How To Install John 3:16 Ringtone On An Andriod Or iPhone.





Listen to MP3 HERE   (This is how your John 3:16 ringtone will sound on your iPhone or Andriod phone.)


To install Ringtone on an Andriod phone.


(1) Download a 30 sec MP3 file of your choice or use the JN316.mp3 HERE    Note where you have saved the MP3 file.

(2) Connect your Andriod phone to your windows desktop by using your Andriod charging chord. Your computer will automatically set up the connection. (No software needed.)

(3) On your Andriod phone tap the settings icon.

(4) Tap sound icon.

(5) Tap add ringtone at bottom list of installed ringtones.

(6) Click on MP3 ringtone in the download folder you want to add.

(7) Click on small circle next to your new ringtone to make it the default ringtone.

Its much easier to install a new Ringtone on an Andriod phone because you don't need an additional application.




To install Ringtone on an iPhone.


(1) Download the JN316-0.1-10.m4r  ringtone.

Right Click on  the above file and  "save link as"  to a folder on your hard drive.  Note where you have saved the ringtone.


Ringtones for iPhones have a special m4r extension.

Only ringtones with an m4r extension can be installed in sounds/ringtones on your iPhone.


(2)  To install the John 3:16 Ringtone you must have iTunes for Windows, an additional application, installed on your computer. Make sure iTunes is running on your computer first.  You don't need to login to iTunes to make this work.

Plug  your iPhone USB cord into your desktop or laptop USB port on your computer and connect the other end to your iPhone.

The same cord you charge your iPhone will work.

A popup on your desktop will ask, "Trust this Compuer". Click Yes.

Next it will ask you to enter your iphone pass code so you can install the John 3:16 Ringtone.

Itunes for windows may tell you to sync your desktop version to your iphone so the John 3:16 Ringtone can be installed as a ringtone on your iphone.

The sync button is at the bottom right of the itunes for windows.


At the top of your iTunes for windows click on the small phone icon just under the account link.


iTunes Desktop window.

Note Window that displays your iPhone device information below after you have clicked on the small iPhone icon.

Look on the left side of screen for the words, on my device, on your desktop or laptop iPhone device window.

Drag the JN316-0.1-10.m4r  from the folder you saved it in  to just under the words, on my device in your iPhone device information window.


iPhone device information window.

To check if the ringtone is there, click on the “Tones” tab, on your windows itunes and the audio file should now be there.

Also you can check your iphone under: check settings/ sounds and haptics/ ringtone opening / ringtones.

Click on the John 3:16 ringtone you just installed so it will play when you get a phone call.

iPhone device information window.

Now simply sync iTunes with your phone, and the ringtone will appear under “Sounds & Haptics” on your iPhone (in the ringtone section). Tap on John 3:16 to choose it as your default ringtone.

Every time your get a call you can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have tested this ringtone and installed it on my iPhone6.  It can also be installed on other versions of iPhones.

This procedure allows you to install a ringtone that is not in the iTunes store.

You can use it to install any ringtone if the ringtone is an m4r audio file.

If you are having a problem understanding how to install the John 3:16 ringtone ask someone to help you that is a little more tech savvy.

Review of ringtone installation procedure:

Remember the procedure to install the JN316-0.1-10.m4r ringtone is first open up your iTunes for windows on your desktop.

Then connect your iPhone to your desktop or laptop using the same small iPhone USB cable you use to charge your iPhone.

Next click on the small iPhone icon on your iTunes for windows to bring up your iPhone device window.

Remember where you saved the JN316-0.1-10.m4r on your computer.

Drag the JN316-0.1-10.m4r  from the folder you saved it in  to just under the words, on my device in your iPhone device information window.

This should install the John 3:16 ringtone on your iPhone.

I have installed the John 3:16 Ringtone on my iphone 7 and it works correctly as my default ringtone.


John 3:16

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.




Install isaiah53.m4r     (Ringtone 22 sec. Messianic Bible Verses Isaiah Chapter 53:5-6.)

Follow the same procedure as above but download isaiah53.m4r


Isaiah 53:5-6

53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.


MP3 to M4A Converter (Free Online)

The above link will convert an MP3 to an M4A file.

Your MP3 Ringtone should be 30 sec or less.

After you download the coverted M4A file change the file extension to m4r which is an iphone ringtone extension.

You can make your own iphone ringtones using an MP3 file convert it to an m4a file and then change it to an m4r extention.

After doing this follow the procedure above using itunes for windows to install the ringtone on your iphone.

 KJV Study Bible    (The New Defender's Study Bible.) (Online Version.)


The New Defender's Study Bible

by Dr. Henry M. Morris

"The Bible does have the answer; its gospel can be defended; and it is hoped that this New Defender's Study Bible will prove of significant help in this great cause to those who use it. Its annotations explain the Bible's difficult passages, resolve its alleged contradictions, point out the evidences of its divine origin, confirm its historical accuracy, note its remarkable anticipations of modern science, demonstrate its fulfilled prophecies and in general remove any doubts about its inerrancy, its authority and its ability to meet every human need."—Dr. Henry M. Morris, The New Defender's Study Bible (Nashville, TN: World Publishing, 2006), p. iv.

ICR's online version of The New Defender's Study Bible is the companion to the printed version, The Henry Morris Study Bible, available at ICR's online store. We encourage you to use both versions in your study of God's truth. KJV Study Bible    (The New Defender's Study Bible.) (Online Version.)





Stream Zones (FREE Andriod Apps And Roku Channels.)




Fine Tuned Universe  (FREE Roku Channel In Roku Channel Store)



( Refutes, disproves, discredits, invalidates, contradicts, rebuts, opposes and denies evolution theories that claim the universe was created from nothing or that the universe has evolved over millions or billions of years.

Click  THIS LINK  to install the Fine Tuned Universe ROKU Channel Listed in the ROKU Channel Store. Enter This Code  QQDQ6P

There are the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe. Scientists have come to the shocking realization that each of these numbers have been carefully dialed to an astonishingly precise value - a value that falls within an exceedingly narrow, life-permitting range.

Why believe someone who is telling you something they can't explain and always add millions or billions of years to their theories and then leave it up to your own imagination to figure out?

If evolutionists can't explain their own theories and expect you to connect the dots of millions of years using your imagination why should you believe the lie of evolution?

Evolution = Millions Of Years + Your Imagination

Stream Zones


Check back soon for more free iPhone ringtones.




Right click  this file JN316.mp3  and "save as" to save the John 3:16 ringtone as an MP3 file on your computer or laptop.  Follow the procedure above on how to install the John 3:16 ringtone on an Android phone. (No additional application is needed.)

jn316 ringtone