up ahead of time along with President Trump.

There are some like Richard Barnett that went to far and were just plain stupid.

There are others in the dc gulag that should have never been arrested and should not been in jail.

Thats anyone who protested at the Jan 6, 2020 rally and did not enter the capitol buildings but were just trying to peacefully protest the stolen 2020 election!

The fix is in for anyone who at the behest of the dc police holding open the capitol doors.

They didn't know it was illegal for them to enter protesting a capitol building but the dc police that were holding the doors open did know.

These people should have have had a hearing for bail and a trial as the law allows.

There truly are political prisoners in the dc gulag.

The biden regime should be in the dc gulag for all their illegal activities and treason not peaceful Jan 6 Trump rally supporters.

Here is a link to January 6 Legal Defense Fundraisers

Before you donate anything do some research and try to find out who they really are.

Only donate to someone you have done your research on and are sure there not some kind of imformat working for the government that was thrown under the rug on Jan 6, 2020. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Washington DC Labels Donald Trump an “Enemy of the State”




Washington DC Labels Donald Trump an “Enemy of the State” – Meanwhile Americans Shrug and Say “Yup, That’s Why We Voted for Him”


The entire reason why CTH supported Donald J Trump in 2015 and forward was because he was a disruption to the DC system that few understood as deeply as an assembled bunch of politically homeless people right here on these pages and across America.  Since that original moment, Trump’s presence has done exactly what we always knew it would do, EXPOSE THE CORRUPTION.

Trump is the Rosetta Stone, the physical embodiment of a massive unrepresented middle-class assembly that despises Washington DC and the corrupt political establishment they represent.  Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same vulture feeding on the carcass of the American worker, or what the FBI calls “domestic extremists,” people who just want to be left-the-f**k alone.

After I originally outlined my support for President Trump, along with the specific hope he would show up at the first GOP debate wearing a Carmen Miranda hat and start twerking on the podium of Jeb Bush, someone from the Trump campaign (don’t remember who, nor care to) wrote an email asking something about why the severity of that position. I never responded because, well, CTH never responds.

This site assembly is a rag tag bunch of political misfits existing in the corner of the internet space. A foxhole away from the chaotic stupidity of a corrupt political system we are told to regard as something special. Pro tip: it ain’t.

Generally, we spit in the direction of the high-minded who keep trying to pretend our current state of political affairs is a constitutional republic.

But this, as in the current state of our union, ain’t that….

Hell, this current state of our national political assembly is so far away from a constitutional republic the light from where a constitutional republic emanates couldn’t reach this place for a year, or maybe even a generation.

The entire system is broken yet trillions are spent pretending and trying to convince it still works.

The same DC system that hates us, which includes pontificating Republicans who despise us, and Democrats who are evil in their instability, think that labeling Donald J Trump as a rebellious insurrectionist will matter.

Think about that for a moment.

Overlay your knowledge of DC and truly contemplate that.

The premise is built on fraud.  The premise is built upon pretending the DC system is worth saving.

Y’all getting that?

President Trump is an enemy of the state because he threatens a corrupt political system. Okay, likely true.  Now, what does that really say about President Donald J Trump?

Out here in taxpaying Normalville USA, we don’t care.

There comes a time in the lifecycle of a battered victim when the proverbial f**ks are no longer given.

Yeah, we don’t give a f**k.  We passed the town of Give a F**k about two elections after we passed Sh*tsville, which is about four Senate election cycles away from No Longer Caring.

We have arrived at our current destination, ‘Burn It All Down‘, perhaps better reworded as current disposition, where we live our best lives and throw sand into any government machinery that passes by.

The kids love it here.  We eat BBQ, picnic on the tailgates, laugh and enjoy each other’s company and talk about how those Amish folk had it right all along.

We focus on our families, teach our kids our values, take responsibility for our own mental state, deliberately worship a loving God, enjoy seeing the fruits of our labor and generally try to avoid going into town where the Moonbats live.  Obviously, we have to go into crazy town every once in a while, but we exit as soon as possible having done whatever was needed.

In case you missed it about two elections back, the gaslighting, lies, manipulations and fraud no longer works.  The labels no longer stick, and as a collective tribe we have dispatched with any internal concern for the opinion of others.

We are comfortably invisible, intentionally ambivalent and purposefully disengaged from the madness.

Oh wait,… you drove all the way out here to tell us President Trump has offended you?

Please excuse us for a moment while we laugh and grab another beer.

Okay, I have put on my pretending to give a f**k hat and now anxiously await your story…  Do tell.

Oh my.

He did what?

The nerve…

Yes, and oh, when you get all done with that, tomorrow is Taco Tuesday…

You know, we have the absolute best mechanics and taco trucks in ‘GoF**kOffistan‘.

Lastly, before you leave, just in case you missed it…. We’re gonna’ keep sending him just to piss you off.

Donald John Trump is the least offensive thing you will receive from us.

We good now?

Merry Christmas!

PS.  DeSantis is the $100 bill on a fishing line being dragged through the MAGAhood.


Captain Convey Note

The (12/19/22) article is enough to make you sit up in bed suddenly like those who got the jab and drop over.

Govment says were terrorists if we fly the Gadsden flag. I do on my front porch.

Its says, Don't Tred On Me.

I got the Trump label of terrorist long before he did.

Govment wants to silence and control.

I say Govment because what we have today is a half baked "government" that is pretending its a functioning institution that is in our best interest.

Govment by the bankers, for the bankers and corrupt as it can be.

Govment continues to pop out every now and then, everyday now, from the facade of the matrix of deception pronouncements made by the town

cryer of the washington post and other media controlled outlets.

Here Ye, Here Ye. The outlaw known as Donald Trump is hereby declared an ememy of the state and will be dragged through the mud as usual.

The Govment of nottingham, biden regime, has spoken on behalf of The UNITED STATES Of OZ.

12/20/2022 Information Trading Card link:


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 (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Ask your doctor a question






Captain Convey Note

Of course not everybody who gets the jab suddenly drops over dead.

One reason is not everybody got the jab.

Another reason is everybody is not vaxxed to the maxx as some people are.

A lot of people do suddenly drop dead and it IS connected to the jab.

Jack Last #diedsuddenly of a blood clot that was a "direct result" of having the Covid vaccinea coroner said. A week after he received the he began vomiting and experiencing severe headaches..eventually dying a painful and horrific death. He was only 27 years old.


Smart As A Fox Trump Digital Trading Cards (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Wash your hands and wash your cellphone?


Credit   ?

McDonald’s restroom sink in Japan that washes your smartphone has people feeling the future


a video taken in the restroom of a McDonald's they visited (as dangerous as that sounds, don't worry, it's clean!), because they were so taken aback by a system implemented at the sink. When Sawada went to wash their hands, they noticed an unusual thing slot right next to it, and upon reading instructions, was surprised by its purpose--

--to wash your phone!

"At McDonald's nowadays, not only do they have a place to wash your hands but one to wash your smartphone as well..."

Some McDonald's in Japan have installed sink systems that come with a slot that "washes" your smartphone. It's a system called WOSH developed by Japanese company WOTA.

WOSH is a hand-washing stand that along with a reusable water based sink, uses a hydrological cycle system and deep ultraviolet lights to disinfect your smartphone.

WOTA says that in just 30 seconds, WOTA offers 99.9% sterilization of your phone--which means you can wash your phone when you wash your hands.


Captain Convey WOTA WOSH Note

Most people leave their blue tooth connection enabled on their Iphone.

I don't if I'm not using it and I almost never use it.

Most people leave their wifi connection enabled also. I don't.

Would 30 seconds of WOTA WOSH at a mcdonalds be enough to steal or hack your phone?

Of course it would.

The miniute you walk into a mcdonalds and your phone automatically connected to an unsecured wifi its going to happen.

You don't need to go to a WOTA WOSH to have your phone hacked.

The range of the Bluetooth connection is approximately 30 feet (10 meters).

However, maximum communication range will vary depending on obstacles (person, metal, wall, etc.) or electromagnetic environment.

Here is some sage advice:

Keep your Bluetooth setting in “not discoverable” (transmission disabled) and switch to “discoverable” mode only when you are using it.

Leaving your smartphone or any Bluetooth device you use in discoverable mode exposes the device to Bluetooth issues.

When you're out for a stroll, driving, or even walking around your office, any Bluetooth user in close range or long range up to 4921 feet, could pick up your signal and use it to access your device.

So lets say your at mcdonalds using a WOTA WOSH.

Your stick your cellphone in the WOSH and wait 30 seconds for it to be "cleaned".

Cleaned on the outside and cleaned on the inside via your bluetooth discoverable automatic connection mode.

Your cellphone was already automatically connected via bluetooth before you stuck it into the WOTA WOSH slot.

Its not the WOTA WOSH you got to worry about, its if you have got your cellphone as discoverable using bluetooth automatically!


To those of you that live in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, this means ANYTIME you enable bluetooth on your cellphone you can be hacked by someone up to almost 1 mile away!

Is bluetooth secure?    NO

There is a large pool of attack vectors when it comes to Bluetooth.

By exploiting vulnerabilities in Bluetooth, the attacker gains unauthorized access to the victim device.

Once the attacker gains access, they use privilege escalation, i.e. using a smaller exploit to get access to the wider system and leverage control.

As a result, it becomes possible to destroy evidence, attack other devices, or even take over the entire device.

Bluetooth devices are typically thought of as safe from long distances.

However, this is wrong.

It is possible to attack from a distance of 1500 meters, 4921 feet almost one mile, with high-gain antennas, and even further, thanks to Bluetooth 5, the latest version of the technology, and developing network structures.

The general method of attackers is to generate unexpected results by transferring erroneous files.

When a system receives an unexpected file and the specified security level is insufficient, it either falls into an unstable state or the system crashes.

Attackers who take advantage of these situations can perform a lot of attacks on vulnerable devices.

The list of what can be achieved as a result of these attacks is extensive and includes:

  • Making calls or texts.
  • Viewing, modifying, or updating files.
  • Interfering with media that may contain sensitive content such as photos, videos, or audio.
  • Data theft or theft of material value.
  • Displaying something offensive on the device.

In short, attackers can obtain access rights to all operations you can perform at root privilege level.

This situation usually occurs because Bluetooth and similar chips are directly connected to the main chip and there is no authority limitation on the main chip.

At least by limiting permissions, you can restrict the root privileges during an attack.


What Is the Blueborne Vulnerability?

The vulnerability, named Blueborne, published in September 2017, once again revealed how frightening Bluetooth technology can be.

Thanks to this attack, it became possible to run code remotely on many devices (although remote access can be made more secure).

Blueborne had significant differences from other attacks.

The aforementioned vectors require user permission. In other words, the end-user was approving things like a file transfer request, connection requests, and device trust requests.

In Blueborne, however, the user did not need to give any permissions. It was possible to use it remotely.


The Logic of Remotely Exploitable Vulnerabilities


One of the most crucial points about vulnerabilities that enable remote attacks is that they do not need any user approval.

There are three main fundamental rules to this:

  1. It shouldn't need any human interaction to exploit.
  2. It should not make complex assumptions about the active state of the system.
  3. Once exploited, it should leave the system in a stable state.

In other words, a hacker can carry out attacks using the vulnerability without the knowledge of the victim.

The best example of this would undoubtedly be the Blueborne attack.

Using Bluetooth technology, an attacker can reach the devices of an individual or even the masses, and manipulate them.


Don’t Underestimate Bluetooth Attacks

Don't leave your Bluetooth connection open, and never accept Bluetooth connections you do not trust.

Keep your software up to date and remove unused Bluetooth devices from the list of trusted devices.

In my opinion it would be better if you didn't use bluetooth at all because your cellphone can be hacked from almost a mile away without your knowledge or consent when you have enabled your bluetooth as discoverable by any other bluetooth device.

I have also seen the bluetooth on my phone being set to discoverable without my knowledge after I have done an apple iphone update.

So anytime you do an update on your phone go back and check your settings because the update can change them without your knowledge or consent.


What is Pegasus spyware and how does it hack phones?

Pegasus can infect a phone through ‘zero-click’ attacks, which do not require any interaction from the phone’s owner to succeed.

NSO Group software can record your calls, copy your messages and secretly film you

It is the name for perhaps the most powerful piece of spyware ever developed – certainly by a private company. Once it has wormed its way on to your phone, without you noticing, it can turn it into a 24-hour surveillance device. It can copy messages you send or receive, harvest your photos and record your calls. It might secretly film you through your phone’s camera, or activate the microphone to record your conversations. It can potentially pinpoint where you are, where you’ve been, and who you’ve met.

Pegasus is the hacking software – or spyware – that is developed, marketed and licensed to governments around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group. It has the capability to infect billions of phones running either iOS or Android operating systems.

The earliest version of Pegasus discovered, which was captured by researchers in 2016, infected phones through what is called spear-phishing – text messages or emails that trick a target into clicking on a malicious link.

“When an iPhone is compromised, it’s done in such a way that allows the attacker to obtain so-called root privileges, or administrative privileges, on the device,” said Guarnieri. “Pegasus can do more than what the owner of the device can do.”

NSO has invested substantial effort in making its software difficult to detect and Pegasus infections are now very hard to identify. Security researchers suspect more recent versions of Pegasus only ever inhabit the phone’s temporary memory, rather than its hard drive, meaning that once the phone is powered down virtually all trace of the software vanishes.

One of the most significant challenges that Pegasus presents to journalists and human rights defenders is the fact that the software exploits undiscovered vulnerabilities, meaning even the most security-conscious mobile phone user cannot prevent an attack.

“This is a question that gets asked to me pretty much every time we do forensics with somebody: ‘What can I do to stop this happening again?’” said Guarnieri. “The real honest answer is nothing.”


Captain Convey Bonus Note

There is one thing you can do to keep your cellphone from being hacked without your knowledge.

Throw away your cellphone and don't use a smartphone that can be hacked and controlled at will by the biden regime or anyone else using Pegasus software.

Of course you will have cellphone withdrawal symptoms.

Also be aware that any other device that can connect via wifi or bluetooth to the internet can also be hacked.

If you have anything you talk to and activate something its already been hacked.

The more blutooth devices you have the more backdoor tell the government or anyone else everything without your knowledge or consent you have.

Its the same with wifi.

There putting bluetooth devices in every gadget your can think of for a reason and its not just to be able to connect the device your using bubba. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Fighting for Justice - mark shaw



Mark Shaw Book Presentation     


Mark Shaw discuss his book "Fighting for Justice." Shaw exposes the cover-ups of the JFK assassination and the deaths of Dorothy Kilgallen and Marilyn Monroe in his book. He also reveals, for the first time, the inner workings of the Warren Commission based upon the firsthand "whistleblower" account of an actual Commission member never before identified. (Morris Wolff) (1:05:06)

"conspiracy theory" was a term coined by the CIA to deter researchers investigating the JFK assassination .

This includes details about the Kennedy assassination that are not valid or pertinent. Rabbit trails if you wish.

Mark Shaw Book Presentation     is not one of those CIA manufactured not pertinent rabbit trails.

His book presentation details the many conspirators in Nov 1963 that made sure Kennedy was murdered.

It also details various coverups hiding the truth.

Our "government" in 1963 was totally involved in the death of John Kennedy for various reasons.

Government officials worked with the mafia to carry out the assassination of Kennedy. Others were involved also.

The warren commission didn't investigate the assassination their tightly controlled staff did.

This staff ignored and covered up evidence of their government involvement in the assassination.

The warren commission was sworn to secrecy by Johnson and Hoover.

President Johnson and J Edgar Hoover were directly involved in the coverup not to mention the assassination.

Their is direct and indirect evidence pointing to Johnson and Hoover along with others.

The evidence of government corruption of the 1963 assassination of Kennedy is available.

Ever since 1963 the CIA and other government agencies have been trying to coverup this truth.

Today government coverup continues in the digital age.

The evidence of this continued government corruption coverup is available but is being covered up by various government agencies just like it was in the 1963 Kennedy assassination.

When people tell you to NEVER trust the government there is are valid reasons.

A corrupt government can't be trusted.

The evidence is in the public domain but various government agencies continue to hide this truth.

1963 CIA Document.

A reminder that the knee-jerk "conspiracy theory" response (to dissuade researchers) is outlined in CIA document 1035-960 – 

Its recommendations for deception include:

3. b. manipulating so that [the researcher] "becomes lost in a morass of unrelated details"

4. a. using the-rogue-actor-excuse

4. c. emphasizing [criminality] "on the large scale … would be impossible to conceal"

4. g. leveling a vague-accusations charge against researchers into mysterious deaths 

CIA DOC 1035-960.pdf


CIA DOC 1035-960.pdf     ( (1963)


Captain Convey Note

Anyone who questions what the government is doing is considered by the government to automatically be a threat.

Our government has been corrupted and is being used as a weapon against the American people by the biden regime.

It has gotten much worse in the last few years.

Our elections are now being stolen along with out freedoms.

People that are owned by the government will support the corrupt "government".

People who are not owned by the goverment nor deceived by the corrupt "government" will not.

Evil forces are in control of the government.

What does it mean that we do not fight against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12)?


In Ephesians 6:12, the apostle Paul introduces the believers in Ephesus to the reality of spiritual warfare in the Christian life: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12, NLT). Before discussing the armor Christians must wear in combat and their weapons of warfare, Paul stresses that the battle is spiritual, not physical. We do not fight against flesh and blood means we do not face a physical enemy but a spiritual one.

Christian warfare consists of a spiritual strategy fought with supernatural weapons against an unseen enemy. The opposition is real but not visible to the naked eye. Beneath the surface, an invisible spiritual battle is raging.

We fight this war not with tangible weapons like guns and ammunition, nor with bodily defenses such as kicks and punches, but by daily putting on the whole armor of God, always praying, standing firm in the Word of God, and staying alert (Ephesians 6:13–18).

If we do not fight against flesh and blood, whom are we wrestling with, and who are our spiritual enemies?

Paul named these opponents as the devil and his schemes, the rulers, authorities, and “powers of this dark world,” and “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:10, 12). His description seems to indicate a pecking order of evil beings who do Satan’s bidding to oppose God’s will on earth.

The apostle Peter also warned believers to remain vigilant against the devil: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith” (1 Peter 5:8–9).

We do not fight against flesh and blood means that our enemies are not human but demonic. Many in Paul’s Ephesian audience had previously dabbled in the occult (Acts 19:18–20) and would have been familiar with the devil and his evil forces.

The Bible calls the devil, or Satan, “the prince of this world” (John 12:31), “the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient” (Ephesians 2:2), “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and “the accuser” of believers (Revelation 12:10). This is our true enemy.

Paul says, in our fight with this enemy, we must be aware of his tactics (2 Corinthians 2:11). And in Ephesians 6:11–12, Paul mentions three main traits of Satan’s spiritual forces.

First, they are powerful. They have authority to rule in the world.

Second, they are evil. These wicked spiritual enemies use their power to wreak destruction. They are associated with darkness and not light, wickedness and not good.

And, third, they are shrewd. They know how to scheme and strategize. They are so skilled at deception that sometimes they come disguised as angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) or wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).

So how can we, in our human weakness, expect to stand against such strong and cunning enemies? Brute strength won’t win the battle.

Humanly speaking, victory is impossible.

In our struggle against the devil and his scheming forces, Paul says we must “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10).

It is our job to stand aside and let God fight the battle for us, and only then are we sure to win.

Only God can strengthen, defend, and deliver us from the power, wickedness, and craft of the devil (2 Timothy 4:17–18).

Our enemy may be strong, but God is stronger (1 John 4:4).

God makes available to us the same mighty power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and seated Him at God’s right hand in heaven (Ephesians 1:19–20).

Our enemies are defeated through Christ’s victory over them on the cross (Colossians 2:15).

When David came up against the Philistine giant, he recognized that his fight was not ultimately against flesh and blood. Goliath taunted David and cursed his God, saying, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks? . . . Come here . . . and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!” (1 Samuel 17:43–44).

But David, trusting in the strength of the Lord and His mighty power, answered, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” (1 Samuel 17:45).

“For the battle is the Lord’s!” declared David (1 Samuel 17:47), and so ought we as we engage in spiritual warfare.

Our fight is not against flesh and blood.

The victory depends on the Lord, not us. (KJV Bible)

Audio Version Of KJV Bible    (Audio Version Read By Alexander Scourby)

KJV Study Bible (Online) (Institute For Creation Research) (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Twitter is the central node of censorship



EDIFY: Critical Nexus: I Twitter, WSGR, Macgillivray & White House

EDIFY: Critical Nexus: Twitter, WSGR, Macgillivray & White House

The research and consulting firm “Edify” has recently disclosed results from a client-driven research project designed to analyze the relationships between the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR), Twitter, Biden White House, Obama White House, James Baker, Alexander Macgillivray, Vijaya Gadde, and Anthony Fauci's daughter, Alison Fauci, who is an engineer at Twitter.

The first two of these analyses have been published here and here 

I am constantly amazed at the naïvety of many of my colleagues regarding the media landscape and ongoing unrestricted information warfare practices.

Here are two recent examples just to illustrate the point.

If you choose to participate in Twitter, you are feeding a Cyber Warfare engine.

From the article “Cyber Warfare: A New Frontier in Foreign Policy” (published in 2016)

“Much like the chlorine gas and machine guns of World War I, our governments have a new generation of weaponry at their disposal. The world has never seen a planet encompassing cyber war, nor could it imagine the consequences of digital attrition and its effects on the real world. Unlike conventional warfare, there was no Geneva Convention outlining the moral standards for cyber attacks on nation states. But most importantly, it is difficult to decipher the point in which a cyber attack warrants a direct military response.”

People think of me as just having understanding of one domain, basically vaccines, biodefense, FDA/regulatory affairs and suchlike. I routinely get advised to “stay in your lane” by various media figures. What they have problems understanding is that my experience is much broader than that. Good heavens, I came up with the RNA as a medicine/vaccine platform idea when I was 28. I have done a lot since then, despite the gaslighting and what Paul Offit may spew.

Among other things, as a consultant I have won billions and billions of dollars in federal contract awards for my clients when acting as proposal manager, subject matter expert, and proposal author. This is because I have the ability to dive into new technical domains, quickly understand the fundamentals, and then write convincing proposals in response to US Federal requirements. As a consequence, I have signed many non-disclosure agreements (which limit what I can disclose about what I know), and have performed deep dives into a variety of different business and technical/strategic plans. <For the record- My pay rate for this work was typically $300/hr, which is modest for someone with my knowledge base and track record. Enough to pay the bills, but not enough to yield the “millions” of dollars which the trolls claim that I have been paid>.

For many years, one of my clients was a company known as “Behavior Matrix”, which has since been sold in 2017 to Element Data. Element Data is partnered with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Snowflake. Here is one case study in how Element Data supports the Healthcare industry, and another study regarding the Pharmaceutical industry. My point here is that I do have insights into the current status of Cyber. And it goes far beyond this specific example.

It can be hard for outsiders not familiar with the technologies to begin to understand the Cyber War battlefield terrain. So let’s being with an easy example: flash mobs. Per Wiki, “A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs may be organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.” The exploitation of social media and email to assemble and direct group or mob behavior has become extremely sophisticated (more to follow), but I will start with an easy example that will be familiar to many of you.

Carolina Galvin works for Dr. Peter McCullough (among others), and is a specialist in a fairly crude form of flashmob management. Over years, she has passed out slips of paper with a QR code to virtually anyone she meets. They scan the QR, and it takes them to a site where they can enroll to support whatever mission Ms. Galvin wishes to deploy them on. She now has an army of cyberwarriors that she can deploy with any message of her choosing to provide support or attack the causes of her clients via social media. She sends the message, they act in mass in what appears to be a spontaneous uprising. This article (“New Report Details Efforts to Infiltrate, Disrupt Health Freedom Movement”) was written, in part, about Carolina, and is partially based on the report “The Themis Report: Anatomy of Infiltration in the Grassroots Health Freedom Movement.”

This is akin to the Bot farms which so many of us are familiar with, but - although crude - this method can be more effective in penetrating a wide range of social media venues, as the transactions appear more genuine. The same general approach can be applied to physical assemblies - protests or “spontaneous uprisings”- although I am not aware that this has been part of Ms. Galvin’s business model. But this type of method, involving lists of contacts, can and is often weaponized to enable the physical “Flashmob” phenomena. Send out a message, and thousands or hundreds of thousands (depending on your list size) suddenly assemble at some location fired up for some purpose or action. Are you following still?

This approach, and all of the derivatives, is seen as both a threat and an opportunity for governments, corporations, non-profit advocacy groups, political parties etc. In a sense, we are all familiar with very simple versions of this; if you have donated to any political campaign over the last decade or so, you probably now find yourself on a national database getting periodic unsolicited texts or emails calling for donations or actions to be taken.

So, how does this relate to Twitter? And how has this developed?

First to Twitter.

The research and consulting firm “Edify” has recently disclosed results from a client-driven research project designed to analyze the relationships between the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR), Twitter, Biden White House, Obama White House, James Baker, Alexander Macgillivray, Vijaya Gadde, and Anthony Fauci's daughter, Alison Fauci, who is an engineer at Twitter. The first two of these analyses have been published here and here, and at least one more is anticipated in the near future. The findings clearly document the deep web of relationships tying together WSGR, Twitter, the censorship of President Trump, President Barack Obama, President Joe Biden and the Office of Science and Technology Policy and Google. All of these run through Alexander Macgillivray. Macgillivray currently serves the Biden White House OSTP (Office of Science and Technology Policy) as the Principal Deputy U.S. CTO (Chief Technology Officer).

What Edify documents is the web of relationships which have guided the censorship practices of the US Government-Technology/Social media alliance. As I read through the first of the two analyses, titled “EDIFY: CRITICAL NEXUS: TWITTER, WSGR, MACGILLIVRAY & WHITE HOUSE” (September 15, 2022), my interest was piqued by the documentation of the deep connections between Twitter, Biden, Obama, and the central role of Twitter as a tool for information and psychological warfare.

Precisely the hot button issue that I discussed on the Joe Rogan Experience when I used those three words “Mass Formation Psychosis,” which triggered such a visceral reaction from the Silicon Valley technology giants, the Trusted News Initiative, and Peter Breggin.

Based on relationship mapping, Edify draws the following conclusions:

EDIFY: Critical Nexus: I Twitter, WSGR, Macgillivray & White House

EDIFY: Critical Nexus: Twitter, WSGR, Macgillivray & White House

Twitter is the central node and the keystone to understanding. Twitter's inherent value to the elites, political class and federal apparatus writ large is found in its ability to engage in perception management, which is a technical term more commonly referred to as "psyops" or "psychological warfare". [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Twitter engages in perception management in its capacity to establish and manipulate reality by means of actively determining and shaping the content on its platform. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Twitter consumers can receive filtered content or are prevented from receiving, seeing or having the ability to publish content altogether. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 

The de facto censorship occurs primarily along the lines of determining and enforcing community standards, guidelines and rules for user engagement. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The evidence is clear that the decisions here appear to fall along clearly identifiable political lines resembling two-tier justice. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Content determination, algorithmic manipulation and politically motivated censorship of off-reservation messaging and political opposition are all evidenced examples of how Twitter engages in perception management or appears to do so. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Two evidenced domains of Twitter's engagement in perception management include censoring content relative to COVID-19 [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] and the Hunter Biden Laptop story.

(Footnotes from above text:)

  1. Twitter is a recognizable and identifiable as a gatekeeper of public information

  2. Twitter operates in alignment with a strict political agenda

  3. Twitter's agenda alignment appears along the lines of progressive liberal and Democrat thought and policy

  4. Twitter's collective actions technically rise to the level of engagement in perception management 

  5. Twitter engagement in perception management includes content determination, algorithmic manipulation and apparent active censorship against off-reservation messaging [conservative content favorable to Trump]

  6. WSGR represents Twitter in all of its corporate disclosures making WSGR integral to all things

  7. WSGR partner Larry Sonsini is regarded as the "Godfather of Silicon Valley" [90]

  8. WSGR employed Alexander Macgillivray, another Harvard Law product, who went on to become an apparent architect for censorship practices while serving that capacity in the Obama and Biden White Houses

  9. WSGR has critical ties to factually inconvenient individuals and entities such as Arbutus, Moderna and the mRNA vaccines vis-a-vis Arbutus' patent holdings on the lipid nanoparticle envelope

  10. WSGR is involved in ongoing litigation respective to the previous point

The quote above is just the beginning of the analytical conclusions, which include this gem:

Alison Fauci is a Twitter software engineer who by title, would possess the technical capabilities and access to function as outlined in the testimony. 

Beyond Alison Fauci's functionality as a conduit or intermediary for Dr. Anthony Fauci and his principals at the NIH/NIAID and up, Alison Fauci is by title technically positioned to potentially extract private Twitter user data on designated people including political opposition. Any such extracted data could be fed back upstream to the Obama, Biden cartel et al.

It's also further evidence of a distinct pattern of nepotism threading through all of these matters where spouses and children play critical roles determined by their placement into the broader construct.

Alison Fauci was positioned to be a possible conduit of information in an intermediary fashion relative to the Anthony Fauci cohort and its preferences for Twitter's censorship policies for reliable COVID content damaging to the COVID construct of enterprise fraud and that official narrative.

During days gone by, that alone would merit an opinion editorial in the pages of the NY Times and Washington Post, as it clearly represents a sort of turbo-nepotism and clear (previously undisclosed) conflict of interest. It certainly merits deposition in the ongoing lawsuit of the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Eric Schmidt and Jeff Landry, along with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, against the US Federal Government and Big Tech.

But that was not the part of the analysis which triggered my memory, but the following quote regarding “color revolutions” and the current Twitter General Counsel Vijaya Gadde from the second report, titled “EDIFY: CRITICAL NEXUS II: VADDE, TWITTER, WSGR, BIDEN & DURBAN” published October 09, 2022. The following quote is in reference to the historic events surrounding the “Arab Spring” color revolution uprising which began in 2012.

"At the time, Egyptians and Tunisians were rising up, facilitated by technology, in what the media dubbed a Twitter Revolution. “It was a no-brainer for me, because I wanted to be part of a company that was really dramatically changing the world,” Gadde says. She credits her boss at Juniper, General Counsel Mitchell Gaynor, for being supportive."  - NYU Law Magazine [1] 

What are the chances that then President Obama did nothing to promote and ensure success for the Arab Spring because its true purpose was to serve as a beta-test for the use of the Twitter platform in future censorship and color revolution applications in the U.S.?

The application of Occam's reveals that this is likely the case and Vadde's testimony here is evidence suggestive of this position.

WSGR product and central node Alex Macgillivray threads the Obama and Biden White Houses together. Macgillivray currently serves as the Biden White House CTO. Macgillivray appointed WSGR product Gadde to be his successor at Twitter and whereby Gadde was central both to the de-platforming of then President Trump and the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop affair. It further aggravates the position on Twitter relative to engagement in color revolutions.

At the time, President Obama said this,

"The United States has supported the forces of change." - President Obama [2]

Obama did not say that he supported the countries of change but rather the forces of change; citing the countries as "inspiration".

Those are carefully constructed statements with specific word choice and when discernment is applied, we understand the "forces of change" to be digital ones, like Twitter. This comports with the Arab Spring being a Twitter Beta test. The same general people are now positioned to serve the Biden Administration on the follow-through.

"But the company [Twitter] confronts myriad issues falling within Gadde’s  bailiwick, from privacy to intellectual property. Here, she relies on  her earlier experience at Twitter when she also managed its  international team....Gadde says the greatest challenge on the horizon is transforming the  legal department into a more global enterprise, to mirror the company’s  international reach. “We are working hard to protect our users so that  they can speak on our platform and use this to change the world or voice  political dissent or whatever it is they want to do, and that just  makes us so proud,” Gadde says." - NYU Law Magazine [1]

Gadde's protections for voice and political dissent were full-stop at then President Trump when Gadde was central to his de-platforming. Contextually, we infer Gadde's comments to be descriptive of the "forces of change" then President Obama cited in reference to color revolutions, his engagement in them and the digital assets like Twitter's platform that are facilitating those revolutions.

There are many more intertwined relationships which are revealed in the second report, all of which basically appear to point towards making a case for the relevance of the Racketeering and Corrupt Practices Act (RICO) in this situation. There is also an easter egg for those seeking to better understand the Elon Musk/Twitter deal, which is absolutely not about Elon Musk being a champion of free speech.

On 12 Jan 22, WSGR issued a press release [4] detailing its advisement on a $1 billion series D capital financing deal. WSGR advised [5], which is an online payment processing platform.

According to WSGR, the Qatar Investment Authority [6] is featured as primary investor.

The Qatar Investment Authority is funding Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter [7]. WSGR represents Twitter in all corporate disclosures as discussed in the FIRST BRIEF.

Egon Durban was linked in the FIRST BRIEF by means of Twitter's board, Silver Lake Capital and the WME Talent and Literary Agency, which intersects with Ari and Rahm Emanuel and the Obama White House.

The following is impacted by the fact set surrounding China's inroads to and influence over [control?] the NBA. [14] [15] [16]

The NY Post reports how Durban and his China/NBA ties overlay the Twitter/Musk deal [emphasis added] [17]: 

"Elon Musk’s surprise offer to buy Twitter for his original price of $44 billion followed shrewd maneuvers by a board member who — in addition to a big  stake in Twitter — also happens to own a chunk of the New York Knicks  and Rangers, sources tell The Post. 

Egon Durban — the founder and co-CEO of Silicon Valley hedge fund Silver Lake Partners, which owns about 10% of the Knicks and Rangers — took a hardline stance in negotiations with Musk when other directors  appeared willing to take a settlement to end the legal standoff,  sources close to the situation said."

Moving on.

What triggered my memory as I read the Edify analyses were the comments about Arab Spring having been used as a testbed for further development and deployment of social media crowd management tools. Specifically:

What are the chances that then President Obama did nothing to promote and ensure success for the Arab Spring because its true purpose was to serve as a beta-test for the use of the Twitter platform in future censorship and color revolution applications in the U.S.?

I happen to know for a fact that the events around Arab Spring were employed in this manner.

There are some key things that people need to understand about social media in general, and Twitter in particular. Most know that essentially all of these platforms are basically deployed as intelligence gathering tools. That is one of their primary functions. What they do not know is that Twitter and some of the others have capabilities which make them more appropriately categorized as Cyber Weapons. These Cyber Weapons target human and group behavior and thought. They are deployed by industry, governments, non-governmental organizations, intelligence agencies, anyone who can afford to pay.

First off, please recognize that if you are using a cell phone to communicate in any region with multiple cell phone towers, your precise location can be readily identified by signal triangulation. And of course that can then be coupled with high resolution satellite imaging. If you are using a social media tool in that environment, then who you are, what you are concerned about, and where you are in space is all public information and can be readily determined. And here is where things get even more interesting. The Arab Spring protests were most definitely used as a test bed for these capabilities.

The emotional content of your social media communications can be abstracted. Not just what you are “tweeting”, but your underlying feelings, and the strength of those feelings. And, through your connections, you can be positioned in a cloud map as an influencer, outlier, follower etc. within your group of connections. These maps have proven useful to identify those who are shaping the behavior of factions or crowds (including flashmobs). Those individuals who are shaping crowd behavior in ways which the manipulating organization wishes to increase can be amplified using social media algorithms to further drive the crowd behavior in the desired direction, and those shaping behavior in undesirable directions can be suppressed. Because of the geospatial location capabilities, individuals can also be physically targeted using kinetic weapons or other assets if so desired. Think drone missile strikes, and decentralized drone clouds. Still with me?

The algorithmic manipulations of communication which so many of us have observed during the COVIDcrisis are merely a small component of the overall cyber weapon capabilities of Twitter and other “social media” communication platforms (Tic Tock, Telegram, Facebook, etc.). Multilingual analytical capabilities are now routinely deployed in “elections” all over the world, in protests and “color revolution”-type movements (I suspect including in some of the protest movements over the last few years in the USA), and for mundane commercial activities like selling drugs and (of course) vaccines. This Cyber Warfare technology is values and ethics neutral. It can be used to advance agendas which may seem good or evil. In my opinion, any and all of this intentional manipulation of human thought and emotions is evil, just to be clear. The power of this technology, when deployed, appears to make abstract human concepts such as freedom, sovereignty, ethics and individual autonomy obsolete.

I leave you with selected slides (many years old now) from my old client Behavior Matrix. These are “public”, as opposed to the confidential and/or classified summaries that I have seen which go much deeper into the technology. And Behavior Matrix was just one of many examples of firms that have developed similar capabilities. I offer these so that you can get some sense of the power of the technology which has been developed and is being further enhanced in the present.


In conclusion, please do not be naïve.

None of this is “fair”. None of it is “right”. None of it is “Proper”. It is way, way off base from what we thought were the accepted rules for engagement in a representative republic such as ours. Rules and social contract relationships between the government and the governed, the Administrative state and the free citizens which it was intended to serve, which are centuries old. And in the case of the alliance between the US Government and Big Tech, it is clearly a violation of the first amendment of the US Constitution as well as a vehicle for furthering totalitarian control of one political group over their political opponents.

Mattias Desmet is correct, third party actors allied with big tech are very actively manipulating information and seeking to shape your thought and behavior, and put you under a form of mass hypnosis which they control.

And these third party actors include the Democratic party/Republican party, ie UNIPARTY, of the United States, the Obama and most specifically the Biden Regime.

Edify mapping is revealing the shape of the networks of relationships which enable and support this “public-private partnership” (ergo, fascist/corporatist) relationship between these actors.

Your behavior, your voting patterns, your buying habits, your very thought and belief systems are the product that is being produced by these Cyber Weapons which masquerade as “social media” businesses.

Every time you interact with Twitter, you feed its machine learning/deep learning tool development.

So opt out?

Or at the very least understand and accept the fact that you are helping build a more powerful Cyber Weapon with every tweet.

You, your thoughts, and your behavior are the (AI BOT) product.


Captain Convey Cyber Note

Yes, Twitter is a Central Node Cyber Weapon of censorship.

I know realize I am feeding Twitters machine learning/deep learning tool development.

But I also know this.

Anytime you react with a Bot of some kind your also feeding a machine learning/deep learning tool Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI is being used to mine and control people who use Twitter, social media and the entire internet.

Dr Robert Malone knows Twitter is actually one of many nodes of censorship.

Twitter is the central node of censorship.

The flagship node.

When I post something on Twitter I see what has been posted and sometimes the words I have posted are not displayed and just a link is displayed.

This is the Twitter cyber warfare engine limiting the information I have posted on Twitter.

I don't have anyway of knowing if anything I am posting on twitter is being seen by others.

I can't go by the number of followers. That can be faked or manipulated by Twitter.

I don't pay for followers as Twitter allows so I don't pay money to finance the Twitter central node of censorship.

I am aware when I add some other twitter feed the Twitter central node AI cyber warfare engine uses this to increase its knowledge of my "Twitter Footprint".

This is called relationship mapping. All the social media websites use this and so do most other major websites.

So why will I continue to post anything on Twitter knowing its Cyber War Battlefield Terrain?

I am hoping some of the information that I post on Twitter - Links - will be picked up by others so they will become more aware of the TRUTH.

This is why I include a link to my website

There is NO BOT (AI) on my website controlling anything I post.

The fix is already in.

This is because your cellphone spys on everything you do and is a Cyber Warefare Battlefield Terrain node you carry everywhere that connects to various other Cyber Warefare Engines that are (AI) controlled.

You can refrain from using Twitter thinking you are not feeding the Twitter central node of censorship and therefore not helping to increase its (AI) behavior Matrix.

Be aware if you use any form of cellphone or internet access you are FEEDING THE VARIOUS NODES OF CENSORSHIP ANYWAY!







 (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



(9/11: 20 years of deception


Credit    9/11: 20 YEARS OF DECEPTION (5 Part Movie) (Youtube version.) (Edited to pass youtube censors.)


On the tenth anniversary of the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada to provide evidence-based research that called into question the official story of 9/11.

This was known as The Toronto Hearings on 9/11. Over a period of four days, these experts in Structural Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and History gave researched and professional testimony to an international panel of distinguished judges.

The panel of judges, in conjunction with the steering committee would go on to publish their final analysis of the evidence provided, which called for a new investigation into the Attacks of September 11th, 2001.

This film is a summary of the strongest evidence given over the four days of hearings.





"conspiracy theory" was a term coined by the CIA to deter researchers investigating the JFK assassination .

reminder that the knee-jerk "conspiracy theory" response (to dissuade researchers) is outlined in CIA document 1035-960 – 

Its recommendations for deception include:

3. b. manipulating so that [the researcher] "becomes lost in a morass of unrelated details"

4. a. using the-rogue-actor-excuse

4. c. emphasizing [criminality] "on the large scale … would be impossible to conceal"

4. g. leveling a vague-accusations charge against researchers into mysterious deaths 

CIA DOC 1035-960.pdf


CIA DOC 1035-960.pdf     (



Captain Convey Note

Back in 1967 is was easier for the CIA to control what the public should think.

This document CIADOC.pdf provides proof the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" and uses this phrase to discredit people who publish the truth.

Today the CIA and the other 17 intel agencies continue to suppress the truth in many other deceptive ways.

Initially I had to search for the above document because the links to it were dead.

I found the CIA document CIA DOC 1035-960.pdf and have made it available on my website.

The CIA and other government agencies were involved actively in the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.

The intel agencies were in control of the government in 1963 and before.


Eisenhower Farewell Address - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING - (January 17, 1961)



In 1963 Kennedy was set up by agencies in the government for death in Dallas.

When you do some research you will come to that conclusion.

Gary Fannin discusses his book The Innocence of Oswald: 50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit.

The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald

The CIA document describes ways in 1967 they used to muddy the research on the Kennedy assassination and find ways to confuse you.

Outright lies is one way.

Other ways include ideas about the Kennedy assassination that are just rabbit trails to obscure the truth about the CIA involvement in his murder.

Today social media is used by the 17 intel agencies to confuse people and obscure the truth.

Lately documents, that have been filtered, are coming out on twitter about how twitter has controlled the public perception for the purpose of deceiving the public.

Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk

More Twitter Files Released By Elon Musk

The problem for those who want to know the truth and then try to remedy the problem is they no longer have a vehicle to stop government corruption.

Voting in national elections that can be stolen by ballot fraud rules this vehicle out.

Finding the truth and then publishing the truth when the government does everything it can to stop you from knowing and publishing the truth is another vehicle that doesn't work very well.

The phrase "the enemy from within" points to the 17 intel agencies in our government that have been corrupted in various ways.

Twitter since being purchased by Elon Musk is starting to publish more truths and less lies.

Most of the major social media platforms have a direct government portal where they are being controlled, including twitter.

The suppression of the truth is a big priority with the 17 intel agencies.

It is absolutely true this has been going on for a long time.

It is absolutely true its pure evil.

Resident Evil In DC Explained


1 Hr 20 Min Sermon that explains that the forces of evil are manipulating conspirators as they have in the past. This sermon will be a comfort to many. Do not fail to watch it more than once carefully. Explains the bigger picture of events.

Resident Evil In DC Explained (1hr 20min Video) (Rumble)     |     (Audio Only Version)

1 Hr 20 Min Sermon that explains that the forces of evil are manipulating conspirators as they have in the past. This sermon will be a comfort to many because it is based on the Word Of God. Do not fail to watch it more than once carefully. If you do you will see the big picture of current events and why they are happening. Opposing forces join together in a conspiracy. It is hostility to God's government.

There is a vast satanic conspiracy at work in the world. Matthew 12:14-21


This remarkable scene in heaven provides a striking picture of Satanic activity. The devil, in his opposition to God and His program of salvation, evidently ...

Led by Lucifer, a great host of the created angels had rebelled against their Creator, seeking also to be “gods” like Him. Lucifer, later to be called Satan ...

"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat." (Luke 22:31). Most of us do not warrant the ...

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, ...

Satan—as in the well-known attack on Job (Job 1:6-12)—is always tempting men to sin and, when they do, accuses them before God, as “the accuser of our brethren” ...

“And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job? . . . Still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, ...

41:34 children of pride. Such a statement could be literally true only of Satan himself! This concluding statement in the divine monologue seems to confirm ...

The “serpent” was not merely a talking snake, but was Satan himself (Revelation 12:9; 20:2) possessing and using the serpent's body to deceive Eve.

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (II Corinthians 2:11). Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to dealing ...


Prayer can defeat satan and his demons.

Since we are always in a spiritual war we need to remember to defeat evil we must rely on God.

The Bible is very clear as to how to deal with the devil. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith" (I Peter 5:8-9).

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11). (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)





Grey Wolf Talk (12/6/22) Ron Coleman


Credit      What is going on with the world? Tyranny Everywhere️

Resident Evil In DC Explained (1hr 20min Video) (Rumble)     |     (Audio Only Version)



Grey Wolf Talk (12/6/22) (Video Starts at 3 Min 15 Sec)

Ron Coleman brings out some good points in the live stream video broadcast on 12/6/22.

Ron is correct when he says we are not fighting republicans and democrates, the Uniparty.

We are actually fighting pure evil.

Satan and his demons.

Resident Evil In DC Explained


1 Hr 20 Min Sermon that explains that the forces of evil are manipulating conspirators as they have in the past. This sermon will be a comfort to many. Do not fail to watch it more than once carefully. Explains the bigger picture of events.

Resident Evil In DC Explained (1hr 20min Video) (Rumble)     |     (Audio Only Version)

1 Hr 20 Min Sermon that explains that the forces of evil are manipulating conspirators as they have in the past. This sermon will be a comfort to many because it is based on the Word Of God. Do not fail to watch it more than once carefully. If you do you will see the big picture of current events and why they are happening. Opposing forces join together in a conspiracy. It is hostility to God's government.

There is a vast satanic conspiracy at work in the world. Matthew 12:14-21


This remarkable scene in heaven provides a striking picture of Satanic activity. The devil, in his opposition to God and His program of salvation, evidently ...

Led by Lucifer, a great host of the created angels had rebelled against their Creator, seeking also to be “gods” like Him. Lucifer, later to be called Satan ...

"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat." (Luke 22:31). Most of us do not warrant the ...

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, ...

Satan—as in the well-known attack on Job (Job 1:6-12)—is always tempting men to sin and, when they do, accuses them before God, as “the accuser of our brethren” ...

“And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job? . . . Still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, ...

41:34 children of pride. Such a statement could be literally true only of Satan himself! This concluding statement in the divine monologue seems to confirm ...

The “serpent” was not merely a talking snake, but was Satan himself (Revelation 12:9; 20:2) possessing and using the serpent's body to deceive Eve.

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (II Corinthians 2:11). Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to dealing ...


Prayer can defeat satan and his demons.

Since we are always in a spiritual war we need to remember to defeat evil we must rely on God.

The Bible is very clear as to how to deal with the devil. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith" (I Peter 5:8-9).

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11). (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



The covid “vaccinated” are a health threat to the unvaccinated.



Credit    The Covid "vaccinated" are a health threat to the unvaccinated.    Vaccines.News

Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products. (PDF)

Is it possible as an unvaccinated person to become contaminated with covid chemicals through exposure to others who have been jabbed?

The answer is yes, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.

In a recent interview with Action Canada’s Tanya Gaw, McCullough discussed the risks that covid “vaccinated” people pose to the “unvaccinated.”

In a nutshell, he likened the situation to non-smokers inhaling the second-hand smoke of smokers.

Citing a paper recently published in the TMR journal Infectious Diseases Research, McCullough shared details about how messenger RNA (mRNA) can transfer from the fully jabbed to the unjabbed since these chemicals persist in the blood for at least two weeks – and likely much longer – post-injection.

Another study recently published found that mRNA remains in the lymph nodes of the fully jabbed for months, which further backs McCullough’s claims. There is also another recent medical study that McCullough called the “most disturbing” that shows mRNA poisons can transfer from breast milk to babies.

“It seems the body can’t clear it,” McCullough stated soberly. (Related: McCullough faces losing his medical license for breaking the script on covid.)

Do mRNA poisons stay in the body permanently? McCullough thinks so

If an unvaccinated person gets close to a vaccinated person, either through sexual activity or even just kissing, the so-called “vaccine” can transfer through this route as well.

It is currently unknown how long an unvaccinated person should wait before engaging in this type of contact with a vaccinated person. In McCullough’s estimation, these poisons could remain for years, or maybe even permanently, making the fully jabbed an indefinite public health risk.

“This is very disturbing,” McCullough stated.

Early on in the “pandemic,” McCullough advised that the unvaccinated should wait at least a month before having close contact with someone who got jabbed for the Fauci Flu. Now he has bumped that to 90 days or more.

After each shot, mRNA accumulates even more “with no ability for the body to get rid of it,” McCullough maintains.

“It looks like they permanently install into the human genome through what we call reverse transcription,” he explained.

In other words, mRNA poisons reprogram human genes and turn a person, it seems, into a non-human automaton with strange, foreign DNA. At best, mRNA turns the fully vaccinated into fully transhuman beings that look human but that have non-human genetic blueprints.

Autopsies of deceased fully jabbed bodies show the presence of this altered genetic material throughout the vital organs. This, McCullough says, is proof all on its own.

“So I can tell you everyone who’s taken the vaccine has this material in their brain, their heart, adrenal glands, reproductive organs,” McCullough said. “It’s really a terrible thought. My heart goes out to anyone taking the vaccine, yeah.”

You can watch the interview between Gaw and McCullough at the RAIR Foundation website.


Captain Convey Note

Its like coming into contact with second hand smoke but its second hand "vaccine" contact with Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural

Eexosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)) have been shown to be able to be
excreted through body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk) and to pass the transplacental

These EVs are also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or
injured) as well as orally through breast milk (and why not during sexual intercourse
through semen, as this has not been studied).

Sweat, sputum, inhalation or through the skin can contanimate you with a "vaccinated" person or a Vaxxed To The Maxxed covid "vaccine" carrier.

Knowing this is important information but knowing this can't protect you from inadvertent contact of some kind.

A mask won't protect you from a "vaccinated" carrier.

If you didn't get the Jab but someone you know has this means they are a "vaccine" carrier that can pass the Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural
equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)) to you.

Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products. (PDF)

Coming into contact with a "vaccinated" person and being contaminated by body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk, inhalation or through the skin) can infect you with the covid "vaccine" Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)).

Most people are worried about the covid virus alone.

People need to be much more concerned about those who have got the Jab and are carriers of Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs) which can infect and unvaccinated person.

Do mRNA poisons stay in the body permanently? McCullough thinks so

Autopsies of deceased fully jabbed bodies show the presence of this altered genetic material throughout the vital organs. This, McCullough says, is proof all on its own.

“So I can tell you everyone who’s taken the vaccine has this material in their brain, their heart, adrenal glands, reproductive organs,” McCullough said. “It’s really a terrible thought. My heart goes out to anyone taking the vaccine, yeah.”



Note to those of you who live in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say:

Coming into contact with a "vaccinated" person and being contaminated by body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk, inhalation or through the skin) can infect you with the covid "vaccine" Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)).

This simply means even though you have never got the Jab you can be infected with the Jab Lipid nanoparticles that work to destroy your natural immune system.

Infestations of Jabbed victims are everywhere.

How much of a threat to your health if you come into contact with an infected "vaccinated" person will vary greatly.

Your natural immune system may or may not be able to fight off the "vaccine" virus of the vaccinated.

Since I am not a doctor I can't and don't give medical advice.

I do make comments on the deadly Jab and its potential deadly effects.

Doctors are NOT allowed by the government to say anything to you about the dangers of adverse health reactions to the covid-19 "vaccine" or they could loose their license to be a doctor.

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients.      7/29/2021

The CDC has admitted the "vaccinated" shred or spread the covid virus.

Now it seems it hasn't been the covid -19 virus the "vaccinated" have been spreading and shedding but effects from the "vaccine" have been spreading and infecting people all along.

Lockdowns all made it worse.

Your were locked down with a "vaccine" spreader or you were a "vaccine" spreader yourself. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)


The United States Dept of Homeland Security is the operating system running in the background of Twitter.



You can debate whether Elon Musk honestly didn’t know all this before purchasing Twitter from his good friend Jack Dorsey, and/or what the scenario of owner/operator motive actually is. 

Wittingly or unwittingly (you decide) Elon Musk is now the face of that govt controlled enterprise.

If you concur with my researched assessment, then what you see being released by Elon Musk in the Twitter Files is actually a filtered outcome as a result of this new ownership dynamic.  And with that intelligence framework solidly in mind, I warn readers not to take a position on the motive of the new ownership.

Put simply, DHS stakeholders, to include the DOJ, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), are mitigating public exposure of their domestic surveillance activity by controlling and feeding selected information about their prior Twitter operations.

The larger objective of U.S. involvement in social media has always been monitoring and surveillance of the public conversation, and then ultimately controlling and influencing public opinion.

#1 Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop and #2 The Fourth Branch of Government

Latest Release of Twitter Files


Captain Convey Note

DOJ, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), are mitigating public exposure of their domestic surveillance activity by controlling and feeding selected information about their prior Twitter operations.

Elon Musk was asked about the direct connection portal the various biden regime agencies have that have and are controlling twitter.

Listening to Musks's answer leads me to believe of course he "knows" about the direct connection to the biden regime government intelligence agencies.

Musk gave a diplomatic type of answer to the question.

The United States Dept of Homeland Security is the operating system running in the background of Twitter.

This means DHS and other us intel agencies control what twitter produces.

Another question to ask is: Does Elon Musk have access to the operating system running in the background of twitter?

You can debate whether Elon Musk honestly didn’t know all this before purchasing Twitter from his good friend Jack Dorsey, and/or what the scenario of owner/operator motive actually is.

I can answer the above questions, can't you.

Information fed to twitter from the biden regime is being filtered about everything past and present.

Filtered in another word for censored.


Twit: If you’re stuck on “rapid fire” – tweeting three, four, five or (GASP!) more tweets out at the same time – you sir or madam, are a Twitter Twit.

General Tweet: A message posted to Twitter containing text, photos, a GIF, and/or video.

Status Tweets: A simplified Tweet sharing what you’re up to, and a way to add new context to your Tweets and build connections between what you’re doing and other people who also care about what’s happening.

Mentions Tweet: A Tweet containing another account’s Twitter username, preceded by the "@" symbol. For example: “Hello @ReoLindaFolks!”

Replies Tweet: A reply is when you respond to another person's Tweet.

Retweets: Is a re-posting of a Tweet. Twitter's Retweet feature helps you and others quickly share that Tweet with all of your followers.

You can Retweet your own Tweets or Tweets from someone else.

Retweet FAQs

There is a limit on tweets: Tweets: 2,400 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as Tweets.

Elon Musk has NO control over the backbone underlying operating system of Twitter which is controlled by the biden regime intel agencies.

The information he is fed is controlled by the intel agencies.

The information about the intel agencies controlling Twitter is filtered and controlled.

Musk only knows what the intel agencies allow him to know.

The so called twitter intel revelations are filtered/censored/controlled information by the intel agencies.

Elone Musk has NO control over this because he has NO control over the backbone underlying operating system of Twitter which is controlled by the biden regime intel agencies.

What does this mean?

Its means Elon Musk information is censored.

Our tweets on twitter are controlled, ie censored also.

Does Elon Musk know this?

I know the answer to that question also, don't you?

Were "fenced in on twitter" and limited to what we can communicate about and are limited to the content of actual information on twitter.

Yes we can TWIT, TWEET, RETWEET etc etc.

I believe partial information is better than NO information.

This is Twitter.

A partial information social media platform controlled by the us intel agencies.

Other major social media platforms are also controlled by the biden regime intel agencies.

We are living in:

The United States Of Oz

Think of twitter as a town crier.

Town crier definition, (formerly) a person employed by a town to make public announcements or proclamations, usually by shouting in the streets.

Musk, you and I are town criers.

We employ Elon using Promoted Tweets.

Instead of being employed by a town Elon is "employed" by twitter users via promoted tweets.

The more you pay the further your announcement or proclamation will reverberate through the streets.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye:

The information you are about to receive from the twitter town crier can be filtered or censored.

Information can be factual, untrue, a total lie etc.

You must decide.

Hopefully without the information you are checking out being precensored by the government and social media.

Maybe you should get a second or third opinion before you tweet/retweet etc on the twitter town crier platform?

A local town crier twitter link is below.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye.

My tweets should also be checked with a second or third opinion that has Source information included.

If you read any tweet on twitter that doesn't link to a source you can verify your tweet could be worth nor more than uselss gossip.

Gossip: Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

Typically not contained in tweets is minutia details.

Most of my tweets contain the minutia you need to confirm my tweet is factual.

 (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)


The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) contains a loophole that would allow foreign news organizations, including Chinese organizations, to influence the flow of information in the United States



(Credit)      McConnell Caves to Pelosi, Schumer, Allows JCPA Media Cartel Bailout Bill to Be Included in Defense Package

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) contains a loophole that would allow foreign news organizations, including Chinese organizations, to influence the flow of information in the United States — even as lawmakers prepare to attach the derided media bailout bill to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill to fund national defense.

The JCPA has already attracted condemnation for its core elements, namely the transfer of wealth to already-wealthy media companies and the potential for the media industry to demand more censorship from Silicon Valley platforms.

But the China concerns, which are reportedly attracting attention on the Hill, add another twist to the story of a bill that has repeatedly been revived from the dead by media lobbyists over the past two years.

The JCPA creates a “must carry and must pay” scheme, forcing U.S. tech companies both to carry and pay for the content of news organizations through mandatory arbitration agreements.

The news organizations are not limited to U.S. ones, meaning the JCPA would require U.S. companies to carry and subsidize a range of publications that spread propaganda from foreign sources.

This would open up the U.S. to increased foreign influence over American political and social movements, and increased exposure to CCP-supported narratives.

The potential to empower foreign adversaries is particularly extraordinary given that lawmakers are planning to attach it to the NDAA, a “must pass” bill that is meant to fund U.S. national defense.

There is a narrow exception in the JCPA carving out publications that are clearly “owned or controlled” by foreign powers. This very weak exception has not been revised since the JCPA was introduced and would instantly be abused by Russian, Chinese, and other foreign interests. “Owned or controlled” does not mean Chinese or Russian entities cannot partner or pay publications in other countries to carry their propaganda.

This is increasingly happening with entities like China Daily that ‘partner’ with U.S. publications to “insert articles that portray the Chinese government and life in China in a positive light,” including mainstream publications like Time and the L.A. Times.

Freedom House recently highlighted Beijing’s increasing global media influence, which would be strengthened by a bill like JCPA.

Adverse foreign interests will be able to leverage JCPA to convey propaganda to U.S. audiences, including by disguising their ownership of U.S.-facing publications, partnering with U.S. publications, and broadcasting foreign content on U.S. platforms.

Many of the publishers that would benefit from JCPA are currently carrying advertisements and affiliated content from entities that are owned, controlled, or influenced by the CCP and its affiliates.

The JCPA bill in congress would effectively require U.S. platforms to carry CCP-promoted speech.

JCPA also damages U.S. competitiveness and strategic interests by primarily targeting U.S. companies and excluding foreign rivals from scope.

The JCPA, essentially a transfer of wealth from Silicon Valley to the discredited and distrusted corporate legacy media, is highly controversial. Beyond the financial payouts to media companies, they will be able to form a “joint negotiating entity”—a cartel, immune from antitrust law—to negotiate with Big Tech companies on the “terms and conditions” for carrying their content.

Censorship is sure to be a frequent demand of media companies. Despite provisions in the bill that purportedly stop media companies from negotiating the suppression of any one competitor, there is nothing to stop them asking their content to be prioritized over broadly-drawn categories that are used as pretexts for censorship, like “disinformation.”


Captain Convey Note

I fell prey to the media's manipulation of President Trump's recent Truth Social comment about the Constitution.

I had a knee jerk reaction to part of his quote.

The part that I had a knee jerk reaction to was taken out of context by the media.

I should have known better.

The quote below is just part of what President Trump said on

"A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

Yes Trump is correct the media and biden regime have presented a massive fraud to America.

Trump was trying to say there are rules, regulations and articles in the Constituion that need to be changed.

Initially I had a kneejerk reaction to President Trump's Truth Social Quote that the media has quoted over and over.

President Trump is noting the reason why Election Lawsuits fail.

Our U.S. Constitution permits election fraud and manipulation, as long as that state level election fraud and manipulation does not break federal law.  {Direct Rumble Link}


President Donald Trump came under massive amounts of fire recently for saying, “So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

What President Trump is noting, is the exact same reason why Kari Lake’s lawsuit, like every other election lawsuit before it, will fail.

Our U.S. Constitution permits election fraud and manipulation, as long as that state level election fraud and manipulation does not break federal law.  {Direct Rumble Link}

President Trump Was Correct About the Constitution and Elections – Kari Lake’s Lawsuit Shows Why (Click Link)


Captain Convey Bonus Note Of Disillusionment And Disgust

Talking about twitter and tweets on twitter all seem like a moot point.

A moot point is a point, an aspect, or a topic that is no longer relevant or can no longer be questioned or debated.

The Uniparty (Democrates/Republicans) work together to control the media.

This has included twitter.

Elon Musk was ask about the direct connection portal "homeland security" has to twitter content and his answer was he didn't know what it was for.

Maybe those in Reo Linda will buy that statement from Elon Must but anyone with common sense will not.

Twitter is a type of "bread and circus" side show.

Its true you can post your little tweet on twitter. I do.

Its like posting a note somewhere on a tree or something after a disaster hoping to find someone your looking for etc.

The influence of the tweet only matters if you have "followers" on twitter and these "followers" can be purchased from twitter.

Thats one way twitter makes money.

SO the higher the number of followers you have people are compelled to think the more important the tweet or statement is.


Because you can actually buy followers on twitter when you see ANY twitter tweet etc it is a totally relative relation in proportion to the number of followers you have as to the importance of your tweet or statement.

Think of buying fake followers on twitter like ballot box fraud and ballot stuffing.

So you go to twitter.

You see a post I have made.

You see I have only 1 follower.

You automatically equate the importance of my tweet to only 1 follower.

You ignore those tweet from people who don't have a large following.

I am automatically censored by you because I only have one follower.

You see another tweet where someone has several hundred or thousand followers.

You automatically think that tweet must be important and relevant.

The consensus thing kicks in automatically in your mind.

If you equate the importance of a statement/tweet on twitter to only the number of followers a person has you like so many others are duped again.

So twitter really is the modern day bread and circus / snake oil pitch and seller of information.

The corrupt Uniparty congress is about to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).

This will make sure tweets on twitter are censored in a way the truth will be even more hidden.

My point is twitter is kind of a moot point.

All the tweets and talk about the election etc will just be echoes in a tin can.


The US Constitution allows states to make laws that allow ballot fraud.

The 2020 election and the 2022 midterm election republican Uniparty defeat in The US senate is the result.

Democate cartels in various states allow ballot fraud and can steal elections.

Thats why tweets on twitter seem like a moot point when the end game has been decided before its played.

Now to you understand?

The democrates have corrupted enough states to continue to steal elections.

I do think the states should be able to hold elections individually.

The problem is when a state election has been corrupted by ballot fraud it allows national elections to be stolen buy democrates with the help of the Uniparty republicans.

Covid-19 was a tool used to PERPETUATE and INCREASE ballot fraud in democate controlled states, aided by republicans in the Uniparty.

We are now in a state of perpetual state of election corruption and fraud.

National elections will continue to be stolen because of ballot fraud in a majority of states.

I am not optimistic this will change.

The Uniparty is in charge remember?

I of course will keep speaking my mind on my own website as long as I can.

I will keep tweeting knowing its just an echo in a large tin can.

I don't give up.


The difference between “ballots” and “votes” - How Democrates Steal elections.

  RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.)

The 4 Constitutions of the UNITED STATES

The United States Of Oz




The Trump 2024 Election Lottery   

The odds against his Winning the 2024 election have increased a little because President Trump's statement was taken out of context.


For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, context is not a movie. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald



Gary Fannin discusses his book The Innocence of Oswald: 50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit.

The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald




The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald

With the sleuthing skills of a twenty-first century Philip Marlowe, Mr. Fannin argues that neither the Dallas Police Department nor the FBI had sufficient evidence to convict Lee Harvey Oswald. Fannin also uncovered information regarding the role of Roscoe White during this tragic saga.

A Dallas Police officer, Fannin purports that White had CIA connections and was known in intelligence circles as “Mandarin.”

Fannin claims that the CIA arranged for White to work at the Dallas Police Department in October 1963 and that his wife Geneva worked for Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club.

During his talk, Fannin will also present information that was revealed by Billy Sol Estes during his later years regarding various murders for hire.

A businessman convicted of a fraud scandal, Estes was closely associated with several elected officials including Lyndon Johnson.

The Innocence of Oswald--50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit.  Second Edition.

This book/DVD proves how the U.S. Government, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Secret Service, FBI, CIA, Mafia Connections and Texas Oil arranged, financed, implemented the assassination and cover-up of our nations 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  This Second Edition has three new chapters and over 100 additional pages with new information recently released from the Assassinations Records Review Board.

Includes FBI documents signed by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/23/63 stating the FBI (and Dallas Police) had no fingerprints on the weapons and shell casings Oswald was to have 'allegedly' used to assassinate President Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit.

Includes Naval Intelligence documents before and after the assassination of President Kennedy to a self-admitted assassin describing in great detail of the upcoming events of 11/22/63 and the following cover-up.

Includes the document of Jack Ruby admitting to Dallas County Police (while in Dallas County Records Building/Asst. District Attorney Office) on 11/21/63, 'You probably don't know me now, but you will.'



Captain Convey Note About CIA

The presentation by Gary Fannin is a very convincing evidence that Oswald did not kill Kennedy.

It is also very convincing evidence of who was involved.

The man who killed Kennedy was a CIA agent named White. (The evidence and documentation points to CIA agent White as one of the shooters.)

Other people were involved also that shot Kennedy.

Back in 1963 the CIA was going out of business if Kennedy had his way.

This book/DVD proves how the U.S. Government, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Secret Service, FBI, CIA, Mafia Connections and Texas Oil arranged, financed, implemented the assassination and cover-up of our nations 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  This Second Edition has three new chapters and over 100 additional pages with new information recently released from the Assassinations Records Review Board.

As the author of the book points out there were 4 things that happened the day Kennedy was murdered in Dallas that ONLY the government could have done.

Oswald also worked for the CIA but was setup by the CIA as the evidence shows.

Today the matrix of government deception continues to grow at an ever increasing rate.

But there is hope because last week the tom cat was let out of the bag and the government deception and lies are out in the open now because of several revelations last week.

The CIA has been at work for many years deceiving Americans. In 1963 Kennedy was going to dismantle the CIA.

Corrupt people in the cia were behind the assassination of kennedy along with other thugs.

Watch presentation on youtube

I know its hard to believe this but the evidence confirms we are living in the United States Of OZ and have been for a long time.


The United States Of Oz

President Trump made comments on truth social.



The quote below is just part of what President Trump said on

"A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

Yes Trump is correct the media and biden regime have presented a massive fraud to America.

Trump was trying to say there are rules, regulations and articles in the Constituion that need to be changed.

Initially I had a kneejerk reaction to President Trump's Truth Social Quote that the media has quoted over and over.

President Trump is noting the reason why Election Lawsuits fail.

Our U.S. Constitution permits election fraud and manipulation, as long as that state level election fraud and manipulation does not break federal law.  {Direct Rumble Link}


President Donald Trump came under massive amounts of fire recently for saying, “So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

What President Trump is noting, is the exact same reason why Kari Lake’s lawsuit, like every other election lawsuit before it, will fail.

Our U.S. Constitution permits election fraud and manipulation, as long as that state level election fraud and manipulation does not break federal law.  {Direct Rumble Link}

President Trump Was Correct About the Constitution and Elections – Kari Lake’s Lawsuit Shows Why (Click Link)

The Trump 2024 Election Lottery   

The odds against his Winning the 2024 election have increased a little because a statement was taken out of context.

The probability of his winning have decreased a little because of President Trump's truth social post because it was taken out of context as usual.

It was 50 50 now its increased.

Because of media manipulation of President Trump's quote the odds have increased a little against winning.

What will really count is what the odds are the day before the 2024 election.

The daily Trump 2024 Lotto odds will change as the media propaganda machine grinds out information that is not true, manipulated, misquoted or taken out of context.




Oz is Oz. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)



Elon Musk Releases Documents Showing U.S. Government Instructed Twitter Platform to Remove Political Content



Biden Regime and DNC officials gave instructions to Twitter personnel to remove content. (Credit)


Twitter CEO Elon Musk selected Matt Taibbi, one of the rare independent voices in media, as the vessel to review and share a litany of internal documents from within the social media platform showing details of how the federal government and DNC officials gave instructions to Twitter personnel to remove content.

Matt Taibbi released a stream of Twitter Communication showing the documents and details – SEE HERE

Elon Musk followed up the current release with a statement saying,

Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is.”




Journalist Matt Taibbi signs off on this release with the following notation, “There is much more to come, including answers to questions about issues like shadow-banning, boosting, follower counts, the fate of various individual accounts, and more. These issues are not limited to the political right.”

Read Documents Here


Under Deposition FBI Admits Giving Targeting Instructions to Tech Giants and Social Media Companies for Blocks and Content Removal


(Credit)    Proof of Biden Regime Censorship Of Speech

It is very well known by now that FBI agents worked within social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram through direct portals connecting the government to the backdoors of the networks.  The Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) continue to operate in partnership with various tech systems and platforms to monitor content.

During a deposition this week the FBI admitted to giving instructions to tech companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft to block URLs without a basis in legality.  Essentially the ideology of the FBI and DHS determines the targets of the content removal, blockage and/or censoring.

To repeat, these are not FBI and DHS instructions based on defined criminal activity, these are government instructions based on disagreements over ‘information’ as espoused by the content provider.

Information the government agrees with is safe; however, information the U.S. government doesn’t agree with is targeted.   Obviously, a person of reasonable intelligence can see the problem with allowing law enforcement to determine which information is valid and which information is invalid.

CTH has a heightened awareness on this issue because I received a congressional subpoena based entirely on a Tweet that was discovered to have been attributed to an account set up by a Twitter employee to create CTH as a target. What we discovered was that Twitter employees have the ability to manipulate the platform to create real world outcomes.

A variation on “swatting” by Twitter.  As a result, knowing that FBI and DHS officials target user accounts based on content, and knowing that Twitter employees have the ability to create content with false attribution to targeted user accounts, it’s worth an even larger pause when considering the relationship. /SD


Captain Convey Blowout Note

Its there was ever ANY doubt the biden regime is amd was controlling the media there is NO doubt now!!

The above 2 news articles from the conservative tree house quoting Elon Musk and FBI depostion information about biden regime censorship are PROOF POSITIVE we are living in THE UNITED STATES OF Oz.

The United States Of Oz

I just adjusted the odds on President Trump winning the election.

Its a plus for him now that the big tom cat of the biden regime censorship is out of the bag.


For those of you living in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, just keep repeating, "There's no place like home, There's no place like home, There's no place like home." (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)





Living in an illusion of freedom



Captain Convey Reality Note



1.  the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.



: something that deceives or misleads intellectually.

: perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.

: the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled.

Case in Point Below:

Line a represents the democratic party.

Line b represents the republican party.

At first glance you may think the 2 lines are different.

After a closer examination you realize the lines are the same length.

The above picture is a simple illusion of an illusion labeled a and b which are the same.

An illusion of 2 lines being different yet are the same.

A good illustration of the UNIPARTY! Republicans and Democrates.

In the last 2 months or so I have realized I have been living in THE UNITED STATES OF OZ.

This has invoked a different perspective about the reality of America.

OZ is located in the district of columbia DC and is a corporation called UNITED STATES.

The United States is a Corporation   (

The republican party is actually a corporation that represents no citizens in this country.

The Democratic party is actually a corporation that represents no citizens in this country.

A Common Misconception in Elections, The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations

Now when I see the news it is obvious who is in control and its not we the people.

I suppose the OZ aspect of it all was bound to happen as technology gained more and more control over each individuals thoughts and actions.

Centralized everything mean centralized control of everything.

One of the biggest contributors to the state of OZ is your cell phone and apps that can be manipulated at will by our government, any government or individuals willing to purchase is Pegasus spyware.

Click on this link: Pegasus spyware

Most people don't know that their cellphone is a 24/7 spy nearby.

You don't have ANY privacy at all but you are under the state of OZ illusion that you do.

Instead of asking "who was that man behind the curtain controlling OZ" you need to realize its the "men behind the curtain of illusion" that are working for the OZ the corporation called UNITED STATES.

Thats the UNIPARTY - Democrates and Republicans. 2 Seperate corporations but working as one.

How does and American citizen fit into this?

We The People are considered as collateral by the corporation known as UNITED STATES.

The 4 Constitutions of the UNITED STATES

So a little recap.

(1) You are and have been living under an illusion of freedom.

(2) you are considered as collateral for debts that are owed by the corporation called UNITED STATES.

If your like me that leaves a sinking feeling in your gut.

The corporation known as UNITED STATES located in the district of columbia wants to totally control you more and more everyday.

To this end the corporations known as the republican party and democratic party must continue to foster the illusion you have freedom.

Also the UNIPARTY continues to invoke various laws, rules and regulations to make sure you stay on the PLANTATION OF OZ.

Also the UNIPARTY must continue the Illusion of elections.

the 2020 and 2022 midterm illusion of elections has allowed the democrates to stay in power aided by their partners in crime the republicans, the UNIPARTY.

Trump can be thought of as a "slave leader" thats under duress by the UNIPARTY. He is on the run.

We The People are just considered collateral for debt by the coporation known as UNITED STATES.

Currently the corrupt federal "government" doesn't fully control the money and therefore doesn't totally control everything yet.

If the central bank digital currency replaces the dollar you will be slaves in irons for sure under the illusion we have freedoms.

RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late!

So whats it all about?

Money and control.

Your money and control of you.

Everyday now when I get up I see this country like I'm in THE UNITED STATES OF OZ.

What do you think the odds of Trump being president again are? I do know the odds against it happening increase everyday.

Play the Trump Lottery at the link below.

Trump 2024 Lottery

When the UNIPARTY, under the control of the corporation known as UNITED STATES, totally controls free speech and your bank account the UNIPARTY won't be playing the illusion game of freedom anymore.


To those of you who live in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, isn't riply's believe it or not.


Think of what I have said in this way:

You totally trust a person, maybe your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, sister, brother, uncle, cousin, teacher, pastor doctor or friend and find out you have been believing a lie about them.

A gut punch of reality kicks in.

You start seeing a new perspective and act accordingly.

Now that you know the truth.

Get it? (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)





Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) means no more free speech S.673




Americans Can stop s. 673 by Calling Their U.S. Senators, Saying, ‘Vote NO On S. 673"


Click Here to go find your US Senator and contact them.

Tell your US Senator to Vote No on the:

Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) S.673


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry issued a call to arms in an exclusive Breitbart News interview for Americans throughout Louisiana and across the country to begin burning down the phone lines and demanding their U.S. Senators oppose the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).

“They beat it by calling their U.S. Senator, irrespective of whether they’re a Democrat or Republican, and saying ‘do not vote for this bill,’ but especially if they’re a Republican because if all the Republicans stuck together they couldn’t beat a filibuster,” Landry said. “They need 60 votes. Let me just add this one thing, think about this: This is a bill, this is Schumer’s bill right? Let me ask you a question: What party rails against big corporations, against monopolies? Who is the party who is allegedly for the little guy? Why in the world are the Democrats for this? If a Democrat is for this bill, a Republican should automatically say ‘no way I ain’t getting on that’ because it’s not good for anybody.”

The JCPA, a highly controversial proposal spearheaded by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and backed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, would hand media organizations a government-provided antitrust exemption to allow them to collectively bargain with Big Tech companies. While proponents argue that the cartels of media outlets the bill would create might stifle Big Tech’s power, critics worry that the bill would exacerbate the problem by empowering establishment media at the expense of more independent and especially conservative voices.

“It’s not surprising. The U.S. Congress won’t do anything with the drug cartels,” Landry told Breitbart News. “Why don’t they just give a couple other people cartels like Big Tech? Everything we’ve been fighting over in this last decade now in watching the rise of Big Tech and seeing the destruction and the manipulation those platforms can inflict on the American people, of course Congress—which is supposed to be our guardians—is going to just let them in and give them more power? This is absolutely a train wreck. No Republican should be on record in supporting this. None. It doesn’t matter who they are.

There should not be one Republican U.S. Senator supporting this. In fact, I would argue there should be no U.S. Senator period both on the Republican or the Democrat side. I mean, because, think about where we were—it shows me where we are after a hundred years ago with the rise of the trusts and we had to go through a whole litany of federal laws to break up the monopolies and the trusts back then.

Now, here we are and what we’re going to do is create some media cartel?

While, think about this, at the same time the U.S. Senate is thinking about giving the media—certain people, certain sections of the media—antitrust exemptions, there are two attorneys general including one who’s getting ready to go into the U.S. Senate who are right now in court showing how the government colluded with social media.

Now think about what the government can do when they combine themselves with a media cartel?”

The only way this bill passes Congress in the next few weeks during a last-ditch push by well-funded lobbyists is if Republicans in the U.S. Senate cave again to Democrats. Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are expected to, through Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), mark up the bill next week. From there, it is likely to be considered by the full House of Representatives.

The U.S. Senate, meanwhile, has already passed the bill out of the Judiciary Committee after a protracted and nasty standoff produced a compromise earlier this fall. A great betrayal of conservatives by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) paved the way for the panel to clear the proposal, as an amendment by Cruz adopted in the committee after a weeks-long showdown helped the bill move forward. Cruz had originally been opposed to the plan but caved and helped Democrats advance the controversial proposal in committee shortly thereafter. But Cruz’s shocking turn against conservatives is hardly the only surprise move Republicans have made to help the Democrat agenda on this proposal over the past two years.

Landry, who is running for governor of Louisiana in the 2023 election, speaking out so aggressively is significant because in addition to Klobuchar being the lead Democrat sponsor of the bill in the U.S. Senate, the lead GOP sponsor is Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican whose colorful personality often lands him Fox News airtime, has been for the last two years working with Klobuchar to champion this bill that would in effect create more censorship of conservatives and deepen the establishment media’s already deep ties with Big Tech.

Kennedy is reportedly considering his own run for governor of Louisiana—if he runs he would face Landry and anyone else who runs in the November 2023 jungle primary—but pushing this bill in the lame-duck session of Congress could severely harm Kennedy’s political prospects and undercut any hope he has of winning the governor’s mansion in Louisiana.

What’s particularly wild and unorthodox about this current push by industry insiders to salvage this proposal — which would completely upend the media and tech industries — is that they are doing it right after the 2022 midterm elections and before the new Congress takes office in what is called the lame duck session of Congress, where the old, just-ousted members serve for a few more weeks before leaving on Jan. 3, 2023. Proponents of the JCPA have two years to move the proposal and have repeatedly failed, but now in a last-ditch, desperate push, they are trying to jam through the large-scale plan during the lame-duck session.

There are several pathways through which they could do it, such as by attaching it to a must-pass bill like the government funding vehicle that will be coming down the pipeline later in September or to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) — even though this has nothing to do with defense policy. Or Democrats and their GOP enablers like Cruz and Kennedy could try to pass it on its own out of both the House and Senate. To achieve congressional passage through any of these pathways, though, Democrats would need at least 10 Senate Republicans to vote for the plan—either via a must-pass bill that it is attached to or as a standalone bill—to get past a Senate filibuster.

Landry is warning Republicans in the U.S. Senate to not give in and let the Democrats have this win. Since they had two years to get it done and failed, he argued Republicans should not enable a broken process by advancing this plan during the lame-duck session of Congress.

"Listen, that’s what they do in Congress. I just literally two weeks ago won a case at the Fifth Circuit—two cases—where in the dark of night in the COVID relief package two years ago or three years ago they tucked in a complete takeover of the horse racing industry by the federal government, which we just litigated, with no committee hearings, no debate,” Landry said. “That’s what they do at the end: They stick all these things in these big omnibus bills and short-circuit the normal process. You know why? It’s a telltale sign that it is bad for America and bad for the American citizens. Anytime they do that it’s ‘yup, that’s an automatic bad piece of legislation.’”

Kennedy’s catchy soundbites aside, his decision to side with Democrats here could hurt him big time back home if he decides to run for governor. With Landry’s very public opposition to this controversial proposal, if Kennedy does not back down immediately and withdraw support of the JCPA—and block Democrats’ efforts to jam it through in the lame duck before the incoming House GOP majority elected in the 2022 midterms takes office—this issue would very clearly become a major one in the 2023 governor race in Louisiana should Kennedy decide to run.

What’s more, if Kennedy champions the flawed proposal through and it makes it into law, the American public will see by November 2023 just how problematic the JCPA is because by then, its structural issues would become apparent—and Kennedy will have been responsible for decimating conservative media if that’s how it plays out.

In other words, while Kennedy may be able to hide behind talking points and platitudes for now, he will not be able to continue to do so if this comes to pass—and he has an off-ramp, blocking his own bill and muddling the process between now and the end of the year so that the new House GOP majority can fix it next year.

Landry, on the other hand, implicitly understands the stakes here and said this legislation would absolutely lead to more censorship of conservatives and represent the “end of the freedom of the press” in America.

“Let me tell you what that is:

That bill is the end of the freedom of the press. S 673


The problem we got today, I hate to say this, is that Rush Limbaugh is dead,

Landry said. “If Limbaugh was alive, he would be destroying this bill, S 673 from his microphone."

{Rush Limbaugh Radio Archives 6/3/05 - 2/28/17}


This is exactly the kind of issue that folks like him—and thank God for y’all, okay?—that he would be exposing.

Think about it in the context of the freedom of the press.

What this bill basically does is it basically says there really is no freedom of the press anymore, it’s just freedom of a group of people who call themselves the press.

It’s freedom of the press cartel, right?

Who else would have access?

Because, again, the virtual marketplace is controlled by the tech giants.

Now they’re going to be embedded with the media giants?

Really? What’s left for the average citizen to have an honest discussion about what’s going on in the country?

That’s what we’re litigating in Louisiana in the censorship.

Once you weld government to the monopoly of the media, there is no more freedom because there’s no exchange of ideas.”


Captain Convey Note

"What this bill basically does is it basically says there really is no freedom of the press anymore, it’s just freedom of a group of people who call themselves the press."

S 673 would make it legal to kill free speech on social media platforms and it would be controlled by big tech and the biden regime.

Once you weld government to the monopoly of the media, there is no more freedom because there’s no exchange of ideas.

Its that simple.


Click Here to go find your US Senator and contact them.

Tell your US Senator to Vote No on the:

Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) S.673



For those of you in Reo Linda, as rush Limbaugh use to say, a social media platform is not a new type of shoe.



Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! ( Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)




Today is Nov 9, 2022 and it is very clear MAGA VOTES DON'T MATTER after the midterm election because of various forms of mail in ballot fraud and the use of the "ballot" itself as a tool to steal elections authorized by the emergency covid-19 act that still is in effect.

A mail in ballot is not a validated vote but is a tool used to steal elections by FRAUD!


    777 Ltrs Max, TruthSocial 500 Ltrs Max, Twitter 280 Ltrs Max.

You can post up to 777 letters on You can link directly to your account.

I started posting on twitter to see if anything has changed on the censorship.

If the above tweet I posted on Nov2, 2022 is removed for a woke violation etc it will mean all this talk about twitter becoming a place to post thoughts without censorship won't be true.

Twitter is censoring information about “Anti-vaxxer” hunter who terrorized Freedom Convoy truckers and COLLAPSED on camera. Attorney Gabriel Poliquin.

Since I started back on twitter on Nov 2, 2022 this is the first time I have been censored. Nov 17, 2022 they continue to hide Jab info.




The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations.



Credit   (

When it comes to the private corporations in American politics known as the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), there is a common misconception that the corporations represent the voters, they do not.

The RNC and DNC corporations represent their interests, which are not necessarily in alignment with the interests of the unpaid voluntary participants, the voters.  As a consequence, when a lawyer is hired by the RNC they are not representing the candidate or voter, they are representing the interests of the corporation. A big difference.

The RNC is the client, the candidate is a secondary consideration, the voter is ancillary to the primary interest.  In the example above, the RNC lawyer has been paid $892,550 through the end of September 2022, to represent the interests of the corporation.

It is entirely possible for the RNC contracted lawyer to succeed in fulfillment of the client goal, yet the candidate and voters lose.  Remember, the corporation is paying to have their interests represented.  If the interests of the corporation are not in alignment with the interests of the candidate/voter, the client interest supersedes.

Legal success is found in representing the interest of the RNC, not the candidate.  Once, that success is achieved, the legal team move to the next objective as instructed by the corporation.

There are two private corporations representing Republicans and Democrats; they are most commonly referred to as political parties. There is no basis for the existence of private political parties in the United States constitution.  Both parties’ function from a position as private interests outside the framework of government.

What we commonly refer to as ‘politicians’ are selected representatives to the government from each of the corporations.  What we commonly refer to as ‘primary elections’ are suggestions to each of the corporations from citizens expressing their preference for the representative.   The corporation can individually choose to accept or decline the suggestion from the voters, and the only thing that binds the corporation to follow the suggestion are the corporate rules.

The corporation of the RNC and DNC exist to serve their own interests.

Politics is the RNC and DNC business; however, the income stream -the financial aspects to the business- is what holds influence over the corporate priority.  Ideology is part of the equation, but control of the business and generating revenue is the main function of the corporation. Unfortunately, in the reality of the business model, election outcomes are downstream from those two priorities.

It is with this corporate baseline in mind that all ‘election’ political analysis should take place.

The economics of the thing is what Republican officers in the RNC emphasize.

Without money, the corporate mission doesn’t operate.  Without money the RNC members -essentially board members- do not function, hold meetings, assemble, or participate in the organization.  Therefore, from the standpoint of the corporation, the business of politics (corporate donor inputs) drives the activity, not election results (outputs).

This facet to U.S. politics is rarely discussed because the corporations and the people who run them do not want this process emphasized.  However, if voters do not comprehend this dynamic, they can fall victim to the fallacy of false representative choice.

he corporation is made up of members.  The members make the rules.  The members have preferences and ideological outlooks about the objective of the corporation as part of their position within it.  Inside this dynamic is where you see the changing of rules to benefit the preferences of the members; ultimately influencing outcomes.

Unlike most political sites, CTH watches this inside club dynamic closely, because ultimately it explains a lot of ‘consequences’ that we see later discussed.  It is easier to just sit back and discuss the consequences than it is to watch the officials inside the club make rule changes proactively.  However, it is by watching the rule changes that we can see the roadmaps of influence within game as played by both RNC and DNC corporations.

Any political commentary that does not take this private club dynamic into consideration, and/or explain the consequences from decisions within the club, is not serving the interests of the American electorate.

Some RNC members support MAGA, some do not.  Some RNC members support the Wall Street alignment, some do not.  Some members support the populist movement, others do not.  Some RNC members support a big tent approach to a working-class coalition, other RNC members regard the working-class as beneath their representative interests. The key point is that it’s a private club making these decisions.

The majority decision from within the club membership vote will determine each outcome(s).  Donald Trump may have earned 100 million voters and supporters, but only 168 unelected members and party officials will determine what that means to their corporate agenda.

There is no guarantee the America First agenda of Donald Trump is in alignment with the 2022, 2023 priorities of the club.

Factually, all recent suggestions from the club control officers, the billionaire Wall Street donors like Ken Griffin, all suggest the removal of Trump and the MAGA agenda from association with the RNC Club should be the priority of the assembly.  The dynamic of financial influence, income to the corporation, changes the entire mechanism of the outcome.

An ideological alignment of individual people, institutions and organizations working in concert toward a common goal is not a conspiracy.

...”He wants to improve the diversity of the GOP and blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world — two things he’s consulted with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about.”… (link)

Once you see the strings on the corporate marionettes, it’s impossible to return to that moment in the political performance when you did not see them.

Wall Street -vs- Main Street.


Captain Convey Note

The 4 Constitutions of the UNITED STATES

The US government is actually a corporation called UNITED STATES.

Click the above link to know the truth.

The Conservative Tree House article is about the DNC corporation and the RNC corporation.

These corporations are under the control of the main corporation called UNITED STATES.

WE THE PEOPLE are manipulated and controlled by these corporations.

Yes its shocking and hard to believe.

Do your own research and find out for yourself.

Recently the cat has gotten out of the bag about this matrix of deception we have and are living in.


People who live in Reo Linda just might actually be a lot smarter than the average American when it comes to knowing the operations of the corporation
called the UNITED STATES that is actually the federal "government".



Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! ( Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election. (KJV Bible Online)

Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)

Stream Zones    (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)

George Orwell Quotes

Top 100 Conservative Websites    (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY)   Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)




Today is Nov 9, 2022 and it is very clear MAGA VOTES DON'T MATTER after the midterm election because of various forms of mail in ballot fraud and the use of the "ballot" itself as a tool to steal elections authorized by the emergency covid-19 act that still is in effect.

A mail in ballot is not a validated vote but is a tool used to steal elections by FRAUD!


    777 Ltrs Max, TruthSocial 500 Ltrs Max, Twitter 280 Ltrs Max.

You can post up to 777 letters on You can link directly to your account.

I started posting on twitter to see if anything has changed on the censorship.

If the above tweet I posted on Nov2, 2022 is removed for a woke violation etc it will mean all this talk about twitter becoming a place to post thoughts without censorship won't be true.

Twitter is censoring information about “Anti-vaxxer” hunter who terrorized Freedom Convoy truckers and COLLAPSED on camera. Attorney Gabriel Poliquin.

Since I started back on twitter on Nov 2, 2022 this is the first time I have been censored. Nov 17, 2022 they continue to hide Jab info.




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