02/27/2023 (George Orwell Date 02/27/1984)
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
John Rourke of Blue Line Moving was one of the people who worked the logistics of bringing supplies donated by President Trump to the people of East Palestine, Ohio.
02/23/2023 (George Orwell Date 02/23/1984) Is it 2023 or 1984?
Credit TheConservativeTreeHouse.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
The most rigorous and extensive review of the scientific literature concludes that neither surgical masks nor N95 masks have been shown to make a difference in reducing the spread of Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
Credit city-journal.org
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
the Biden Regime is about to surrender America’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Credit TheGateWayPundit.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
East Palestine ohio Rolled Out Special ID ‘In Case of Emergency’ Just Months Before Chemical Disaster
Credit TrendingPoliticsNews.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Microsoft Bing Chatbot Wants to ‘Engineer a Deadly Virus,’ ‘Steal Nuclear Codes’
Credit Breirbart.com College Student Cracks Microsoft’s Bing Chatbot
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
inside job cdc changed toxicity info on vinyl chloride days before derailment
Credit ussanews.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Bottlecap Balloon Brigade - an Illinois hobby group - claims its $13 weather balloon last pinged near Yukon on February 10 - hours before F-22 brought down UFO in SAME area with $400k missile.
Credit dailymail.co.uk cbsnews.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Joe and Victoria Toensing are “warrior lawyers.” They are fighters for liberty and the rule of law.
Credit Joe diGenova/Victoria Toensing Litigation Fund digenovatoensing.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
U.S. tracked spy balloon after it lifted off from China
Credit cbsnews.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
various government systems were so committed to the vaccine requirement, they were willing to register the names and fingerprints of unvaccinated Americans for future targeting.
Credit theconservativetreehouse.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
You never know what might be floating or hanging above your head.
Credit news.abplive.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
The twitter files reveal the weaponization of social media, FBI, DOJ and other us "Ministry of Truth" agencies including congress.
Credit Matt Taibbi
(As of 2/13/2023 the biden regime now wants you to believe the balloons and other "unidentified objects" are maybe UFO aliens or something.)
For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, a UFO is not an alien from outta space. UFO means its just unidentified bubba.
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Details of Biden regime Deliberately Destroying Nord Stream Pipeline, Then Lying About It Repeatedly
Credit TheConservativeTreeHouse.com How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline (Seymour Hersh)
I posted a tweet on twitter about Joe Biden and saw this popup for the first time on any of my tweets. 02/10/2023
So the next thing I do is take out the demented word.
When I took out the word demented describing joe biden the above pop up went away.
Twitter gave me the option of taking out what their algorythym described as "potential harmful or offense language."
My description of joe biden was accurate. He is demented.
What is interesting is twitter would have allowed my to post the tweet with the word demented also.
I am sure it would have been shadow banned, that is the tweet would be restricted for others to see without my knowledge.
A sick controlled puppet that is being used to destroy America. vs A sick demented controlled puppet that is being used to destroy America.
My tweet was a reply to:
BIDEN: "I know that a lot of Republicans, their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare. Well, let me say this: If that's your dream, I'm your nightmare." https://t.co/Y8O4Xhzphi pic.twitter.com/wi3KKs3xEE
— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) February 10, 2023
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the dividing line in America is between normal and crazy.
Credit MarketWatch.com (Text) TheConservativeTreeHouse.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Elon Musk Identifies the State Dept Origin Behind Twitter Content Control Mechanisms - GEC
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
People Who Think Themselves Unattractive More Likely To Keep Wearing Mask: Study
Credit cf.org dailymail.co.uk
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
For both the RNC and DNC this is about the illusion of choice (for voters) and ultimately a controlled outcome (for DC).
Credit TheConservativeTreeHouse.com Joan Rivers
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Hospitals using government money are going after your children.
Credit Breitbart.com
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Dr. John Campbell (Rumble Channel)
Dr. John Campbell - Vitamin D works, proof now in
Credit Dr. John Campbell
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(Updated As More Twitter "govment" Corruption Files Are Posted On Twitter.)
goodnewspost.com (KJV Bible Online)
Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine"
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To see the collapse of Vaxx To The Maxx go to -Vaxxed To The Maxx Drops post on 11/17/22
— captainconvey (@captainconvey) November 17, 2022
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I want one.