What is ESG?

stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.

You say, I never heard of that or what does it mean?

ESG is a speech and behavior code created by the left, marxists/communists, that is being imposed ie forced on everybody as if it were law.


ESG is anti American.

The average person is unaware, in denial or ignorant of what ESG means or does.

Diversity actually means Conformity.

Inclusivity actually means Exclusivity.

ESG is used to push "climate change/global warming" issues and is used to stop fossil fuel production.

It is a political ideology that is being imposed through the financial system.

The ESG world view includes diversity, equity, inclusion, anti racism, queer theroy and lesbian theory.

Speech codes and behavior codes are being imposed on the population through ESG minipulation of the financial system!

Over 100 firms issue ESG ratings that business conform to.

MSCI has a tremendous influence on business because of ESG ratings.

The karl marx / communist agenda is being forced on people via business ESG ratings.

Speech and behivor codes - IE woke codes.

ESG is a powerful ideology used by the left to force their agenda on America using the financial system to influence business decisions.

ESC scores influences business to implement the "woke" ESG agenda that is being used to destroy America.

ESG manipulates the financial system to pressure business to conform to the left agenda of ESG goals.


The problem is people have watched as our churches, universities and families have been subverted by the left agenda and people have done nothing to stop it.

ESG is something most people are not aware of or understand.

ESG "woke" agenda means:

Were going to tell you what to think.

Were going to tell you how to act.


Were going to tell your churches, your children, your business and you how to use our speech and behavior codes because of your ignorance or the fact you are a COWARD.

Were taking everything you have by forcing ESG on society.


So what can I do to stop the ESG cancer from growing and destroying America?


Research what the term ESG means.

Know your enemy.

Fight your enemy.

Your enemy is ESG and the influence it has on business through the financial system and ESG scores for business.


Listen to the interview with Curtis Loftis on 10/20/22 on the Terra Show below.


State Treasurer Curtis Loftis appears on the Tara Show



South Carolina Treasury Secretary Curtis Loftis, who is in charge of investing state funds, is turning his back on Blackrock. They are a multi-national asset managing firm that handles many state investment funds.

The decision is based on Blackrock's adherence to ESG scores.

Many investment firms are using these Environmental, Social and Governance scores to determine investment strategies.

Loftis says that woke ideology is being fostered in state supported colleges and universities.

The full interview from Thursday's episode, 10/20/2022 of the Tara Show is below.



State Treasurer Curtis Loftis appears on the Tara Show (15 Min)






Captain Convey MAGA Note


I do a lot of research and find information that is not well known or is cancelled or hidden by the main stream media and the biden regime.


The State Treasurer Curtis Loftis appears on the Tara Show (15 Min) interview was like I took another "red pill" to wake up from the matrix of deception all around me.


I have not fully undersood why so many businesses have gone "woke" and are pushing their perverted and misleading agenda.

Now I understand why this is happening.

Its about money.

Corporate money and the financial system beng manipulated by ESG and ESG scores that companies bow down to.

The left has learned how to control business using ESG and ESG scores.


Now that you have taken the "red pill" and are aware of the influence of ESG and ESG scores on business I am sure you can begin to see how it is effecting you and everything you do.


The big question is, what will you do about it?







October 20, 2022
15 min
They Just Admitted What They Intend to Do. It's Chilling.
They just admitted what their end goal is, and it's chilling. Will Americans let them do it?



October 20, 2022
35 min
The Tara Show 10-20 Hour 4, The Curtis Loftis Hour
Tara talks to Curtis Loftis about the elites enforcing their will with speech codes.




October 20, 2022
15 min
You Do Not Want To Miss This Interview (In Hour 4)
Tara talks to Curtis Loftis about the elites enforcing their will with speech codes.
October 20, 2022


