Captain Convey
Our so called "government" is almost totally corrupt. A dictator was installed on Jan 6, 2021 because of the house rule changes that would NOT allow any objections to the electorial vote count in an emergency. The "emergency" was planned well ahead of time.
The Nancy Pelosi Parliamentary Motive That Installed A Dictator in Jan 6, 2021.
Speaker of the house pelosi needed an “imminent threat” to suspend the business of the house on Jan 6, 2020.
TheDeepStateAndGlobalistsOwnAnOperateDC.html (Jan 7, 2024 Update) - (If you want to know the truth about our "government" - Uniparty - Weaponized DOJ and Other Gov Agencies.)
116 Congress 2019-2020 House Rules.
Approved on Jan 3, 2019 by 116th congress.
House resolution 6.
Rule 12(a) Recess and Convening Authorities
To suspend the business of the House
when notified of an imminent
threat to its safety, the Speaker
may declare an emergency recess
subject to the call of the Chair.
(2) To suspend the business of the Committee
of the Whole House on the state of the Union
when notified of an imminent threat to its safe-
ty, the chair of the Committee of the Whole may
declare an emergency recess subject to the call
of the Chair.
Most people are not aware that a dictator was installed on Jan 6, 2021 and a coup happened.
They are living under the illusion that what happened on Jan 6, 2021 was only a riot caused by President Trump supporters. This is the constructed lie to hide the above facts.
Now you know the truth.
Dealing or talking to US Senators or US House members is like spitting into the wind.
535 members of congress. 100 in the US Senate. 435 in the US House. (The Uniparty)
How many of these people do you think knew about the US House rule changes that allowed the coup to occur on Jan 6, 2021?
All of them is the answer.
How many of the 535 members of Congress have ever made it known that there was a coup on Jan 6, 2021?
None is the answer, to my knowledge.
How many of the 535 members of Congress have ever made statements or have done anything about the US Capitol police holding the doors open to the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 helping the protestors into the US Capitol building knowing that it was a felony to enter any US Capitol building to protest?
Few to none is the answer.
Antifa, BLM and other groups are used by corrupt members of Congress and others.
Corrupted Uniparty Members Of Congress (Congress, powerful business executives, foreign presidents and world leaders are also corrupted and can be blackmailed by the weaponized FBI.)
Articles about Nikki Haley document and highlight the fraud Nikki Haley and her activities to stop President Trump from becoming President again at any cost. All the article links came from Nikki Haley ( A Liar And Deceiver)
The purpose of captain convey is to convey a message of hope in a time of deception and lying. Convey means to transport and communicate. My goal is to transport you out of the matrix of deception.
I want to live in reality and not fake, corrupted manipulated information.
In other words I don't want to live in the matrix of deception most people live in.
Most social media websites are censored and controlled.
"Internet freedom is defined by access to information and commerce.
To the extent the information or commerce is defined as against the interests of the authority structure, or potentially a threat to the national security interest of the government therein, the internet content is filtered, modified, censored, removed or just simply blocked from view. " CTH
(Know The Facts)
The Emancipation Proclamation should be recognized for what it was – a political stunt with an offer to any southern state to keep all their slaves and simultaneously avoid massive death and widespread destruction at the hands of Lincoln’s army. Paying taxes to Washington DC would have solved the problem. An offer that no southern state took advantage of.
Be skeptical when a politician attempts to claim a moral high ground.
History shows it is likely a trick shrouded in a lie.
Watch for veiled political stunts.
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation political stunt was no exception.
So many government lies and deceptions.
Lincoln was a lawyer and knew how to write and speak double talk well.
Most politicians are lawyers and use this skill to deceive the public in various ways.
Bill clinton used it well when he said;
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the—if he—if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."
Bill clinton could have been a speech writer for Lincoln.
Bill clinton was a lawyer also.
Lawyers are trained how to manipulate words to deceive.
Congress is a cesspool full of them.
Subconscious persuasion, covert advocacy affecting a jury.
If its mostly corrupt judges and DA's, as in President Trumps lawfare cases, this lawyer tool is not needed because the "FIX" is already in.
Grey Wolf walked for miles and miles across the country but people were NOT interested in listening nor were there any people around to listen most of the time.
Grey Wolf says: "Maybe I can turn this into a Forrest Gump Kind Of Thing".
The Grey Wolf Walk turned out to be a big bust and Ron Coleman had to have an operation on his shoulder because he wore a contraption on his shoulders to video his walk across several states.
He made a good effort to make people aware they were like frogs in a pot of water about to be cooked and didn't know it.
Nobody was around to listen. Amost nobody cared about listening.
Ron was walking down deserted streets and roads talking to himself in an echo chamber.
He had a vision and an idea but he never could get anybody interested for different reasons.
Did you even look at the covid insert before you got th jab?
Did you see it was blank?
Did you get the jab anyway?
Did you ask your doctor, nurse or person injecting you with the clot shot why the covid shot insert was blank?
The escalating number of injections as “a risky medical experiment.” For example, children aged zero to 18 may now require up to 80 injections, representing a significant increase from the 1983 recommendation of just 11 shots.
They also argue that the CDC hasn’t subjected the entire childhood immunization schedule to thorough safety or efficacy testing. The public health agency is also in hot water for its prioritization of shots over broader public health concerns and its susceptibility to pharmaceutical influence.
The Jab doesn't protect you at all from covid-19 but will cause blood clots and other health problems including suddenly drop dead syndrome!
Electionopoly (Book)| (A new free online book by Palette Pioneer)
Agent AI Code Name MAGA (Agent AI Works For The 2024 Campaign Of President Trump.)
Trump AI Pics (Make My Day and other AI Generated Pics.)

BattleGround America Podcasts
To know the truth about what is really going on listen to these podcasts.
News/Talk 989 WORD
Greenville, SC The Voice of the Carolinas. 100,000 watts 24/7
You can't know the truth if you can't see the truth.
What is truth?
Those who don't know the truth can't see the truth.
“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” (2 Timothy 3:2-4)
The warning in the previous verse to our text for today insists that “perilous times” will characterize the last days. This list describes the types of people who will dominate the last days, and it’s frightful.
The “self love” of these people is demonstrated by internal motivations driven by the sin nature. Such people will be “covetous”; the Greek term means “fond of silver.” They will also be “boasters” (braggarts) who revel in their sinful behavior. That boasting is driven by a “proud” spirit that is arrogant, willing to show off gaudy ostentations of their conquests. Such behavior, of course, leads them to be “blasphemers,” speaking evil with low, vulgar taunts designed to be injurious.
Part of this list includes Greek words with an “un” prefix. There are those who are un-persuadable by parents, obstinate, stubborn, and inflexible. Many are un-thankful, without grace, thanks, or any pleasantry. All are un-holy, without the nature to be just or moral. Some are un-affectionate, without a natural love for family or friends. There are also those who are un-reconcilable, not able to make or keep a promise.
Finally, there will be those who are diabolos (like the devil). They are slanderous liars, “incontinent” (without self control), savage “despisers” who are opposed to “those who are good.” They will be treacherous, rash, and “high minded” people who are “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.”
But, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). HMM III
This is today's world.
People totally driven by "self love", covetous, boasters, proud spirit that is arrogant, blasphemers who are vulgar and evil.
Un-persuadable by parents. obstinate, stubborn, inflexible, un-thankful, un-holy, un-affectionate, un-reconcilable, slanderous liars - without self control, savage despisers to those who are good, treacherous, rash, high minded and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
They don't know the truth nor can they know it in their natural state.

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