One of the most effective ways to control human activity is to control their finance. - "US central bank currency".


If you combine government use of energy policy, government regulation on individuals around that energy policy, and the self-interested need to control political opposition, you discover one of the most effective ways to control human activity is to control their finance.

Transcript – Dr. Malmgren "What underpins a world order is always the financial system."

"I was very privileged. My father was an adviser to Nixon when they came off the gold standard in 71. And so, I was brought up with a kind of inside view of how very important the financial structure is to absolutely everything else.

And what we’re seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one. The new accounting is what we call blockchain.

It means digital, it means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on."

It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens.

"In my opinion, we’re going to need a digital constitution of human rights if we’re going to have digital money. But also this new money will be sovereign in nature. Most people think that digital money is crypto, and private. But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.

And the question is, will that new system of digital money and digital accounting accommodate the competing needs of the citizens of all these locations, so that every human being has a chance to have a better life? Because that’s the only measure of whether a world order really serves!”


The entry into a digital currency, needs a digital identity.

A digital currency allows ultimate control on a global basis by a one world government, or western system of collective governments, that can assign value.  No other mechanism will have as much control over the life of a person than a digital currency that will create a system of transactional credits and debits, perhaps also influenced by your social credit score.

The digital currency requires a digital identity in order for apportionment based on your value to society. 


This is essentially an extension of the Fabian mindset into the world of financial transactions and monetary evaluations.  Fabians believed that some form of socioeconomic tribunal would be needed in order for each citizen to be quantified according to their “worth” to society.  The Chinese social credit score is a variant of that same concept.


CBDC vs Cryptocurrency

Digital currencies issued by central banks are commonly mistaken for other types of cryptocurrency. As stated previously, central bank digital currencies have central banks at the heart of every transaction. However, cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are digital tokens created using cryptographic methods by a distributed network or blockchain.

Cryptocurrencies employ permissionless (public) blockchains, whereas CBDCs use permissioned (private) blockchains. Anyone can join and participate in the blockchain network's essential operations in a public blockchain. The ongoing operations on the public blockchain network can be read, written and audited by anybody, which helps a public blockchain preserve its self-governed nature. A private blockchain, on the other hand, is a distributed ledger that functions as a closed, secure database based on cryptography concepts and is not decentralized.

The restrictions on CBDC networks are set by a central bank. The authority is assigned to the user base on crypto networks, which makes choices by achieving a consensus.

Therefore, while cryptocurrencies are decentralized, CBDCs are centralized. CBDCs allow central banks to see who owns what.

CBDCs can only be used for payment, and any stockpiling or investing is outright prohibited.

Cryptocurrencies can be used for both financial transactions and speculation purposes.

A cryptocurrency blockchain entry documents and confirms you are the owner of the virtual digital currency but it isn't programmed to be able to control what you buy or sell currently.

Keep in mind a cryptocurrency is a DIGITAL currency which CAN also be programmed and controlled by a script and tied to your individual transactions.

Don't be fooled into thinking a cryptocurrency can't be programmed, it can, because a digital program controls the digital cryptocurrency just like a Central Bank Digital Currency can be programmed!



The unspent transaction output (UTXO) format, first popularized by the Bitcoin system.


Public blockchain systems have generally followed one of two strategies for enabling programmability, denoted here as the transaction scripting approach and the virtual machine approach. While these approaches are not mutually exclusive and do not dictate a particular choice of recordkeeping format, certain combinations are logically and technologically complementary.

Under the transaction scripting approach, a (small) program is attached to every discrete amount of value tracked by the system, indicating how that amount may be spent.

This approach is analogous to having a programmatic spending condition attached to every banknote or physical coin in existence, which can be re-programmed when spent.

This "digital cash" model is the approach pioneered by Bitcoin, combining the UTXO recordkeeping format with the transaction scripting model, with one transaction script per UTXO dictating how it may be spent.

When a UTXO, unspent transaction output, is consumed as an input to a financial transaction, a new script can be associated with every output of that transaction.

Users can control any number of UTXOs and can spend them independently by satisfying the associated transaction scripts.

(The associated transaction script attached to every crytocurrency transaction, a computer program, can be programmed to control the crytocurrency you "own" to control what you buy or sell just like a Fed Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC.)

Crytocurrencies are NOT autonomous, private, because the associated transaction script attached to every crytocurrency transaction can be programmed to control how your able to use your crytocurrency.

The computer program that controls the crytocurrency transaction can be modified to control your crytocurrency.

Digital money means a computer program controls how the crytocurrency can be used.

It can be modified at will by the cryptocurrency coin you have purchased.

It can be more than just a blockchain data entry of your transaction.

So keep in mind that if you own crypto currency in any form it can be programmed just like a Fed central bank digital currency to control what you can buy or sell or be programmed to not allow you to buy or sell using the digital cryto currency!



Cryptocurrencies and a CBDC are NOT concerned about data and privacy. The crypto sector is a peer-to-peer paradigm, whereas certain restrictions bind central banks.

Users can choose how much and what kind of data they wish to disclose because cryptocurrencies are peer-to-peer. (If the script changes this can change in a stroke of a keyboard entry.)

(If the digital currency script program is changed you could lose control of what is disclosed and how you are able to spend your digital currency.)

(Your no safer "owning" cryto currency digital money that you would be "owning" The Fed Central Bank Digital Currency because both can be controlled by a computer script that can control how you spend the digital currency.)

CBDC transactions will automatically send vast amounts of data to tax and regulatory agencies.


 [The Fed CBDC is expected to be emplemented in 2023 if its not stopped by people who don't want some programmer having total control over what they can buy or sell.]


Programmable money: How crypto tokens could change our entire experience of value transfer


IronWeave (Unlimited Blockchains)


What Is a Blockchain


What is the difference between DLT and blockchain?




Captain Convey Note


"We’re going to need a digital constitution of human rights if we’re going to have digital money."

"It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens."

"The new accounting is what we call blockchain."

"Digital money." "New money will be sovereign in nature."

Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC, will be sovereign in nature.

This means the government will have TOTAL control over the currency and it will NOT be private like a crypto currency.

Bit Coin a decentralized (blockchain-based) ledger for transaction execution and record-keeping, and it created a (now extensively traded) currency independent of any sovereign monetary authority

CBDCs will be used as programmable money.

CBDCs allow central banks to see who owns what.

CBDCs can only be used for payment, and any stockpiling or investing is outright prohibited.

CBDC transactions will automatically send vast amounts of data to tax and regulatory agencies.

CBDC digital currency will allow the government to program the digital currency, control the digital curreny and know when, where, how and who bought what, when, where and how etc.

The government will be able to totally control your money and cut if OFF at will just like your local power company can cut off your power with a smart meter.

Nothing bought or sold using the CBDC currency will be private.

For instance the government at will could program the digital currency to not allow gun sales or ammo sales etc.

The govenment could program you personal digital currency to not allow you to buy food.

A Central Bank Digital Currency will be programmable and can be used to control digital currency in ways you can't imagine.

A CBDC could be used as a political weapon against you if the govenment does not want you to be a MAGA supporter etc.

A crypto digital currency and a Central Bank Digital Currency are TOTALLY different except for the one fact that both are digital currencies.


For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, a crypto digital currency is not an encrypted spy message.

A Central Bank digital currency means total control over anything and everything you do.

Be seeing you and praying that you and I never ask, "whats in your wallet", and find it is a CBDC card that connects to the government central bank which archives anything and everything you do and is also totally programmable at will to fine tune your ability to buy or sell anything.


Captain Convey Bonus Note


Somehow, the number 666 will identify the Antichrist. The number 666 identifies him.

The number 666 is NOT the mark of the beast, which is the false prophet.

The bible says the mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.

If and when the Central Bank Digital Currency, or a crypto digital currency requires you to worship the antichrist in order to buy or sell then it will become the mark of the beast.

If you are a Christian you won't be around when those who have rejected Jesus Christ as their saviour are told by the antichrist they must receive the mark to buy or sell.

The bible doesn't say what the mark of the beast will be. It could be a number or anything else.

Is it possible for a person to get the mark of the beast today?


Crypto currency is a digital currency.

Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC is a digital currency.

ANY digital currency can be programmed to control its use.

Thats because digital currency is just a computer program that can be CHANGED AT WILL by a computer programmer.

I hope you understand now what digital currency, "money", really is.

Its in "the cloud" and poof it can be gone with the stroke on a keyboard.

Don't invest in any form of digital currency because it is NOT safe to use or "own".

If you use cash it can be used anonymously to buy or sell something.

Digital currency is NEVER anonymous because EVERY TRANSACTION IS RECORDED!

I suspect in the future various businesses will be using digital money more and more.

If the biden regime somehow is able to do away with real money, dollars and coins, you and I will be forced to use a digital currency that will give the government total control over everything you do because the government will control what you can buy and sell by programming the digital currency.

Remember the mark of the beast could be anything not just a digital currency.

Is it possible for a person to get the mark of the beast today?

There is one significant reason why it is impossible to get the mark of the beast now:

The mark of the beast does not exist yet.

A literal reading of Revelation and other end-times prophecy in the Bible shows that there is a schedule for the end-times events. Daniel prophesied of seventy weeks (seventy sets of seven years) that mark the time of God’s interaction with Israel. Sixty-nine of those weeks have passed since Daniel’s writing. The final week will be what we call the tribulation, which is when the Antichrist, or the beast, will rise to power. This ruler will join together ten nations (Daniel 7:24–25; Revelation 17:7) and make a deceptive treaty with Israel (Daniel 9). The mark of the beast cannot exist until the beast himself is in power during the tribulation.

Another reason believers in Jesus Christ should not fear getting the mark of the beast now is the rapture of the church. In the rapture, Jesus will take all believers, living and dead, from the earth (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; 1 Corinthians 15:50–54). Although people will still come to know Christ after the rapture, all those who trust Jesus before the rapture will be taken to be with the Lord. According to pretribulationism, believers who live in the church age will never have an opportunity to receive the mark of the beast.

So, there is nothing anyone can do today to get, take, or receive the mark of the beast. Implanted chips, bar codes, tattoos, digital currency etc.

None of these will give you the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast cannot exist without the beast/Antichrist demanding it.