This is a website, that has over 130 free online calculators. Free for personal or commercial use. Refutes the lie that joe biden won the 2020 election. contains an online KJV Bible. KJV audio amd sermons are included. Hope in a time of evil.
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Profound Captain Convey thoughts. Sounds Like Something Rush Limbaugh Would Say. :)
Living in an illusion of freedom
Captain Convey Reality Note
1. the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
: something that deceives or misleads intellectually.
: perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.
: the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled.
Case in Point Below:

Line a represents the democratic party.
Line b represents the republican party.
At first glance you may think the 2 lines are different.
After a closer examination you realize the lines are the same length.
The above picture is a simple illusion of an illusion labeled a and b which are the same.
An illusion of 2 lines being different yet are the same.
A good illustration of the UNIPARTY! Republicans and Democrates.
In the last 2 months or so I have realized I have been living in THE UNITED STATES OF OZ.
This has invoked a different perspective about the reality of America.
OZ is located in the district of columbia DC and is a corporation called UNITED STATES.
The United States is a Corporation (
The republican party is actually a corporation that represents no citizens in this country.
The Democratic party is actually a corporation that represents no citizens in this country.
A Common Misconception in Elections, The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations
Now when I see the news it is obvious who is in control and its not we the people.
I suppose the OZ aspect of it all was bound to happen as technology gained more and more control over each individuals thoughts and actions.
Centralized everything mean centralized control of everything.
One of the biggest contributors to the state of OZ is your cell phone and apps that can be manipulated at will by our government, any government or individuals willing to purchase is Pegasus spyware.
Click on this link: Pegasus spyware
Most people don't know that their cellphone is a 24/7 spy nearby.
You don't have ANY privacy at all but you are under the state of OZ illusion that you do.
Instead of asking "who was that man behind the curtain controlling OZ" you need to realize its the "men behind the curtain of illusion" that are working for the OZ the corporation called UNITED STATES.
Thats the UNIPARTY - Democrates and Republicans. 2 Seperate corporations but working as one.
How does and American citizen fit into this?
We The People are considered as collateral by the corporation known as UNITED STATES.
The 4 Constitutions of the UNITED STATES
So a little recap.
(1) You are and have been living under an illusion of freedom.
(2) you are considered as collateral for debts that are owed by the corporation called UNITED STATES.
If your like me that leaves a sinking feeling in your gut.
The corporation known as UNITED STATES located in the district of columbia wants to totally control you more and more everyday.
To this end the corporations known as the republican party and democratic party must continue to foster the illusion you have freedom.
Also the UNIPARTY continues to invoke various laws, rules and regulations to make sure you stay on the PLANTATION OF OZ.
Also the UNIPARTY must continue the Illusion of elections.
the 2020 and 2022 midterm illusion of elections has allowed the democrates to stay in power aided by their partners in crime the republicans, the UNIPARTY.
Trump can be thought of as a "slave leader" thats under duress by the UNIPARTY. He is on the run.
We The People are just considered collateral for debt by the coporation known as UNITED STATES.
Currently the corrupt federal "government" doesn't fully control the money and therefore doesn't totally control everything yet.
If the central bank digital currency replaces the dollar you will be slaves in irons for sure under the illusion we have freedoms.
RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late!
So whats it all about?
Money and control.
Your money and control of you.
Everyday now when I get up I see this country like I'm in THE UNITED STATES OF OZ.
What do you think the odds of Trump being president again are? I do know the odds against it happening increase everyday.
Play the Trump Lottery at the link below.
Trump 2024 Lottery
When the UNIPARTY, under the control of the corporation known as UNITED STATES, totally controls free speech and your bank account the UNIPARTY won't be playing the illusion game of freedom anymore.
To those of you who live in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, isn't riply's believe it or not.
Think of what I have said in this way:
You totally trust a person, maybe your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, sister, brother, uncle, cousin, teacher, pastor doctor or friend and find out you have been believing a lie about them.
A gut punch of reality kicks in.
You start seeing a new perspective and act accordingly.
Now that you know the truth.
Get it? (KJV Bible Online)
Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"
My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.
Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)
Stream Zones (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)
George Orwell Quotes
Top 100 Conservative Websites (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY) Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)
Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) means no more free speech S.673
Americans Can stop s. 673 by Calling Their U.S. Senators, Saying, ‘Vote NO On S. 673"
Click Here to go find your US Senator and contact them.
Tell your US Senator to Vote No on the:
Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) S.673
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry issued a call to arms in an exclusive Breitbart News interview for Americans throughout Louisiana and across the country to begin burning down the phone lines and demanding their U.S. Senators oppose the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).
“They beat it by calling their U.S. Senator, irrespective of whether they’re a Democrat or Republican, and saying ‘do not vote for this bill,’ but especially if they’re a Republican because if all the Republicans stuck together they couldn’t beat a filibuster,” Landry said. “They need 60 votes. Let me just add this one thing, think about this: This is a bill, this is Schumer’s bill right? Let me ask you a question: What party rails against big corporations, against monopolies? Who is the party who is allegedly for the little guy? Why in the world are the Democrats for this? If a Democrat is for this bill, a Republican should automatically say ‘no way I ain’t getting on that’ because it’s not good for anybody.”
The JCPA, a highly controversial proposal spearheaded by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and backed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, would hand media organizations a government-provided antitrust exemption to allow them to collectively bargain with Big Tech companies. While proponents argue that the cartels of media outlets the bill would create might stifle Big Tech’s power, critics worry that the bill would exacerbate the problem by empowering establishment media at the expense of more independent and especially conservative voices.
“It’s not surprising. The U.S. Congress won’t do anything with the drug cartels,” Landry told Breitbart News. “Why don’t they just give a couple other people cartels like Big Tech? Everything we’ve been fighting over in this last decade now in watching the rise of Big Tech and seeing the destruction and the manipulation those platforms can inflict on the American people, of course Congress—which is supposed to be our guardians—is going to just let them in and give them more power? This is absolutely a train wreck. No Republican should be on record in supporting this. None. It doesn’t matter who they are.
There should not be one Republican U.S. Senator supporting this. In fact, I would argue there should be no U.S. Senator period both on the Republican or the Democrat side. I mean, because, think about where we were—it shows me where we are after a hundred years ago with the rise of the trusts and we had to go through a whole litany of federal laws to break up the monopolies and the trusts back then.
Now, here we are and what we’re going to do is create some media cartel?
While, think about this, at the same time the U.S. Senate is thinking about giving the media—certain people, certain sections of the media—antitrust exemptions, there are two attorneys general including one who’s getting ready to go into the U.S. Senate who are right now in court showing how the government colluded with social media.
Now think about what the government can do when they combine themselves with a media cartel?”
The only way this bill passes Congress in the next few weeks during a last-ditch push by well-funded lobbyists is if Republicans in the U.S. Senate cave again to Democrats. Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are expected to, through Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), mark up the bill next week. From there, it is likely to be considered by the full House of Representatives.
The U.S. Senate, meanwhile, has already passed the bill out of the Judiciary Committee after a protracted and nasty standoff produced a compromise earlier this fall. A great betrayal of conservatives by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) paved the way for the panel to clear the proposal, as an amendment by Cruz adopted in the committee after a weeks-long showdown helped the bill move forward. Cruz had originally been opposed to the plan but caved and helped Democrats advance the controversial proposal in committee shortly thereafter. But Cruz’s shocking turn against conservatives is hardly the only surprise move Republicans have made to help the Democrat agenda on this proposal over the past two years.
Landry, who is running for governor of Louisiana in the 2023 election, speaking out so aggressively is significant because in addition to Klobuchar being the lead Democrat sponsor of the bill in the U.S. Senate, the lead GOP sponsor is Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican whose colorful personality often lands him Fox News airtime, has been for the last two years working with Klobuchar to champion this bill that would in effect create more censorship of conservatives and deepen the establishment media’s already deep ties with Big Tech.
Kennedy is reportedly considering his own run for governor of Louisiana—if he runs he would face Landry and anyone else who runs in the November 2023 jungle primary—but pushing this bill in the lame-duck session of Congress could severely harm Kennedy’s political prospects and undercut any hope he has of winning the governor’s mansion in Louisiana.
What’s particularly wild and unorthodox about this current push by industry insiders to salvage this proposal — which would completely upend the media and tech industries — is that they are doing it right after the 2022 midterm elections and before the new Congress takes office in what is called the lame duck session of Congress, where the old, just-ousted members serve for a few more weeks before leaving on Jan. 3, 2023. Proponents of the JCPA have two years to move the proposal and have repeatedly failed, but now in a last-ditch, desperate push, they are trying to jam through the large-scale plan during the lame-duck session.
There are several pathways through which they could do it, such as by attaching it to a must-pass bill like the government funding vehicle that will be coming down the pipeline later in September or to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) — even though this has nothing to do with defense policy. Or Democrats and their GOP enablers like Cruz and Kennedy could try to pass it on its own out of both the House and Senate. To achieve congressional passage through any of these pathways, though, Democrats would need at least 10 Senate Republicans to vote for the plan—either via a must-pass bill that it is attached to or as a standalone bill—to get past a Senate filibuster.
Landry is warning Republicans in the U.S. Senate to not give in and let the Democrats have this win. Since they had two years to get it done and failed, he argued Republicans should not enable a broken process by advancing this plan during the lame-duck session of Congress.
"Listen, that’s what they do in Congress. I just literally two weeks ago won a case at the Fifth Circuit—two cases—where in the dark of night in the COVID relief package two years ago or three years ago they tucked in a complete takeover of the horse racing industry by the federal government, which we just litigated, with no committee hearings, no debate,” Landry said. “That’s what they do at the end: They stick all these things in these big omnibus bills and short-circuit the normal process. You know why? It’s a telltale sign that it is bad for America and bad for the American citizens. Anytime they do that it’s ‘yup, that’s an automatic bad piece of legislation.’”
Kennedy’s catchy soundbites aside, his decision to side with Democrats here could hurt him big time back home if he decides to run for governor. With Landry’s very public opposition to this controversial proposal, if Kennedy does not back down immediately and withdraw support of the JCPA—and block Democrats’ efforts to jam it through in the lame duck before the incoming House GOP majority elected in the 2022 midterms takes office—this issue would very clearly become a major one in the 2023 governor race in Louisiana should Kennedy decide to run.
What’s more, if Kennedy champions the flawed proposal through and it makes it into law, the American public will see by November 2023 just how problematic the JCPA is because by then, its structural issues would become apparent—and Kennedy will have been responsible for decimating conservative media if that’s how it plays out.
In other words, while Kennedy may be able to hide behind talking points and platitudes for now, he will not be able to continue to do so if this comes to pass—and he has an off-ramp, blocking his own bill and muddling the process between now and the end of the year so that the new House GOP majority can fix it next year.
Landry, on the other hand, implicitly understands the stakes here and said this legislation would absolutely lead to more censorship of conservatives and represent the “end of the freedom of the press” in America.
“Let me tell you what that is:
That bill is the end of the freedom of the press. S 673
The problem we got today, I hate to say this, is that Rush Limbaugh is dead,
Landry said. “If Limbaugh was alive, he would be destroying this bill, S 673 from his microphone."
{Rush Limbaugh Radio Archives 6/3/05 - 2/28/17}
This is exactly the kind of issue that folks like him—and thank God for y’all, okay?—that he would be exposing.
Think about it in the context of the freedom of the press.
What this bill basically does is it basically says there really is no freedom of the press anymore, it’s just freedom of a group of people who call themselves the press.
It’s freedom of the press cartel, right?
Who else would have access?
Because, again, the virtual marketplace is controlled by the tech giants.
Now they’re going to be embedded with the media giants?
Really? What’s left for the average citizen to have an honest discussion about what’s going on in the country?
That’s what we’re litigating in Louisiana in the censorship.
Once you weld government to the monopoly of the media, there is no more freedom because there’s no exchange of ideas.”
Captain Convey Note
"What this bill basically does is it basically says there really is no freedom of the press anymore, it’s just freedom of a group of people who call themselves the press."
S 673 would make it legal to kill free speech on social media platforms and it would be controlled by big tech and the biden regime.
Once you weld government to the monopoly of the media, there is no more freedom because there’s no exchange of ideas.
Its that simple.
Click Here to go find your US Senator and contact them.
Tell your US Senator to Vote No on the:
Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) S.673
For those of you in Reo Linda, as rush Limbaugh use to say, a social media platform is not a new type of shoe.
Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! ( Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election. (KJV Bible Online)
Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"
My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.
Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)
Stream Zones (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)
George Orwell Quotes
Top 100 Conservative Websites (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY) Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)
Today is Nov 9, 2022 and it is very clear MAGA VOTES DON'T MATTER after the midterm election because of various forms of mail in ballot fraud and the use of the "ballot" itself as a tool to steal elections authorized by the emergency covid-19 act that still is in effect.
A mail in ballot is not a validated vote but is a tool used to steal elections by FRAUD! 777 Ltrs Max, TruthSocial 500 Ltrs Max, Twitter 280 Ltrs Max.
You can post up to 777 letters on You can link directly to your account.
I started posting on twitter to see if anything has changed on the censorship.
If the above tweet I posted on Nov2, 2022 is removed for a woke violation etc it will mean all this talk about twitter becoming a place to post thoughts without censorship won't be true.
Twitter is censoring information about “Anti-vaxxer” hunter who terrorized Freedom Convoy truckers and COLLAPSED on camera. Attorney Gabriel Poliquin.
Since I started back on twitter on Nov 2, 2022 this is the first time I have been censored. Nov 17, 2022 they continue to hide Jab info.
Credit (
When it comes to the private corporations in American politics known as the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), there is a common misconception that the corporations represent the voters, they do not.
The RNC and DNC corporations represent their interests, which are not necessarily in alignment with the interests of the unpaid voluntary participants, the voters. As a consequence, when a lawyer is hired by the RNC they are not representing the candidate or voter, they are representing the interests of the corporation. A big difference.
The RNC is the client, the candidate is a secondary consideration, the voter is ancillary to the primary interest. In the example above, the RNC lawyer has been paid $892,550 through the end of September 2022, to represent the interests of the corporation.
It is entirely possible for the RNC contracted lawyer to succeed in fulfillment of the client goal, yet the candidate and voters lose. Remember, the corporation is paying to have their interests represented. If the interests of the corporation are not in alignment with the interests of the candidate/voter, the client interest supersedes.
Legal success is found in representing the interest of the RNC, not the candidate. Once, that success is achieved, the legal team move to the next objective as instructed by the corporation.
There are two private corporations representing Republicans and Democrats; they are most commonly referred to as political parties. There is no basis for the existence of private political parties in the United States constitution. Both parties’ function from a position as private interests outside the framework of government.
What we commonly refer to as ‘politicians’ are selected representatives to the government from each of the corporations. What we commonly refer to as ‘primary elections’ are suggestions to each of the corporations from citizens expressing their preference for the representative. The corporation can individually choose to accept or decline the suggestion from the voters, and the only thing that binds the corporation to follow the suggestion are the corporate rules.
The corporation of the RNC and DNC exist to serve their own interests.
Politics is the RNC and DNC business; however, the income stream -the financial aspects to the business- is what holds influence over the corporate priority. Ideology is part of the equation, but control of the business and generating revenue is the main function of the corporation. Unfortunately, in the reality of the business model, election outcomes are downstream from those two priorities.
It is with this corporate baseline in mind that all ‘election’ political analysis should take place.
The economics of the thing is what Republican officers in the RNC emphasize.
Without money, the corporate mission doesn’t operate. Without money the RNC members -essentially board members- do not function, hold meetings, assemble, or participate in the organization. Therefore, from the standpoint of the corporation, the business of politics (corporate donor inputs) drives the activity, not election results (outputs).
This facet to U.S. politics is rarely discussed because the corporations and the people who run them do not want this process emphasized. However, if voters do not comprehend this dynamic, they can fall victim to the fallacy of false representative choice.
he corporation is made up of members. The members make the rules. The members have preferences and ideological outlooks about the objective of the corporation as part of their position within it. Inside this dynamic is where you see the changing of rules to benefit the preferences of the members; ultimately influencing outcomes.
Unlike most political sites, CTH watches this inside club dynamic closely, because ultimately it explains a lot of ‘consequences’ that we see later discussed. It is easier to just sit back and discuss the consequences than it is to watch the officials inside the club make rule changes proactively. However, it is by watching the rule changes that we can see the roadmaps of influence within game as played by both RNC and DNC corporations.
Any political commentary that does not take this private club dynamic into consideration, and/or explain the consequences from decisions within the club, is not serving the interests of the American electorate.
Some RNC members support MAGA, some do not. Some RNC members support the Wall Street alignment, some do not. Some members support the populist movement, others do not. Some RNC members support a big tent approach to a working-class coalition, other RNC members regard the working-class as beneath their representative interests. The key point is that it’s a private club making these decisions.
The majority decision from within the club membership vote will determine each outcome(s). Donald Trump may have earned 100 million voters and supporters, but only 168 unelected members and party officials will determine what that means to their corporate agenda.
There is no guarantee the America First agenda of Donald Trump is in alignment with the 2022, 2023 priorities of the club.
Factually, all recent suggestions from the club control officers, the billionaire Wall Street donors like Ken Griffin, all suggest the removal of Trump and the MAGA agenda from association with the RNC Club should be the priority of the assembly. The dynamic of financial influence, income to the corporation, changes the entire mechanism of the outcome.
An ideological alignment of individual people, institutions and organizations working in concert toward a common goal is not a conspiracy.
...”He wants to improve the diversity of the GOP and blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world — two things he’s consulted with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about.”… (link)
Once you see the strings on the corporate marionettes, it’s impossible to return to that moment in the political performance when you did not see them.
Wall Street -vs- Main Street.
Captain Convey Note
The 4 Constitutions of the UNITED STATES
The US government is actually a corporation called UNITED STATES.
Click the above link to know the truth.
The Conservative Tree House article is about the DNC corporation and the RNC corporation.
These corporations are under the control of the main corporation called UNITED STATES.
WE THE PEOPLE are manipulated and controlled by these corporations.
Yes its shocking and hard to believe.
Do your own research and find out for yourself.
Recently the cat has gotten out of the bag about this matrix of deception we have and are living in.
People who live in Reo Linda just might actually be a lot smarter than the average American when it comes to knowing the operations of the corporation
called the UNITED STATES that is actually the federal "government".
Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! ( Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election. (KJV Bible Online)
Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"
My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey) As of 11/9/22 MAGA Votes Don't Matter after midterm elections. No Trump MAGA wave. MAGA Lite in Florida won.
Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)
Stream Zones (FREE Andriod Apps. FREE Roku Channels.)
George Orwell Quotes
Top 100 Conservative Websites (LOCK'N LOAD RADIO with BILL FRADY) Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-7:00pm (EST)
Today is Nov 9, 2022 and it is very clear MAGA VOTES DON'T MATTER after the midterm election because of various forms of mail in ballot fraud and the use of the "ballot" itself as a tool to steal elections authorized by the emergency covid-19 act that still is in effect.
A mail in ballot is not a validated vote but is a tool used to steal elections by FRAUD! 777 Ltrs Max, TruthSocial 500 Ltrs Max, Twitter 280 Ltrs Max.
You can post up to 777 letters on You can link directly to your account.
I started posting on twitter to see if anything has changed on the censorship.
If the above tweet I posted on Nov2, 2022 is removed for a woke violation etc it will mean all this talk about twitter becoming a place to post thoughts without censorship won't be true.
Twitter is censoring information about “Anti-vaxxer” hunter who terrorized Freedom Convoy truckers and COLLAPSED on camera. Attorney Gabriel Poliquin.
Since I started back on twitter on Nov 2, 2022 this is the first time I have been censored. Nov 17, 2022 they continue to hide Jab info.
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