US Border Invasion


Glenn Beck EXPOSES the Globalist Plan to Flood America with Migrants


Jan 27, 2024

The Supreme Court just ruled the Biden administration can continue to dismantle Texas border protections put in place to stem the flow of border crossings at Eagle Pass.

In response, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released one of his harshest rebukes of President Biden yet in a constitutional showdown.

We are beyond crisis-level numbers now thanks to a well-organized, globally funded network that is aiding and abetting an INVASION at the southern border.

Glenn Beck reveals the extent of the global network, the institutions' detailed plans, and “migration maps” they hand out to residents in South America.




US Border Invasion Exposed



Learn about the coordinated efforts to flood the US borders with illegal aliens.

Its a globalist plan to send millions of aliens into the US.

The US government and corporations have a coordinated corporate fascism plan in effect to destroy America.

What Is a Fascist Government?

The concept of a fascist government began in the early 20th century in Italy.

Italy did not specifically label its government model as fascist—in Italy, it was known as "corporatism".


Americans have been taught that the effect of fascism is fascism.

They are not taught to understand the structure of a corporatist (fascist) form of government, also known as corporate fascism.

"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." — Benito Mussolini (speaking of corporate fascism).

The concept of fascism is dependent on the merger of corporations with the state.

The power inherent in government is combined with corporate power.


This brings the majority of power in a nation under a small group of individuals.


This is known as an oligarchy.


It is this combination of government and corporations that truly defines the concept of fascism.


What eludes our knowledge is just the opposite.

It is possible for corporations to appropriate the authority of the government.

It is this type of activity that is unseen by the majority of Americans.

Europeans know full well the horror of fascist governance, having been forced to live through the bloodiest era of the 20th century within their borders.

Americans are being warned by foreign powers that the government of the US is being transformed in to a corporate fascist form of government!


How Can You Tell if a Government Is Fascist?

One of the easiest ways to identify fascism is by the actions of the government.

Whether it is the Chief Executive, the Congress, or the Judicial branch of government, when government takes actions to protect the power of corporations, this is a step towards fascism.


Another symptom of corporate fascism is the erosion of individual rights.

When corporate rights are expanded, they trample the rights of the individual.

When seen form this perspective, it becomes easier to identify the eruption of corporate fascism.


What Steps Are Taken When a Government Is Being Transformed Into a Fascist Government?


Within the Judicial branch of government, the individual can seek recourse from corporate harm in the court system. America, in recent decisions, has passed numerous laws, rules and court decisions for the purpose of protecting corporations and limiting the rights of the individual.

These legal decisions and legislation are passed under the assumption that the nation's priority should be to protect corporate profit—even if this profit comes at the expense of limiting the rights of the individual.


Another side effect of fascism is the creation of an invisible enemy. An invisible enemy is identified in order to unify the nation in an imaginary struggle against fictitious threats.

Usually, these fictitious threats are created by the government itself. Using the method of "Problem + Reaction = Solution", the government creates a problem for the purpose of inciting the people to create a reaction.

Once there is a reaction, the government presents the "solution" it has wanted all along.


"I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."

—Jim Garrison

If the government creates a terrorist "threat", the population becomes afraid of this threat. (Think 911 etc).

Then, the government passes drastic security laws, telling the population it is for their protection.

It is not impossible for the government to place itself as a threat to the people—anything is possible when discussing corporate profit!

It matters not what disguise this fictitious entity takes.

All that matters is that a perceived threat is established and accepted.

A scapegoat is necessary for the government to hastily get legislation passed in order to protect the profits of the corporations.

When this is realized, the rise of the fascist state becomes immediately visible.


An increase in government corruption is based on allowing corporate figures to move in and out of government positions.


When corporate leaders are appointed to government positions within their line of business, they have the ability to alter government rules for the benefit of their corporation.

These individuals will hold a government position long enough to maintain benefits for their corporate structure.

Once accomplished, these individuals simply slide back into their corporate positions with a greater ability to increase profits.


Security Measures That Scare the People


By using fear of the unknown, a police state is silently installed; the people believe that the increased security is for their protection, not oppression.

Not until it is too late do the people realize that a prison system has been erected around them!


How Can We Stop Fascism?


History does not provide examples of a nation shedding the introduction of fascism once it has begun.

When fascism began to spread throughout Europe, every nation succumbed without much resistance.

The only example that could be studied is that of the French prior to their revolution.

The French people found themselves being governed by a very small number of individuals that successfully combined the power of financial elites with that of their government.


The end result is very similar to current circumstances in the United States: Power is being consolidated amongst a very small group of people.


The government does live in fear of the people.


This is why they are spending the wealth of the people to prepare for any type of violent protests.

Rather than representing the will of the people, these fascists hold no trepidation to beat the people down if they attempt to force the government to cease and desist the onslaught of fascist governance!

Violence is an abhorrent way to resolve conflicts, and it should never come to a situation like this.

The people of the United States need to wake up, educate themselves, and resist.

Resist peacefully, but resist, we must!