The Peoples Convoy Ended In A Mess on May 20, 2022 because of convoy leadership.
The Peoples Convoy Was a success until May 20, 2022

In the convoy there were 3 truckers that kept us informed and were better equipped to lead.
These 3 truckers now concentrate on their own families and problems.

Trucker G - Sasnak - Grey Wolf   (3 Trucker Youtube Streamers.)

Trucker G (Speaking - Watch (00.00 -7:40)    Trucker G Youtube Channel

Trucker G does some live youtube stuff but its mainly about what he is doing and some side remarks about current affairs.

Sasnak Interview With Grey Wolf    Exclusive Interview With SASNAK & Tour Of His Peterbilt 379    Sasnak Youtube Channel

Sasnak concentrates on his bus, his current work status and self preservation. He avoids talking about current affairs for the most part including the jab.

   (    Grey Wolf Youtube Channel

Grey Wolf walk was a big failure because people for the most part ignored him. Because he had a video contraption attached to his chest it caused big problems with his shoulder. He had surgery to repair his shoulder. Grey Wolf DOES continue to talk about the current biden regime and the jab. He continues the fight but is not going to walk any more. He knows its a wasted effort.



When the raided President Trump's home they raided your home also!

The Bigger Picture Of Current Affairs (begin to formulate your own survival plan based on this information.)  (Learn How To Do Intermittant Fasting.)

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The Video Below Will Scare The "H--L" Out Of You If You Have Received The Covid-19 "Vaccine" - Clot Shots



Thermographic Imaging Show MASSIVE Blood Clots In Asymptomatic VAXXED People.

Asymptomatic covid-19 "Vaccine" - Clot Shot people don't have any symptoms associated with the covid-19 infection - But thermographic imaging shows MASSIVE Blood Clots in their body because they have received the covid-19 "vaccine" - clot shots.

The amount of blood clots will be different in those who have gotten the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" based on several factors.

How many "vaccine" boosters they have received.
(Risk Of Blood Clots Increases As The Number Of Jabs Increases!)
What manufactured covid-19 "vaccine" they received.
When they received they JABS.
What was in the individual Lot of various manufactured JABS. This Varies from Lot to Lot of covid-19 JABS.
Your Age and sex.
Your health status before your got the JAB.

And most of all the Grace Of GOD protecting you from the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" - Clot Shots


Clot Shot Victim

This is a website, that has over 130 free online calculators. Free for personal or commercial use.

MAGAVOTESMATTER.COM Refutes the lie that joe biden won the 2020 election. This website also includes real facts about the deadly covid "vaccines".

GOODNEWSPOST.COM contains an online KJV Bible. KJV audio amd sermons are included. Hope in a time of evil.

Battle Ground America Podcast

Listen To The Tara Show M-F 6AM-10AM 98.9 FM
TARA Is A General In The Digital War For Free Speech.

Back To The Future "vaccine" variants/mutations of the virus




European Union FINALLY admits COVID-19 vaccines DESTROY your immune system


The European Union (EU) has finally admitted that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines destroy the immune system and make people more susceptible not just to COVID but to all diseases.

According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), taking booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines every four months could weaken the immune system and tire people out. (Related: Qatari study finds mRNA vaccines actually DECREASE immunity against COVID-19.)

Despite this revelation, the EU is still recommending that people take COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. What the EMA wants to change is the time in between booster doses.

“[Boosters] can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” said Marco Cavaleri, the EMA’s head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”

But this revelation from the EMA has not stopped the EU from approving more vaccine doses for its population.

The EMA and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) approved the recommendation giving people between 60 and 79 years old second booster doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

People with medical conditions that make them more susceptible to diseases are also now eligible to receive a second mRNA booster in the 27-nation bloc.

The approval of additional boosters for more vulnerable sectors of society was reportedly rushed following the recent rise in infections in perhaps the most vaccinated continent on the planet.

“With cases and hospitalizations rising again as we enter the summer period, I urge everybody to get vaccinated and boosted as quickly as possible,” said European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides. “There is no time to lose.”

“I call on member states to roll out second boosters for everyone over the age of 60 as well as all vulnerable persons immediately,” she added.

ECDC Director Andrea Ammon is also claiming that the continent is seeing “increasing COVID-19 case notification rates and an increasing trend in hospital and ICU admissions and occupancy in several countries.”

“This signals the start of a new, widespread COVID-19 wave across the European Union,” said Ammon. “There are still too many individuals at risk of severe COVID-19 infection whom we need to protect as soon as possible.”

More COVID-19 vaccinations will increase CHANCES of death.

“The Daily Veracity” host Vincent James noted that even amending the time in between booster vaccinations likely won’t make any difference and people will still experience debilitating effects upon taking the vaccines.

“If the vaccine and repeated doses of the vaccine destroys your immune system, which is what the European Union admitted recently, then this makes you more susceptible to all diseases,” warned James. “And if it makes you more susceptible to diseases, then it makes you more likely to die, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.”

James warned people against taking even just one COVID-19 vaccine, as evidence points to the fact that not only do they destroy the immune system, “but also they just straight up kill you.”

Captain Convey Note

The covid-19 "vaccine" and booster "vaccine" jabs create mutations/variants of the covid-19 virus.

These variants, created by the "vaccine" and "booster" jabs especially infect those who have got the covid-19 "vaccine and booster shots!

This is because the jab has COMPROMISED their natural immune system ability to fight off an infection naturally.

As long as people keep getting the variant/mutation producting covid-19 "vaccine" and "booster" shots the covid-19 virus will never die out but will keep spreading as a varian/mutations of the virus!

The covid-19 "vaccine" and "booster" jabs are the reason the virus has not died out and keeps spreading.

The covid-19 "vaccine" and "booster" shots are covid virus manufacturing machines that go to work after you get the Deadly Covid Shot.

For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, if the covid "vaccine" and "booster" shots worked as advertised the virus would die out and booster after booster shot would NOT be required.

Covid "booster" "vaccine" shots don't work to keep the covid virus from spreading but actually help keep the virus alive as a variant/mutation.

Variants/mutations are caused by the "vaccine" and "booster" shots forcing the covid virus to mutate to survive in another form as a variant of the virus.

Be seeing you but not in a doctors office, hospital or pharmacy getting the Deadly Covid "vaccine" Jab.

Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! ( Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election. (KJV Bible Online)

My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey)

OMICRON was NOT 'nature's vaccine or a 'blessing' as we prior thought; we were WRONG; & this disaster is happening due to the non-sterilizing, non-neutralizing vaccinal Abs that we must STOP vaxx! (By Paul Alexander May 15, 2022)

Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine" (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)   (Intermittant Fasting Information)    (Learn How To Do Intermittant Fasting.)

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Apr 10, 2022

Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show “unusual blood clots” 

Thrombosis deaths.

Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system.

All around the world, embalmers and funeral directors are coming forward to tell all about how the state of human remains has changed for the worst ever since Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” emerged.

Debra Heine of the Minnesota Sun reported that strange, rubbery, worm-like clots are evident in the veins and arteries of deceased, fully vaccinated bodies – which Richard Hirschman, a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama with more than 20 years of experience in the field, said he never saw until around mid-2021.

Hirschman recently told Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Research Center (VRC), that in January of 2022, 37 out of 57 bodies he processed, or 65 percent, showed these suspicious clots.

Before the injections were introduced under Operation Warp Speed, blood clots would occasionally show up in bodies that died with COVID-19, but not to the degree that they are now appearing ever since the shots were widely administered.

Cary D. Watkins, who has more than 50 years of experience as a funeral director and embalmer, corroborated Hirschman’s observations, as did Anna Foster, an embalmer from Missouri with 11 years of experience.

Foster revealed in an interview that a shocking 93 percent of her last 30 cases died due to unusual blood clots completely overtaking the victims’ vascular systems. This sure sounds like jab-induced spike protein damage that for many results in death.


Fully vaccinated corpses contain “white, fibrous, wormlike” blood clots


Across the pond in England, Funeral Director John O’Looney said he is seeing a massive increase in thrombosis deaths. In an interview, O’Looney revealed that it is not just “a two- or three-fold increase – it’s around a 500 or 600 percent increase.”

“I’ve got doctors and police ringing me, nurses ringing me, all saying the same thing. It’s a total lie,” he is quoted as saying.

“On our media, they are saying the hospitals are full of the non-vaccinated. That’s a total fabrication. It’s the polar opposite. Nine out of 10 patients in there, full of blood clots, are the vaccinated. I’ve heard that from so many professionals that I’ve lost count. So, whether you choose to believe it or not, it makes it no worse. That is the truth. That is the reality. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

At first, O’Looney was not sure if he should come forward at all. Like the others in his field who are seeing the same thing, O’Looney recognizes that governments and media outlets are pushing a pro-jab narrative, and that anything opposing it will be mocked and ridiculed.

In a worst-case scenario, O’Looney and the others could lose their jobs for telling the truth. But it is a risk they ultimately decided was best to take in the interest of public health.

“It pretty much has to be a novel injectable product, first used in 2021 that results in blood clots and is injected into well over 50 percent of the population,” Kirsch wrote on his Substack. “There is only one drug that fits that bill: the COVID vaccines.”

 It seems to be the case that some batches of the injections are more toxic than others, which would explain why some people who got the injections appear to be just fine while others are suffering or dead.

 Those who get the worst of it can end up with long blood clots that morph into white and fibrous “wormlike” abominations, Kirsch revealed.

“That white, fibrous stuff just isn’t normal,” Kirsch told Dr. Jane Ruby. “Typically, a blood clot is smooth – it’s blood that’s coagulated – but if you squeeze it, or touch it, or try to pick it up, it generally falls apart. But this white, fibrous stuff is pretty strong. I don’t know how anybody can live with this inside him.”



 ALL covid "vaccine" jabs are TOXIC.

Some batches of the injections are MORE toxic than others.

If you have got the jab and the booster jabs thats at least 3 toxic jabs.

This is another reason some people get blood clots and others don't.

Its a combination of 2 things:

(1) You got a more TOXIC batch of the jab.

(2) You got 1 jab or 2 jabs or 3 jabs.

 The odds of your getting a blood clot increases with the number of jabs and a bonus toxic batch of  jabs.

1 toxic jab is enough to cause “white, fibrous, wormlike” blood clots.

1 regular semi toxic jab.

1 regular semi toxic jab plus 1 booster.

1 semi toxic hab plus 2 boosters.

1 semi toxic jab plus 3 boosters.


1 toxic jab plus 1 toxic booster jab.

1 toxic jab plus 2 toxic booster jabs.

1 toxic jab plus 3 toxic booster jabs.

 Want to know what the toxic covid "vaccine" contains?

  Vaccine Ingredients      |        Fact check vaccine ingredients.  PDF     (You won't believe the stuff thats put into vaccines.) 

The covid "vaccines" contain  GRAPHINE OXIDE


An excipient is a substance formulated alongside the active ingredient of a medication, included for the purpose of long-term stabilization, bulking up solid formulations that contain potent active ingredients in small amounts, or to confer a therapeutic enhancement on the active ingredient in the final dosage form, such as facilitating drug absorption, reducing viscosity, or enhancing solubility.

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The more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system becomes.


There is no longer any doubt, based on the science, that getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is a great way to destroy your immune system.

It is now clearer than ever that the more jabs a person takes, the greater his or her risk of suffering immune failure. And over time, each additional injection weakens the immune system that much more, increasing the odds that chronic illness or death becomes the result.

On his Substack, Steve Kirsch revealed data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health showing that the triple vaccinated are much more vulnerable to becoming infected with or dying from covid than the unvaccinated.

Hospitalizations, serious outcomes and death are all much more prominent in the “fully vaccinated,” the data shows, than they are in people who left their natural immune systems alone.

The same kind of data can be found in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, showing that with each subsequent injection, immune failure becomes that much more likely. (Related: Covid injections have also been shown to cause AIDS.)

“So the vaccine is working exactly the OPPOSITE of what it is supposed to do,” Kirsch warns. “It is helping you to get the virus!!!

In any rational world, we would stop the vaccines immediately. But, hey, this isn’t a rational world.”

Captain Convey Note

The Conservative tree house has again hit the "vaccine" nail on the head.

We no longer live in a rational world. We live in a govenment controlled social media propaganda machine world of lies.

George Orwell Quotes:

  • “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
  • “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.”

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

This George Orwell quote is so true today in the government/social media cancel culture twilight zone world we now live in. represents an ongoing revolutionary act of telling the truth in an ever increasing world of deceit and lies.

This website was created to refute the constant lies of the government, social media etc.

On this website I can say what I think without fear of being censored for telling the truth.

A Captain Convey Quote:

"Its easy to believe a lie and repeat it if you don't do your own research and get a second or third opinion from a reliable truthful source of information."

Be seeing you.

A quote from the prisoner tv series where a man was confined to an island of deception and forced to endure propaganda daily. He finally escaped and was able to live in reality again because he fought back and never gave up.

Here is another Captain Convey Quote:

"Don't be a prisoner of your own ignorance."


The Vitamin D Paradox in COVID-19 and Why It Predicts But Doesn't Always Protect

Why does vitamin D not help protect some people?

Weight that is higher than what is considered healthy for a given height is described as overweight or obesity. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a screening tool for overweight and obesity. Adult Body Mass Index. BMI is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can indicate high body fatness.

BMI is used to broadly define different weight groups in adults 20 years old or older.

  • Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
  • Obese: BMI is 30 or more

Vitamin D is stored in body fat. If your overweight or obese your body will be vitamin D deficient in most cases.

This in a nutshell is why you are at risk for autoimmune diseases if your body doesn't get enough vitamin D to boost your immune system.


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