Dementionville Stories as told by joe biden.



Joe Biden in Dementionville: Tales from the Confused Mind

Democrates live in dementionville also where joe biden's demented mind wanders. Its a confusing place where sane people never go.

In the weird town of Dementionville, a place existing somewhere in the depths of Joe Biden's perplexed mind, reality is hard to find and often mingles with the fantastical. Here, Joe Biden is not just a seasoned political hack politician but also the town's most revered storyteller, regaling the all democrate residents with tales that blur the lines between truth and fiction. Little truth and much fiction.

Dementionville is a peculiar place where the streets are paved with fragments of forgotten speeches and the houses are built from old campaign posters. The town square features a grand statue of Joe Biden himself, perpetually pointing in two directions at once. The townsfolk, a mix of democrate friendly faces from every era of Joe's career, gather every evening to hear their beloved leader's latest anecdotes.

One evening, Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another story. Just before joe began the admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a strained look on his face. A rare monment of reality that happens when nature calls. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said, "Folks, let me tell you about the time I single-handedly saved the Scranton parade from a rogue marching band," he began. The crowd leaned in, eyes wide with anticipation.

"You see, back in the day, I was known as the 'Parade Protector.' One Fourth of July, as the bands played and the floats rolled by, I noticed something odd. One band was playing backward! I knew I had to act fast. I jumped onto the lead float, grabbed a megaphone, and orchestrated the whole parade, playing every instrument myself until order was restored."

The townspeople cheered, not questioning the absurdity of Joe's tale. In Dementionville, the boundaries of reality were as flexible as Joe's memories. Lies were treated as facts. It didn't matter.

On another day, Joe recalled his daring rescue of the Liberty Bell. "Now, this was during my time in Philadelphia," he declared. "The Liberty Bell had somehow been transported to the top of the Empire State Building by a mischievous gang of Canadian geese. I climbed all 102 floors, dodging goose attacks, and carried the bell back to Independence Hall on my back."

Children gasped and adults nodded knowingly, as if such heroic feats were part of everyday life.

Joe's stories were a tapestry of confused recollections, wild imagination and trademark lies. He recounted his time as an astronaut, supposedly the first man to play chess with aliens on the moon. "We didn't have much time," he said, "because the moon was set to close at 5 PM."

He often spoke of his "legendary" basketball game against Michael Jordan. "I remember it like it was yesterday," Joe said, despite the fact that it never happened. "Michael and I were neck and neck. I was about to dunk for the win when an eagle swooped down and took the ball. True story, folks."

In Dementionville, the truth was secondary to entertainment. Joe Biden's stories, no matter how outlandish, brought joy and laughter to the democrate townsfolk. They reveled in the fantastical world he painted with his words, a place where every tale was a testament to the power of a deranged mind.

As the sun set on another day in Dementionville, Joe Biden sat on his porch of his dementionville mind, content. He knew that in this strange town, his stories would live on, forever cherished by those who appreciated the art of a good yarn, even if it was spun from the threads of a confused mind. Only in dementionville and only in the mind of joe biden.


Joe Biden in Dementionville: More Tales from the Confused Mind

In Dementionville, the sun never sets on the adventures and tales spun by Joe Biden. Every day brought new stories that left the townsfolk both baffled and amused. Here are a few more of Joe's legendary tales, told with the same mix of confusion the residents craved.

The Time Joe Invented the Internet

One evening, as the fireflies began their dance, Joe Biden gathered the townspeople to tell them about the time he invented the internet.

Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another story. Just before joe began the admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a strained look on his face. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said,

"Folks, I remember it like it was yesterday," Joe began, adjusting his aviator sunglasses. "Back in the early '90s, Al Gore and I were having coffee in a little café in Scranton. We were brainstorming ways to keep in touch with our friends across the country. I grabbed a napkin and started drawing lines and circles, connecting them with squiggly lines."

The crowd listened intently, eyes wide with fascination.

"And then, eureka! I said, 'Al, what if we could send messages through these lines?' He looked at me, eyes wide, and said, 'Joe, that's it! We’ll call it... the internet!' Of course, the rest is history. That napkin is now in the Smithsonian."

The townsfolk clapped, completely immersed in the tale, unaware of its factual inaccuracies.

Joe Biden and the Dinosaur Expedition

On a particularly foggy morning, Joe decided to share the thrilling story of his expedition to discover living dinosaurs.

"Back in the '80s, before I was Vice President, I led an expedition to the Amazon rainforest," Joe began, his voice full of excitement. "We had heard rumors of a hidden valley where dinosaurs still roamed. Armed with only a compass and a pocketknife, I set out with a small team of explorers."

While in the Amazon rainforest joe was biten by the biteme bug and got real sick. He recovered in a witchdoctors hut for about 2 weeks. He emerged with biteme bug symptoms that never go away.

The children in the audience gasped, their imaginations running wild.

"After I recovered we trekked for days through thick jungles, battling giant mosquitoes and avoiding quicksand pits. Finally, we stumbled upon the valley. There they were, T-Rexes and Brontosauruses, grazing peacefully. I even rode a Triceratops back to camp to prove they existed!"

The crowd erupted in applause, completely captivated by the vivid details of Joe's prehistoric adventure.

The Great Ice Cream Heist

One summer afternoon, Joe recounted the infamous Great Ice Cream Heist, a story that had become a favorite in Dementionville.

"It was a hot day in August," Joe began, wiping his brow as if reliving the heat. "The local ice cream shop had just received a shipment of a new flavor – Rocky Road Surprise. But disaster struck! A group of rogue clowns had stolen every last tub."

The audience leaned in, eager to hear more.

"I couldn't let the children of Dementionville go without their favorite treat. So, I donned my best disguise – a clown suit of my own which I still wear when giving public speeches – and infiltrated the gang. Using my quick wit and superior juggling skills, I distracted them long enough to reclaim the ice cream."

Joe paused for dramatic effect.

"As I rode back into town on a unicycle, balancing tubs of ice cream on my head, the townspeople cheered. That day, I became the hero of Dementionville, and every August, we celebrate Ice Cream Joe Day in honor of the Great Heist."

The Moonlight Serenade

One starry night, Joe took the stage to tell the tale of his moonlight serenade with the Queen of England.

"It was a diplomatic mission," Joe said, his voice soft and reverent. "I was invited to Buckingham Palace for a state dinner. After the meal, Her Majesty and I stepped out onto the terrace. The moon was full, casting a magical glow over the gardens."

He paused, letting the imagery sink in.

"The Queen asked if I knew how to play the saxophone. Luckily, I had one tucked away in my coat – always be prepared, right? I began to play a soulful tune called daisy and soon, we were dancing under the moonlight. It was a moment of pure harmony between our two great nations."

The crowd sighed, lost in the romance of the story.

Joe Biden and the Space Aliens

To wrap up a day of storytelling, Joe shared his most outlandish tale yet: his encounter with space aliens.

Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another story. Just before joe began the admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a strained look on his face. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said,

"It was the summer of '77," Joe began, with a twinkle in his eye. "I was driving home late one night when I saw a bright light in the sky. Suddenly, my car was lifted off the ground and into a spaceship. Inside, I met a group of friendly aliens from the planet Zorgon."

The audience gasped, enthralled by the extraterrestrial encounter.

"They needed my help to solve a political crisis on their planet. Using my diplomatic skills, I brokered peace between the Zorgonites and the Zorgonians. As a token of their gratitude, they gave me a special Zorgon crystal, which I keep on my desk to this day."

The townsfolk clapped and cheered, their imaginations ignited by the fantastical tales.

In Dementionville, Joe Biden's stories were more than just entertainment; they were real stories to democrates. Whether he was rescuing parades, discovering dinosaurs, or making peace with aliens, Joe's tales brought the community together, filling their lives with wonder and laughter. They sung cumbuya and believed every word in dementionville.


Joe Biden in Dementionville: Even Crazier Tales from the Confused Mind

In the whimsical town of Dementionville, Joe Biden's stories grew wilder and more outrageous with each telling. The demorcate residents couldn't get enough of his extraordinary tales, which blurred the lines between fantasy and reality. Here are some of the most bizarre and entertaining stories from Joe Biden's confused mind.

The Time Joe Became a Ninja

One evening, as the moon cast an eerie glow over Dementionville, Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share his most thrilling tale yet.

"Folks, let me tell you about the time I trained as a ninja," Joe began, striking a dramatic pose. Joe did the elvis thing chopping here and there, kicking up and down and saying thankyou, thankyou very much. "It was the summer of '85, and I was visiting Japan. I stumbled upon a hidden dojo in the mountains, where I met Master Toshiro, the greatest ninja of all time."

The crowd gasped, their imaginations running wild.

"Master Toshiro took me under his wing and taught me the ancient art of ninjutsu. I learned to move silently, blend into the shadows, and use a variety of weapons. One night, we were called to defend the village from a band of rogue samurais. Using my newfound skills, I defeated them all single-handedly, earning the title of 'Shadow Joe.'"

The townspeople erupted in applause, completely captivated by Joe's ninja adventures.

Joe Biden and the Secret Treasure of Atlantis

On a particularly stormy night, Joe decided to share the tale of his underwater expedition to find the lost city of Atlantis.

Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another fake story. Just before joe began the admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a very strained look on his face. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said,

"It was during my time as a young senator," Joe began, his voice echoing through the town hall. "I joined an international team of explorers on a mission to find Atlantis. We dove deep into the ocean, navigating through treacherous waters and avoiding giant sea creatures."

The children in the audience clung to their parents, eyes wide with excitement.

"After days of searching, we discovered a hidden cave that led us to the city. There, we found a treasure trove of gold, jewels, and ancient artifacts. But the real treasure was a magical trident that could dial up barack obama. I used it to ask him if I could be vice president."

The crowd cheered, amazed by Joe's underwater adventure.

The Great Martian Bake-Off

One sunny afternoon, Joe recounted his participation in the Great Martian Bake-Off, a story that had become a favorite in Dementionville.

"It was in the late '90s," Joe began, smiling warmly. "NASA had just developed a top-secret space program, and I was chosen to be the first politician to visit Mars. When I arrived, I discovered that the Martians were holding their annual bake-off competition."

The audience laughed, eager to hear more.

"Not wanting to miss out, I entered the competition with my famous chocolate chip cookie recipe. The Martians were skeptical at first, but after one bite, they were hooked. I won the first prize – a lifetime supply of Martian marshmallows – and became an honorary citizen of Mars."

Joe paused for dramatic effect.

"To this day, I keep a jar of Martian marshmallows on my desk as a reminder of my interplanetary culinary victory."

The Time Joe Befriended Bigfoot

One chilly evening, Joe decided to share his encounter with Bigfoot, a tale that left the townsfolk both amused and bewildered.

Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another story. Just before joe began the admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a BIG strained look on his face. He paused in the bent over stance. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. Joe stayed bent over for a few more seconds. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said,

"Back in the early '70s," Joe began, wrapping his coat tighter around him. "I was hiking in the Pacific Northwest when I came across a creature unlike any I'd ever seen – Bigfoot. Instead of running away, I approached him with a friendly wave."

The crowd leaned in, curious to hear more.

"Bigfoot turned out to be quite the conversationalist. He was a democrate activist also. We spent hours talking about life, politics, and the best fishing spots in the area. Before I left, he gave me a hand-carved wooden statue of a himself, which I still have to this day."

The townsfolk chuckled, imagining Joe chatting with Bigfoot in the forest.

Joe Biden and the Time-Traveling Bicycle

One evening, under a sky filled with shooting stars, Joe told the tale of his time-traveling bicycle, a story that defied all logic and reason.

"Folks, it was the summer of '92," Joe began, pointing to the stars. "I found an old bicycle at a garage sale. Little did I know, this wasn't just any bicycle – it was a time-traveling machine. The moment I hopped on and started pedaling, I was transported to different eras."

The audience gasped, enthralled by the bizarre concept.

"I visited ancient Rome, where I raced chariots with Julius Caesar. I went to the Wild West, where I outdueled Billy the Kid. I even traveled to the future, where I helped robots solve a political crisis. Each trip taught me valuable lessons about leadership and courage."

The crowd erupted in applause, completely mesmerized by Joe's time-traveling adventures. The Democrates were all excited.

In Dementionville, Joe Biden's stories grew ever more fantastical and outrageous, each one more unbelievable than the last. But the townsfolk didn't mind. They cherished each tale, no matter how wild, for the joy and laughter they brought to their lives. And in this whimsical town, the line between reality and fantasy was blurred, making every day an adventure in itself. No sane person would ever live in dementionville.


Joe Biden in Dementionville: Deepening the Madness of His Stories

The town of Dementionville thrived on Joe Biden's increasingly wild and unpredictable tales. As he continued to spin his yarns, the stories grew more elaborate and bizarre, delighting the democrate townsfolk with their sheer absurdity.

Joe Biden and the Invisible Camel

One misty morning, Joe decided to recount the tale of his adventure with an invisible camel.

"It was the spring of '89," Joe began, his voice taking on a mysterious tone. "I was on a diplomatic mission in the Sahara Desert. As I wandered through the dunes, I stumbled upon an ancient lamp. When I rubbed it, out popped a genie who granted me one wish. The genie looked just like moochelle obama without makeup and a wig. I almost fell over and passed out."

The audience was hooked, eager to hear what Joe had wished for.

"I wished for a trusty steed to help me navigate the desert. To my surprise, the genie gave me an invisible camel named Clarence. Riding Clarence was a challenge – I had to trust my instincts and hold on tight. Together, we discovered lost oases, outsmarted bandits, and even found a hidden pyramid filled with treasures."

The townsfolk laughed and applauded, thoroughly entertained by the idea of Joe riding an invisible camel.

The Day Joe Biden Became King of the Leprechauns

On a particularly whimsical evening, Joe shared his improbable journey to becoming the King of the Leprechauns.

"It was St. Patrick's Day, 1995," Joe began, donning a green hat for effect. "I was visiting Ireland when I accidentally stumbled into a hidden grove. There, I found a group of leprechauns having a heated debate over who should be their next king."

The crowd leaned in, captivated by the magical tale.

"They saw me as an impartial outsider and asked me to settle their dispute. After hearing their arguments, I proposed a challenge: whoever could create the most spectacular rainbow would be the next king. Little did I know, they had a twist in store. They handed me a golden harp and said, 'You try!'"

Joe paused for dramatic effect.

"With no musical experience, I played the harp, and to everyone's surprise, a brilliant rainbow arched across the sky. The leprechauns crowned me King Joe, and I spent the rest of the day riding around on a giant shamrock, ensuring peace and prosperity in the leprechaun realm. "

The townspeople cheered, their imaginations filled with images of Joe leading a parade of leprechauns.

Joe Biden and the Dragon of Washington

One stormy night, Joe recounted his epic battle with the Dragon of Washington.

Joe Biden stood on the stage, ready to share another demented story. Just before joe began the democrate admiring crowd watched him bend over like he was bowing with a biggly strained look on his face. They saw his wife rush out onto the stage and whisper something in joe's ear. Joe shook his head and stayed bent over. She whispered in his ear again. As she walked off the stage joe straighted up and with a relieved grin said,

"Back in 2003," Joe began, his voice rising above the howling wind, "I was working late in the Senate when I heard a commotion outside. I rushed out to find a massive dragon perched atop the Capitol building, breathing fire and demanding tribute."

The audience gasped, picturing the dramatic scene.

"I couldn't let this dragon terrorize our nation's capital. Armed with only a fire extinguisher and a rolled-up Constitution, I confronted the beast. We battled through the night, my wits against its fiery breath. Finally, I outsmarted it by quoting the Preamble so passionately that it put the dragon to sleep."

In reality joe biden didn't have a clue to the constituion or its meaning. He read the preamble like it was on a teleprompter.

Joe smiled, basking in the applause.

"With the dragon subdued, I gently nudged it into the reflecting pool, where it transformed into a majestic stone statue. To this day, if you look closely, you can see the dragon's reflection in the water."

The townsfolk applauded, thoroughly entertained by Joe's daring and imaginative tale.

The Enchanted Forest and the Singing Trees

One sunny afternoon, Joe regaled the townspeople with his adventure in an enchanted forest filled with singing trees.

"It was the summer of '98," Joe began, his eyes twinkling with nostalgia. "I was hiking through a dense forest when I heard the most beautiful melodies. Following the sound, I stumbled upon a grove of trees that could sing. The song they were singing was: Daisy. Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. This was joe's favorite song. Each tree had a unique voice and sang songs."

The crowd listened, entranced by the magical imagery.

"The trees told me they were under a curse and could only sing but not speak. They asked for my help to break the spell. Using my knowledge of ancient folklore and a bit of trial and error, I discovered that the key to lifting the curse was to sing the song as the Hal 9000 computer did."

Joe's voice softened.

"I stood before the trees and sang with all my heart. Slowly, the trees began to glow, and the curse was lifted. The trees could speak again, and they shared their ancient wisdom with me. They told me my mind was going. As a token of their gratitude, they gave me a magical acorn that grants me one wish. I wished that Trump would not get reelected again. What Joe didn't tell the townsfolk was a NUT can't make a wish using another nut. That was because he didn't know that inportant fact. He wished anyway."

The townsfolk clapped, their minds filled with visions of a forest alive with music and magic.

Joe Biden and the Space Pirates

One crisp autumn evening, Joe shared his thrilling encounter with space pirates.

"It was during my second term as Vice President," Joe began, looking up at the stars. "NASA had secretly built a spaceship capable of faster-than-light travel, and I was invited to take a test flight. As we ventured beyond our solar system, we were ambushed by a band of space pirates."

The audience was on the edge of their seats, eager to hear more.

"The pirates demanded our ship and all its advanced technology. Thinking quickly, I challenged their captain to a game of zero-gravity chess. Now this was joe biden's kinda game. The chess pieces tuumble and float. The goal is to grab as many as you can. The winner is the one with the most chess pieces grabbed. If I won, they would let us go; if I lost, we'd surrender the ship."

Joe paused, building suspense.

"After a tense match, I managed to grab more than the captain. The thing didn't have fingers but did have a toungue. I grabbed more chess pieces than the alien captain could catch with his tounge. True to their word, the pirates let us go and even escorted us safely back to Earth. They were so impressed by my strategy that they made me an honorary member of their crew. In a return gesture I had a bunch of top secret government papers laying around in the garage beside my corvette so I grabbed some of them thinking maybe they would think thats food. To my surprise they ate them all."

The townsfolk erupted in applause, amazed by Joe's interstellar adventure.

In Dementionville, the line between reality and fantasy continued to blur as Joe Biden's stories grew ever more outrageous and crazy. Each tale, no matter how implausible, brought joy and laughter to the democrate community, reinforcing the power of imagination and the art of storytelling. Never let a story go wasted in dementionville where joe biden dwells.

Biden Hal 9000

Hal 2024 Simulator



Did Joe Biden really just poop himself right next to French president Macron at the WW2 D-Day memorial ceremony June 6, 2024?

I don't know if Biden pooped himself, no one can say for sure except Biden himself, but even if he did and there was irrefutable evidence to prove it, the democrats would still “choose” to not believe it, just like how they “choose” to not believe that there's something seriously wrong with Biden's cognitive functions, I mean it doesn't take a doctor to be able to tell that Joe Biden is not physically or mentally healthy enough to hold the office of president. Trump doesn't ever seem to have trouble just forming a sentence or knowing where he's at or what going on, unlike Biden.

Joe Biden tries to sit on 'invisible chair' during D-Day memorial event

As the ceremony concludes, Jill guides Joe off of stage. He appears to walk stiffly, gripping her hand tightly.

Jill Biden quickly escorts Joe Biden away leaving a seemingly perplexed French President Emmanuel Macron to honor WW2 veterans alone.


Notice the vet behind biden. His mouth is open like he looking a biden's depends expanding as the french president stands at attention.

This is reality and not a dementionville story. Dementionville stories include some reality like above.


Watch Video Of Biden Letting Nature Take its Course on Jun 6, 2024