Dr John Campbell (YouTube)
A Pox On You And Not Me (Rumble Channel)
Cases, 528, at 43 sites in 16 countries 98% in gay or bisexual men.
41% had HIV median age 38 Transmission suspected to have occurred through sexual activity.
Captain Convey Note
Monkey pox is mainly confined to the LGBTQ homosexual perverted people.
98% spread in gay or bisexual men. 41% had HIV.
If your not a homosexual transmitting monkey pox through sexual activity you are not likely to get monkey pox.
The biden regime is pushing a ready made monkey pox "vaccine" that you don't need.
If you come into contact with a LGBTQ monkey pox infected perverted person it is possible to pick up the monkey pox from an infected person through contaminated linen fibers in the infected puss on their clothes. See 5:20 on video. Also infections from the monky pox lesions. Direct body to body spread.
Monkey pox is spread like small pox but the above study shows its currently spread by homosexual sexual activity.
Smallpox is a serious, life-threatening illness caused by the variola virus. It causes pus-filled blisters (pustules) to develop on your skin.
Smallpox is a very contagious disease, with secondary attacks affecting up to 80% of household contacts.
Initial symptoms: This stage lasts about three days. Symptoms include high fever, muscle aches, backaches, headaches and vomiting.
Early rash: After the initial symptoms, a body-wide rash appears. You’re most contagious during this stage. The virus can spread easily through talking, sneezing or coughing. During the early rash stage:
Pustular rash and scabs: Bumps turn into pustules (firm, round lumps). Over the next 10 days, crusty scabs form over the pustules. About a week later, scabs start to fall off.
The scabs typically fall off in about three weeks. When they fall off, they leave scars. A person with smallpox is contagious until the last scab has fallen off.
A person with monkey pox or small pox is contagious until the last scab has fallen off.
The variola virus causes smallpox. In the past, people spread smallpox most commonly through direct, prolonged face-to-face contact with others. When they sneezed or coughed, they would send respiratory particles through the air. When other people inhaled these large droplets, they would become infected. Less commonly, people become infected by direct contact with the rash or crust material from a swab.
People also spread the virus to each other by sharing sheets, towels and clothing. The disease is most contagious when sores first appear in your throat and mouth.
After the initial symptoms, a body-wide rash appears. You’re most contagious during this stage.
The virus can spread easily through talking, sneezing or coughing.
But a person with smallpox/monkey pox is contagious for several weeks after the first sores develop.
The LGBTQ are currently the main disease spreaders of monkey pox.
If you come into contact with a person who has a rash over their body you will be coming into contact with a person when they are most contagious.
Talking, sneezing or coughing can spread their disease.
If you come into contact with someone who has Pustular rash and scabs avoid that person or risk the possibility of getting the monkey pox.
For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, this means don't stop to talk or give them a hug if you see a pustular rash or scabs.
The bottom line is: If a homosexual has the monkey pox they can spread it in public if they are infectious.
If the cough, sneeze or come into direct contact with you in public etc you can get their monkey pox.
Most people will not get the monkey pox as will homosexuals.
Monkey pox is not as infectious as small pox.
If it was it was it would be spreading to people who are not homosexuals.
There is a slight possibility an infected homosexual could spread it to you by a cough, sneeze or direct contact.
It is possible to pick up the monkey pox from an infected person through contaminated linen fibers in the infected puss on their clothes.
Avoid giving people hugs when greeting them if you suspect the person you are hugging might be infected.
Currently, 8/5/2022 the CDC says there are 7,200 people who have been infected with monkey pox. The CDC doesn't state how many of these people are homosexuals.
Monkey pox is spread by homosexuals at a 98% rate. This is confirmed by a reliable scientific study done in several countries.
Unless your a sexually active homosexual or have a homosexual relative who is infected that lives in your home, your chances of getting the monkey pox according to the study is very low.
Gay Pride Events Are Spreading Monkey Pox
Be seeing you and hoping I NEVER come into contact with a homosexual infected with monkey pox walking through walmart etc, who has a rash and is coughing or sneezing or their clothes contain contaminated linen fibers that are infected by the monkey pox puss on their clothes.
Nuclear Evidence The 2020 Election Was A Total FRAUD! (2000mules.com) Watch this movie, talk about this movie, spread the facts about the 2020 stolen election.
goodnewspost.com (KJV Bible Online)
Learn The Truth About The "vaccine"
My Rumble Videos (Captain Convey)
OMICRON was NOT 'nature's vaccine or a 'blessing' as we prior thought; we were WRONG; & this disaster is happening due to the non-sterilizing, non-neutralizing vaccinal Abs that we must STOP vaxx! (By Paul Alexander May 15, 2022)
Dr Paul Alexander (Also Known As " Dr Lock Them Up". Tells the truth about the Deadly Covid-19 "vaccine"
theconservativetreehouse.com (A must read daily website that refutes the government lies and propaganda.)
The FBI thinks people who support the second amendment and display some symbol the FBI has deemeds a threat as
The gadsden flag is a symbol that refutes tyranny.
In the fall of 1775, the British were occupying Boston and the young Continental Army was holed up in Cambridge, lacking the necessary supplies to last through the season. Welcome to the Battle of Bunker Hill. It was here that Washington's troops—the young continental army—had been so low on gunpowder that they were ordered "not to fire until you see the whites of their eyes."
Soon enough, a merchant ship was returning to Philadelphia from a voyage to England. On board were private letters to the Second Continental Congress that informed Washington’s troops that the British government was sending two ships their way loaded with arms and gunpowder. An opportunity to capture supplies that they couldn’t afford not to capitalize on.
A plan was hatched by Washington and the Second Continental Congress to capture the cargo ships. To do so, they quickly authorized the creation of a Continental Navy, starting with four ships, including the merchant ship that carried the information from England.
To accompany the Navy on their first mission, Congress also authorized the mustering of five companies of Marines.
Some of the Marines that enlisted that month in Philadelphia were carrying drums painted yellow, emblazoned with a fierce rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike, with thirteen rattles, and sporting the motto "Don't Tread on Me."
Christopher Gadsden was an American patriot. He led Sons of Liberty in South Carolina starting in 1765, and was later made a colonel in the Continental Army. In 1775, he was in Philadelphia representing his home state in the Continental Congress. He was also one of three members of the Marine Committee.
It’s no secret that Gadsden made his money as a merchant in South Carolina, and both owned and sold slaves. For context into the time period, his fellow American patriot, and slave owner, Benjamin Franklin, actually helped him design the American rattlesnake symbol used on the Gadsden flag.
Gadsden, who was often called “the Sam Adams of the South,” was delegate to the Stamp Act Congress, delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, and commander of the 1st South Carolina Regiment of the Continental Army. Both he and Franklin were staunch American patriots.
Gadsden presented a copy of his flag to his state legislature in Charleston. As recorded in the South Carolina congressional journals:
"Col. Gadsden presented to the Congress an elegant standard, such as is to be used by the commander in chief of the American navy; being a yellow field, with a lively representation of a rattle-snake in the middle, in the attitude of going to strike, and these words underneath, "Don't Tread on Me!"
The Gadsden Flag was intentionally designed not to convey a racist or violent extremist message, but a patriotic one. Here are a few notes on the flag’s symbolism, written by his friend and colleague, Ben Franklin.
We live in a dangerous time. U.S. history is being rewritten and forever changed. Our flags intended for patriotic cheer—like the Gadsden Flag—are being considered racist or a violent extremist like antifa and blm groups have been. Where does the madness end?
It could end in a violent push back from the American People. I hope not because this is exactly what the Existential Threat hopes will happen.
Hopefully the sewage now in Congress and the biden regime will be cleaned out in the nov 2022 election.
Be seeing you fly one of the symbols the FBI considers as violent extremist symbols because they are not violent extremist symbols but symbols of a patriot.
Supporting my country doesn't include supporting the biden regime which is under the control of The Existential Threat.