More Masks More Covid


From   |   DR. PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER (Dr Lock Them Up.)   |


‘More Masks, More Covid’: New Study Shows Masks Did Worse Than Nothing Against Coronavirus


Public health experts have been advocating masks for the general public ever since Covid began to spike in the United States in mid-2020. Masks soon became the non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) of choice, despite there being a dearth of pre-Covid pandemic documents advocating them as meaningful tools to stop the spread of coronaviruses.

Even as critics have constantly poked holes in masks as a nearly useless and potentially harmful tool for fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, the public health industry has stuck to their guns and insisted in the face of mounting evidence of their ineffectiveness that the American people should continue to wear them (even toddlers).

A new study has blown the debate wide open: It shows that masks are not only worthless against Covid-19, wearing them might potentially be harmful for people’s physical and mental health and for society in general.

A peer-reviewed journal article in Cureus called the “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe” has come to the stunning conclusion that the higher the mask compliance rates, the higher the Covid case rates. For those who aren’t well-versed in statistics, this is the exact opposite of what researchers should find if masks indeed “worked.”

“Masking was the single most common non-pharmaceutical intervention in the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic,” the article states. “Most countries have implemented recommendations or mandates regarding the use of masks in public spaces. The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe. Data from 35 European countries on morbidity, mortality, and mask usage during a six-month period were analysed and crossed.”

“These findings indicate that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage,” the author Beny Spira, a professor at Sao Paolo, writes.

“For this analysis, all European countries, including West and East Europe, with more than one million inhabitants were selected, encompassing a total of 602 million people. All analysed countries underwent a peak of COVID-19 infection during these six months,” the professor writes before providing the full dataset.

“[Un-] Surprisingly, weak positive correlations were observed when mask compliance was plotted against morbidity (cases/million) or mortality (deaths/million) in each country,” the study notes.

The professor shows a scattershot of mask compliance versus cases and deaths per million, as well as a fitted regression line. As one can see, the relationship is positive (not good).



“While no cause-effect conclusions could be inferred from this observational analysis, the lack of negative correlations between mask usage and COVID-19 cases and deaths suggest that the widespread use of masks at a time when an effective intervention was most needed, i.e., during the strong 2020-2021 autumn-winter peak, was not able to reduce COVID-19 transmission,” the study concluded. “Moreover, the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences.”


The mask study’s results are similar to those of Harvard-led researchers when they found that the higher a nation’s vaccination rates, the higher the case rates. The Harvard study of 68 nations and 2,947 counties in the United States published in the European Journal of Epidemiology in late 2021.


The scientific findings were discovered by a Harvard researcher, S. V. Subramanian of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, and Canadian researcher Akhil Kumar.

“At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1),” the study stated. “In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”


Those startling results have been further verified at the state-level in the United States: The highest-vaccinated states are now among the few remaining hot spots in the country.


It should come as a surprise to no one that these hot spot states in the United States also happen to be among the last to lift their mask mandate orders. In California, there are cities that are reinstating mask mandates, despite five Covid waves and the absence of evidence that they work.

The United States’ Covid policy responses that include quarantining, masks, and social distancing, as well as the ‘lockdowns,’ have failed to produce statistically significant results fighting Covid, but have wrought serious damage to the economy and violated countless Americans’ rights.

An exhaustive Johns Hopkins University comparative analysis published in January found that strict lockdowns failed to significantly reduce Covid-related deaths.

“Lockdowns in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact in reducing deaths from COVID-19, according to a new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University,” the Washington Times reported. “The lockdowns during the early phase of the pandemic in 2020 reduced COVID-19 mortality by about 0.2%, said the broad review of multiple scientific studies.”

“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote.

Now, we can add mask mandates to the list of public health interventions that did nothing to stop the spread of Covid-19, but did tremendous damage to the U.S. economy and society.



Captain Convey Note

This article about more masks cause more covid and the covid "vaccine" and lockdowns had NO impact on reducing covid-19 deaths validates all I have posted in the past on my other covid "vaccine" / covid "virus" information websites.

This article validates and proves what people like me who were warning other people not to wear a mask and not to get the deadly covid "vaccine" is TRUE!

I was so concerned with the pharmaeutical companies and the federal, state and media were telling people about masks and the covid "vaccine" I make several websites to post documented information about the covid "virus" and deadly covid "vaccine" WARNING people NOT to get the deadly useless covid "vaccine" and not to wear the useless face masks.


4-1-22 NC Peoples Convoy Trip Video  (Watch this 12 Min video that was banned the same day I posted it on youtube because it contains the TRUTH about the deadly covid "vaccine".)


I did everything I could to warn people NOT to get the deadly covid "vaccine" and I explained why.

The government using the intelligence agencies, CDC, social media, national fake media did everything they could to hide the truth about the covid "virus" and deadly covid "vaccine".

This now has been increased:

The Ministry Of Truth Is Now A Reality. The Ministry of Truth is one of four ministries in Oceania in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984.’

Its Government Name is Disinformation Governance Board.

The first principle in battling against the Disinformation Governance Board is to not to accept their terminology.  Controlling language is a specific tactic of the professional political left.  We used to call it labeling, but modern leftists moved beyond labels into the creation of new definitions.

Modern communist leftists now use two different strategies depending on their target: (1) create new words, the traditional labeling; and (2) redefine existing words.

Don’t waste time debating “misinformation”, “disinformation”, or “malinformation”, instead accurately just say those things do not exist. Information stands undefined. From that position there are truth and lies.  This is the correct approach.  Do not accept the insanity of the Saul Alinsky language effort. 

The US Government created Disinformation Governance Board exists but disinformation does not.

Information stands undefined.

There is information the Government, Disinformation Goveranance Board, wants us to hear, and everything else is disinformation or misinformation the U.S. Govt disapproves of.

…”There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”.  There is only information you accept and information you do not accept.  You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.”…  (link)

Ultimately, the government is not trying to control words, they are trying to control thoughts.

Our country is becoming more like hitler's germany everyday.

If you don't fight this government TYRANNY now, in the near future will see more and more government control and less and less of freedom.

Our country is currently being controlled by 15 or more intelliegence agencies.

This "deep state" controls congress, the white house and the supreme court.

The control is not absolute yet.

Pre natzi germany times.

Street thugs are manipulated by the "deep state" government agencies to control public opinion.

Propaganda that contains lie after lie about things that happen are broadcast daily.

Opposition to media and government lies are cancelled by social media under the control of the "deep state" government intelliegence agencies.

Republicans have mostly said or done NOTHING about the "deep state's" latest manufactured agency to control free speech called the Disinformation Goveranance Board.

We The People are being suppressed by our own government.

Our elections are stolen, and our ability to speak freely without the government telling us what we can say is being reduced more and more every day.

If you don't fight this government TYRANNY now, in the near future will see more and more government control and less and less of freedom.


America will become the fourth reich.

The third reich was nazi germany.

The "fourth reich" will be the united states of america.

It won't be called the "fourth reich" but will be called another name other than the united states of america.

Just like in 1776 and the us civil war you will be forced to take one side or the other.

Are your going to become a modern day nazi member in the "fourth reich"?

Are you already a modern day nazi member of the "fourth reich"?

If you support the biden regime you are a member of the "fourth reich" by default.

People are protesting against the government and their dictatorship mandates and laws that are government tyranny on display.

These protests are suppressed on social media and ignored by national and local media.

Protests are occurring and free speech is still occurring but is being suppressed by the federal and state governments.


One protest of note is





We encourage everyone to join us in this journey back to DC. Immediate needs are money and boots on the ground. The only place to donate money is through our website or cash delivered in person.


The solution is simple, and a product of America and her ideals:  Lift the emergency order.  Abide by our constitution.  End the corruption.  And let Freedom once again ring!  


Live youtube Feeds And Videos From The Peoples Convoy. (Youtube censors ANY true facts about the deadly covid "vaccine" so live stream yourtube channels avoid broadcasting any real information about the covid "vaccine" that informs people about the dangers of the covid "vaccine". This is censorship of any alternative views from doctors who are warning people NOT to get the jab.

DR. PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER (Dr Lock Them Up.)   | are not censored and contain the informed consent information you need to make up your own mind about the covid "vaccine". I call it the deadly covid "vaccine" because I am informed about the manufactured bio weapon known as the covid "vaccine.)

YouTube Channels. (National and local news media avoid and ignore this national protest. National and local media, fake news, do the bidding of the deep state. 15 or more intelligence agencies are actually in control and manipulate congress, biden administration and supreme court.)


Sasnak   (Best Youtube Live Stream From The People Convoy). ( A live stream trucker with the convoy.)

Today with Julius    HOTSHOT DAVE    1st Responders Media   Virtual Road Trip

Ride along gang    Oreo Express 


The news media is cooking the news as usual just like they did with the covid "virus" and covid "vaccine" both are actually bio weapons.

Currently the news narrative about russia invading ukraine is being cooked by fake news.

Fake news stories are being reported about ukraine and russia.

Question everything. Take nothing at face value. It is very easy to become a victim of psychological warfare intended to manipulate our opinions.  Almost everything being transmitted from corporate news into our psyche is part of a battle for your mind.

Steam Zones



This map outlines the basic route back to the DC area. There are no stopping locations highlighted on this map. Plan to join us at any time along the route! Every person with a heartbeat should be joining this movement in securing FREEDOM for all Americans and future generations. ROUTE SUBJECT TO CHANGE

I-80e to IA I-235e to Rt 69s to Rt 5w— Rt 69n to I-235e to I-80e to IN I-65s to IN Rt 30e IN I-69n to IN I-469s to IN I-30e/OH Rt 30e to OH I-71n to OH I-71s to I-70w to Ohio exit #79 to I-70e to PA I-79s to I-68e to I-70e  ROUTE SUBJECT TO CHANGE


I joined for a few hours on April 1, 2022.

I made a 12 min video of Dr Paul Alexander talking about the covid "vaccine".

I posted the video on youtube and the same day I was given a warning from youtube and the truthful video was censored from my small channel.

This video has been preserved NC Peoples Convoy Video 4-1-22 (Post this video everywhere you can where it can't be removed or censored.)



My Rumble Video Channel


It is a peaceful lawful protest against the current regime and covid "vaccine" mandates.

It is also a protest for freedom of speech and against the evil that has taken over washington dc.

The "deep state" controlled politicians can still be influenced by a protest that can't be ignored.

The biden regime under the control of "the deep" state will do everything possible to stop if it deems it to be a real threat to their control of the government.

The Ministry Of Truth Is Now A Reality. The Ministry of Truth is one of four ministries in Oceania in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984.’


Its Government Name is Disinformation Governance Board.

Governor Ron DeSantis spoke out against the latest effort of the Biden administration to create an official disinformation bureau with a dedicated mission to assist Big Tech and social media platforms in their control of speech. {Direct Rumble Link}

There is no dis-, mis-, or mal-information.

There is only information the Government wants you to hear, and the information the U.S. Govt disapproves of.  The DHS disinformation board is dedicated to dealing with the latter.

This biden regime agency will determine what they want you to know and not know.

Any alternative view or any view that refutes the big lie that the covid "vaccines" are safe and effective will be suppressed and censored as much as possible to hide the truth.

Be ready and prepared for the "deep state" to take measures to mute your freedom of speech.

There should be no protests near federal buildings which would give the government the ability to arrest people at will.

That doesn't mean there won't be vehicles driving into dc.

The "deep state" is currently allowing thugs to protest supreme court members in spite of a law that protects them.

Under 18 U.S.C. 1507, it is a federal crime to protest near a residence occupied by a judge or jury with the intent to influence their decisions in pending cases, and this case remains pending.

The 18 U.S. Code 1507 reads: "Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."

The biden regime under the control of the intelligence agencies allows unlawful protest by their supporters and hired thugs to protest near supreme court justices homes.

A clear violation of 18 U.S. Code 1507

This law also applies to the supreme court building and other court building etc.

As far as I know there is no law against protesting outside the capitol buildings but it is unlawful to enter the capitol building to protest.

The dc police force that held the doors of the capitol open oh Jan 6, 2021 should be arrested for allowing protestors to enter the capitol building.

The dc police tricked protestors om Jan 6, 2021 into thinking it was ok to enter the capitol building to protest.

Because of this there are many people in the dc jail that protested on Jan 6, 2021.

Some of these people are totally innocent and the only crime that was committed was they entered the capitol building whilte being invited in by the DC POLICE!

The DC police violated the law by allowing protests in and actually inviting them in to dupe them on Jan 6, 2021.

The "deep state" protects these corrupt police.

The 'deep state" also protect the thugs that support the biden regime protesting near the supreme court justice homes.

The people who are protesting near the home of the supreme court justices should be arrested because of 18 U.S. Code 1507

They will not be because these thugs are under the control of the biden regime and the biden regime allows unlawful protests.

The biden regime arrests people who are protesting in a lawful manner and jails them at will.

Be aware of this if you protest in DC or anywhere else in the united states today.

Freedom is NOT free and never was.


Be seeing you in dc in the near future either watching censored youtube live streams of or going to dc for a couple of days.


If you can join the peoples convoy for a few hours, a couple of days etc NOW is the time to go and join the convoy protest.


5/17/22 is the expected date of the peoples convoy to arrive at the Hagerstown Speedway – Hagerstown, MD.





When Can Somone Carry a Gun in Washington DC

Being in possession of a pistol, a handheld weapon that can be fired with one hand, is considered a felony in some situations even if the person has a valid concealed carry or open carry permit in another state. Having a concealed carry or open carry permit does not save that person from avoiding criminal charges. The only situation in which a person in DC may be allowed to transport a firearm without facing prosecution is if they are in possession of a valid concealed carry or open carry permit from another state and are moving that firearm through DC without stopping.

If a person is going from Michigan where they have a concealed carry permit and traveling to another state where they have a valid concealed carry permit and they drive through DC without the permit, that does not necessarily expose that person to firearm laws as long as the weapon is stored in the vehicle in accordance with legal requirements. However, if the person intends to stop in DC, they would be subject to DC laws regarding registration and licensing and could find themselves facing very serious criminal charges.


Captain Convey Note Bonus


If I am understanding the law in DC concerning concealed carry it seems the gun laws in DC could get you arrested to easy.

You can carry a concealed weapon if you have a concealed weapons permit in dc if you drive through DC on toward you destination.

BUT if you STOP in DC you automatically become subject to DC laws regarding registration and licensing which would automatically make you face serious criminal charges.

What does stopping in DC mean?

If you stop for gas is that a violation? If you stop to eat is that a violation. If your vehicle breaks down and you must stop in DC what do you think happens then?

If you stop in DC and protest what do you think happens then?

For you in rio linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to sa,y this means you can and probably will be arrested on criminal gun charges in DC if you carry a concealed weapon in DC.

So bottom line is:

Don't carry a concealed weapon into DC because its a real possibility you will get arrested on criminal gun charges in DC.

Transporting Firearms in DC

Don't give the corrupt DC capitol police an easy reason to throw you in jail with the Jan 6, 2021 protestors.





Das Dritte Reich


Das Dritte Reich is a 1923 book by the German author Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, whose ideology heavily influenced the Nazi Party. The book formulated an "ideal" of national empowerment, which found many willing adherents in a Germany desperate to rebound from the Treaty of Versailles.




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