Nikii Haley Is A Jeb Bush Loser

A creature comfortable within the machinations of the swamp and completely self-absorbed, defining herself with the world of politics.
Nikki Haley is as deep state institutionally connected as you can get.
Nikki Haley And Her Kamikikaze Mission.
President Trump wins SC primary despite Nikki Haley urging democrates to vote for her in the SC open primary where republicans and democrates can vote.
As of 2/27/24 President Trump has 47 delegates and Haley has only 3.
Nikki is homeless in her home state with only 1 district supporting her despite millions of dollars spent for ads on her failed jeb bush type of campaign. People in SC know a Skunk when they smell one!
{Nikki Haley is scripted and freezes up whem asked a question she wasn't prepped for.}
Nikki Haley is the Mitt Romney of John McCains’ Meaning, she’s less obnoxious and off-putting but no less duplicitous and odious. A fake conservative who serves only the UniParty.
Nikki Haley is a corrupt politician who like many others is bought and paid for.
She is a liar and deceiver also like many other politicians.
The articles above document and highlight the fraud named Nikki Haley and her activities to stop President Trump from becoming President again at any cost.