The BEAST - UNICOIN Global Currency


The IMF just announced a new “Universal Monetary Unit”, a digital currency, with multiple countries and central banks behind it.




A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.


The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. 

This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda.

The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week (April 2023).



(Satan's Currency)

Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü, is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

As the press release quoted above indicates, this new “Universal Monetary Unit” was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.


So who in the world is the Digital Currency Monetary Authority?


The press release says that the organization consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions”…

The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks.  Membership within the DCMA consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats.

We are being told that the “Universal Monetary Unit” is “‘Crypto 2.0”, and those that created it are hoping that it will be widely adopted by “all constituencies in a global economy”

The DCMA introduces Universal Monetary Unit as Crypto 2.0 because it innovates a new wave of cryptographic technologies for realizing a digital currency public monetary system with a widespread adoption framework encompassing use cases for all constituencies in a global economy.


This sounds super shady.

Of course the Digital Currency Monetary Authority is not the only one that has been working on a new digital currency.

The UK has also been working on one.

The same is true for the European Union.

And would it surprise anyone that the Biden administration is touting the potential benefits of a “digital form of the U.S. dollar”?

The following comes from the official White House website

A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar.

  RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.)

Digital Currency And What You Need To Know


I don’t think that it is a coincidence that governments all over the western world are simultaneously developing CBDCs.

And the IMF has actually already put together an extensive handbook “to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is putting together a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) handbook to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts.

Published publicly on April 10, the “IMF Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency Capacity Development” report outlines the IMF’s multi-year strategy for aiding CBDC rollouts, including the development of a living “CBDC Handbook” for monetary authorities to follow.

A lot of people out there will cheer when these digital currencies are introduced.

But it is imperative to understand that once everyone is using them, your financial privacy will be almost totally gone.

Authorities will be able to track virtually everything that you buy and sell, and I am sure that they won’t hesitate to use that information against you.

Needless to say, the potential for tyranny in such a system is off the charts.

Can you imagine a world in which you are restricted from buying meat for a while because you have already used your “carbon credits” for the month?

Your “financial privileges” could potentially be restricted at any time at the whim of a government bureaucrat, and if you are a big enough troublemaker you could be “deplatformed” from the system permanently.

Of course in order for such a system to have real teeth, cash and other forms of payment will need to be phased out, and that is precisely what is happening right now in Europe.

The following comes from the official website of the European Parliament

To restrict transactions in cash and crypto assets, MEPs want to cap payments that can be accepted by persons providing goods or services. They set limits up to €7000 for cash payments and €1000 for crypto-asset transfers, where the customer cannot be identified.

Ultimately, they will just keep lowering the limits until the use of cash is almost completely eliminated.


Everyone will be slowly but surely forced on to the new digital system, and it will be a system that they control with an iron fist.

And most people will willingly go along with it.  These days, most people are just scraping by from month to month and one recent survey found that 70 percent of all Americans are “financially stressed” at this point…

Inflation, economic instability and a lack of savings have an increasing number of Americans feeling financially stressed.

Some 70% of Americans admit to being stressed about their personal finances these days and a majority — 52% — of U.S. adults said their financial stress has increased since before the Covid-19 manufactured pandemic began in March 2020, according to a new CNBC Your Money Financial Confidence Survey conducted in partnership with Momentive.


Most Americans simply do not care that these new digital currencies could open a door for great tyranny.

They just want to be able to pay the bills and take care of their families, and if our politicians tell them that this new system is good for the economy they will be all for it.


But those of us that are awake know that more globalism doesn’t lead anywhere good.

Concentrating even more power in the hands of the international elite is always a bad idea, and hopefully more people to understand this. (Satan's Currency)

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) Launches an International Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit”



Beast Coin - Unicoin



The Universal Monetary Fund - Global Currency -

This is a One World Global Monetary Unit.

For those of you who don't know it - we are in the very last days before the rapture occurs and Jesus comes back.

The Universal Monetary Fund - Global Currency - Is a currency that satan could use as a currency stamped in your forehead or hand before you could buy or sell anything after the Rapture.

Once you get this satan stamp of approval there is no hope of redemption for you because its a sign you have been purchased by satan.


Is it possible for a person to get the mark of the beast today?




The mark of the beast is some kind of seal that followers of the Antichrist will take in allegiance to him.

The prophecy of Revelation 13:16–17 says that the second beast, the false prophet, “forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”


We don’t know what this mark will look like. A while ago, some thought it was a stamp or tattoo of the number 666. More recently, people thought it might be a bar code. Now a popular speculation is that the mark of the beast will be an implanted microchip that allows people to access their digital currency. But we honestly have no way of knowing what form the mark of the beast will take.

Some people fear that they have already taken the mark of the beast. They may have blasphemed God at some point or made some impulsive statement of allegiance to the Antichrist. They may worry about the chip in their credit card. Others have been told that their act of worshiping the Lord on Sunday instead of the Sabbath constitutes accepting the mark of the beast. There is one significant reason why it is impossible to get the mark of the beast now:

The mark of the beast does not exist yet.

A literal reading of Revelation and other end-times prophecy in the Bible shows that there is a schedule for the end-times events. Daniel prophesied of seventy weeks (seventy sets of seven years) that mark the time of God’s interaction with Israel. Sixty-nine of those weeks have passed since Daniel’s writing. The final week will be what we call the tribulation, which is when the Antichrist, or the beast, will rise to power. This ruler will join together ten nations (Daniel 7:24–25; Revelation 17:7) and make a deceptive treaty with Israel (Daniel 9). The mark of the beast cannot exist until the beast himself is in power during the tribulation.

Another reason believers in Jesus Christ should not fear getting the mark of the beast now is the rapture of the church. In the rapture, Jesus will take all believers, living and dead, from the earth (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; 1 Corinthians 15:50–54). Although people will still come to know Christ after the rapture, all those who trust Jesus before the rapture will be taken to be with the Lord. According to pretribulationism, believers who live in the church age will never have an opportunity to receive the mark of the beast.

So, there is nothing anyone can do today to get, take, or receive the mark of the beast. Implanted chips, bar codes, tattoos, blaspheming, saying out loud, “I follow the Antichrist and accept the mark of the beast”—none of these will give you the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast cannot exist without the beast/Antichrist demanding it.



  RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.)

Digital Currency And What You Need To Know


How the left controls business using ESG.   (ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.)

How The Left Controls Business Using HEI.    (HEI Stands for Healthcare Equity.)


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IMF Issues the Unicoin for a New Global Order Without a Free Market




The IMF has adopted a Global Coin that could replace cash and make us vassals of the Central Banks. The Unicoin or Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), is symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü. It is legally a money commodity. It arose as the globalists made the world less financially stable during the pandemic, and Bitcoin threatened to undermine the Central Bank’s control of the currency.


This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s happening.

As we speak, Joe Biden is trying to regulate Bitcoin out of existence. Unicoin is a global replacement the banks can control. If they control your money and know every purchase you make, they control you.


The Story

The Trilateral Commission has existed since 1973. It held its annual meeting in which members announced that we are in a decades-long period of structural inflation in which the free market ends and industry sets policy.

They announced that 2023 is the first year of the NEW GLOBAL ORDER. Within days, the Federal Reserve Bank announced the launch of Fed Now, which we have reported.

Almost immediately, the International Monetary Fund or IMF, tied closely to Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset, announced its new Unicoin – the Universal Monetary Fund. It is a Global Central Bank Digital Currency.

The Global Currency

The International Monetary Fund announced their issuance of a global currency called the Universal Monetary Fund. While they claim it’s not meant to replace cash. It easily can one day, and vehicles like FedNow can make it happen.

The IMF didn’t create the coin. A mysterious organization called the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) created the Unicoin or Universal Monetary Unit (UMU):

The press release says that the organization – the DCMA – consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.” They have declared themselves to be a world leader in advocating digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks.  Membership within the DCMA comprises sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

The Unicoin or UMU has the potential to replace the West’s monetary SWIFT system and cash.

“Banks can attach SWIFT Codes and bank accounts to a UMU digital currency wallet and transaction SWIFT-like cross-border payments over digital currency rails completely bypassing the correspondent banking system at best-priced wholesale FX rates and with instantaneous real-time settlement,” the IMF announced at their Spring meeting 2023.

And the IMF has already put together an extensive handbook “to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts.


The Vehicles to Make It Happen

These global dictators of the IMF have vehicles that could help them corner the currency market.

One is FedNow, and another is the Icebreaker Hub.

The US, under Joe Biden, supports this.



FedNow, announced in October 2021, launches in July. The US treasury and Big Banks have signed on. It is an instant payment processing system.

It is the gateway to the central bank digital currency known as CBDC. In India, FedNow is like India’s UPI, which has converted rural communities into a cashless society.

Fed Now paves the way for the CBDC.

The CBDC records every purchase you make. Privacy is gone under this type of cashless system. People become vassals of the Central Banks or possibly one bank – the IMF.


The CBDC and The Icebreaker Hub

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like Bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers. An IMF Unicoin is the global version. It could become the currency of the world, despite their denials. It threatens to erase and replace the currency of sovereign nations.

The Icebreaker Hub is like FedNow.

The IMF is not working alone. They are working with the Bureau of International Settlements or BIS, which is implementing Project Icebreaker, helping currencies talk to each other.

The Icebreaker Hub functions like SWIFT, the West’s financial system. We weaponized SWIFT to sanction Russia in a way that only hurt the US and Europe. It caused 56 nations to almost immediately seek a way to leave the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The BIS website defines itself in a general way “The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) advances U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and by promoting continued U.S. leadership in strategic technologies.”

[Also, learn about the Basel Accords. ]

Brandon Smith writes about the inevitable result. “The BIS and IMF have been working on their own GLOBAL CBDC. In the case of the IMF, this one-world currency would be based on the Special Drawing Rights basket system they have used for decades to broker currency transfers between national governments. The BIS then uses this one-world currency product to bridge Ice Breaker going forward.

Smith makes a prediction.

“Eventually, the BIS, IMF, and various central banks will ask the public the inevitable question: “Why are we bothering with these national currency exchanges when we have a perfectly good bridge currency in the form of this one-world CBDC? Why don’t we just get rid of all these superfluous national CBDCs and have one currency for everyone?”

“Thus, total global financial centralization would be achieved.”

[So we have FedNow and Icebreaker Hub that could serve as the vehicles for making the Global CBDC supreme, the one and only.]


The Benevolence of Banks

We saw how benevolent the globalists are during the pandemic. If you didn’t do as they said – lock down, get vaccinated, wear masks – you became ostracized. You often couldn’t shop, fly, drive, or even have life-saving surgeries. In the US, many hospitals prioritized treatment by race.

The Central Banks could demand a social credit carbon system and cut off your meat, gun/ammo, or gas purchases. The Federal Reserve System is currently experimenting with CBDCs and social credits.

Banks could freeze or take from your accounts at will. They would be supreme. You would be at their mercy. Your money would be an illusion.

Remember, the Central Banks recently discussed negative interest and money with term limits. Those are just two of their many ideas that only serve to keep banks stable as they function recklessly, like SVB. They will always serve the rich, and the rest of us will work at their will.

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde recently admitted that CBDCs are meant to consolidate financial control to the central banks at the expense of the people’s financial freedom.

— captain convey (@captainconvey) April 19, 2023



Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like Bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers.

 An IMF Unicoin is the global version.

It could become the currency of the world, despite their denials.

It threatens to erase and replace the currency of sovereign nations.


Captain Convey Note

The manufactured covid-19 "virus" along with the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" and the manufactured induced fake covid-19 pandemic set the world up for the Beast Unicoin universal currency.

When the Beast Unicoin - the universal unicoin - is forced on everyone similiar to - get the Jab or else was - many people will be duped or forced into using the new global satanic currency known as the Unicoin.

Other people will resist the Unicoin digital central bank control of virtual funds under the direct control of the banks and NOT under the control of people who use the satanic Unicoin digital currency.

Those in the US who get Social Security or other forms of monthly monetary funds will be forced to kneel to the Unicoin form of monthly payment or receive no payment etc.

This will come first.

Next banks will start offering carrots to the public duping them into accepting the new Unicoin digital currency.

It will be promoted day in and day out just like the test run promoting the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" jab was.

The commercials were endless promoting people to get the covid-19 Jab.

Lieing and telling the public it was safe, free and effective.

Now people all over the world are dropping dead suddenly from what the media explains was a heart attack.

The media and the health system almost never explains that many times people who have got the deadly covid-19 JAB are dieing from blood clots caused by the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" JAB!

The media and banks at first will promote and give incintives to people to switch to the satanic digital Unicoin form of digital money where the Central Government Bank will have absolute and total control of your digital money.

The CBDC will control the funds and therefore control YOU!

Next the media and various celebrities will promote the satanic Unicoin.

Next comes the media blitz that makes you an outcast if you don't join the digital money Unicoin central bank.

It will remind you of how people were treated that did not giet the dealy covid-19 JAB.

As time goes by EVERYONE will be forced to switch to the satanic one world government form of digital currency known as Unicoin.

Many will resist as they did when they were told to get the deadly covid-19 "vaccine" JAB.


You can be sure many bartering systems will be in operation.

What Is Barter?

Barter is an act of trading goods or services between two or more parties without the use of money —or a monetary medium, such as a credit card.

In essence, bartering involves the provision of one good or service by one party in return for another good or service from another party.

There will also be other ways to avoid the global satanic currency known as Unicoin.


The biden regime and other world "governments" will try to police and control you to make sure your own the Unicoin digital take all your freedoms away bandwagon.

They will not be able to totally control everyone by using the Government Central Bank digital currency.

I suspect people will actually use different forms of buying and selling.

Maybe using the forced form of buying and selling as little as possible and using other forms of buying and selling avoiding total government control of everything they do.


The point of this article is to make you aware that satanic forces that control world governments are moving to force you through various means to use the new digital form of money called Unicoin that will be totally controlled by a central bank.


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