Support Your Local Police unless they are the Uvalde type of police.



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I believe in supporting your local police if they do their job and defend you if necessary.

If your local police act like the local police in the Uvalde school shooting DO NOT SUPPORT THEM IN ANY WAY.

Normally you can count on local police to respond within 25 min or so and if necessary defend you in some way.

The US Supreme Court has ruled the police DO NOT HAVE TO DEFEND YOU!

You can only rely on your own self defense and that means being armed with a weapon to defend yourself while your waiting for the police to do something.

The so called police in Uvalde are cowards who let the children be killed by killer while they stood around doing NOTHING to stop the shooter.

There are other "Uvalde" type police around the United States and these type of police are almost worthless.

All police are NOT them same in how they respond to an active shooter or how they respond when trying to defend you etc.

Support police that are worth supporting and DON'T SUPPORT police that are not! Defend yourself because these types won't.



Click the link below to get some good information on how to correctly interact with most police.

The link below is and introduction to a 13 part video series produced by a former policeman on how to interact with police when your stopped by a cop for any reason.

Watch the videos and learn some very important information.


BadgeWise Free Citizen Training 1/13: Introduction



Tip 1: Hands in sight

Learn this from BadgeWise,  keep your hands in sight when talking to an officer. This is very important. Watch the video for more details on why.. 

Tip 2: stay in the car

Police officers  are trained to expect bad things when a car door opens on a vehicle they have stopped. Always stay in the car unless you are asked to step out by an officer. This video has  a more in depth explanation. 

Tip 3: Communicate intentions

Carefully watch this video to understand why it is so  important to communicate your intentions to an officer. Don't make any sudden moves. Listen to what the officer is telling you and follow their instructions.

Tip 4: Count the cost

If you run, resist or fight the police they are going to perceive you very differently and the likelihood of your getting hurt increases greatly. View this video for more information. 


Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on how to deal with the police safely.

Preconceived  perceptions often mold actions in response to a stimulus such a  perceived threat.

After watching this series of short videos you as a citizen know how important it is  not to present yourself as a threat to an officer of the law.

This means don't be aggressive or present a bad attitude because of preconceived notions about police.

Society today teaches that it is ok to act in an aggressive or Intimidating manner when dealing with the police.

This is just the opposite of what you should be doing for your own safety!

Please support your local police by helping them help you. This is a start.

People come in all forms, good, bad and all bad.

This applies to police and the public.

Every police officer is different just as every person is different.

The majority of police officers are decent people.

Those that are not often find themselves in situations they are responsible for.

Force will be met with force.

Civil society depends on a stable society to live in.

When anarchists are allowed to roam free we all suffer.